Help me understand...

Okay I have been gaining weight over the last 10 days. I thought maybe it was cause I was exercising so much, that it was muscle. Wishful thinking. But yesterday I blew my calories by 622 no exercise and I lost 2 lbs. Tell me how that is possible. Also a few weeks ago I was sick for about a week, didn't exercise, ate whatever and I lost five pounds for the week. Am I not eating enough? Why is it when i eat more and exercise less I lose? Didn't work before I started MFP. That was what made me the weight I am today. I didn't exercise at all and ate whatever I wanted. Someone please help me understand this.


  • pattyproctor50
    pattyproctor50 Posts: 6 Member
    I know for me that if I try to have too large of a negative intact (food minus exercise) for the day, I won't lose weight. You may also want to look at the sodium content of the foods you eat. I have a huge issue with that. I can gain 5lbs in a weekend if I am eating too many salty foods. They don't even have to be very salty but the sodium really adds up. I did a program a couple of years ago with my gym that included using the Body Bugg, personal trainer, and a nutritiontiest to help me through. That is wehre I learned that If I have too large of a deficit for the day (more exercise than food) I actually wouldn't lose weight. My lovely, not so well functioning body, was protecting me against starvation. That's a laugh.
  • Check out this article. Very helpful.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    You will not gain muscle in that short amount of time, but your muscles will retain water after a good workout.

    Also, consider if these weight gains corresponded with TOM. My weight goes through monthly cycles (I weigh every day) and there is only about one week a month that I will drop lbs.
  • Thanks, going to check out the website now. And thanks for all the helpful hints. Maybe I am not eating enough and my body doen't want to let go. Not sure.