Stopping Diet Soda Tomorrow....Help Me Succeed!



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    don't want to come off as insensitive or snarky but ... diet soda has next to no calories. so ... what's the problem, exactly?

    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    sugar cravings? in your head. just don't give in. sodium? only 2 percent of your daily suggested limit of 2,300mg per 12 ounce can. water retention? only a 3 to 4 percent difference between caffeinated drinks and water -- and for those used to drinking caffeine, the effect lessens. lab rats getting cancer? yeah. when dosed with copious amounts.

    Hey. I used to drink that particular brand of "You are imagining the negative effects of diet soda" kool-aid.

    at 12 cans a day, that's a hefty sodium count that interferes with my right to flavor my real foods. at 12 cans a day, plus the added sweeteners in other diet food, you can get pretty well over some of the "recommended" amounts of them. As far as "in your head, don't give in" How about instead I eliminate the craving by instead choosing water. =P

    Lets make life harder by drinking something composed of water+chemicals, where all of the studies that say the side effects are minimal have some kind of attachment to the industry.
  • overit75
    overit75 Posts: 150 Member
    don't want to come off as insensitive or snarky but ... diet soda has next to no calories. so ... what's the problem, exactly?

    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    sugar cravings? in your head. just don't give in. sodium? only 2 percent of your daily suggested limit of 2,300mg per 12 ounce can. water retention? only a 3 to 4 percent difference between caffeinated drinks and water -- and for those used to drinking caffeine, the effect lessens. lab rats getting cancer? yeah. when dosed with copious amounts.

    Even if the sugar cravings are just in your head, it is causing a trigger to eat sweets. A lot of my weight battle has to do with retraining my thought process about food. I know I feel a lot better not drinking the past few days. So to each their own
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Good luck hun.
    I quit my Diet Coke habit about 2 years ago & apart for the very occasional slip, drink nothing but water now. No Coffee not tea (never liked them).
    I had very bad headaches for the first few days from the cafeine withdrawal, but after that no problems. And cutting out the DC helped my sleep patterns a huge amount.
    Now if I do crack & grab a can it tastes yuck, so I treat it like a drug, just drink it when I need a wakeup shot.:wink:
  • Amanda_Rae_Rae
    I was addicted to diet soda before I started eating healthier. I quit cold turkey, and boy did I have BAAAAD caffeine withdrawal. I had a persistent headache that lasted for days and days. But once that pain had stopped, I realized that in the mornings I had pure raw energy. It felt good to not have to rely on a diet soda here or a coffee there. You can do it! Just stick with it and drink plenty of water =]
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    don't want to come off as insensitive or snarky but ... diet soda has next to no calories. so ... what's the problem, exactly?

    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    I'm with you, girl, I quit diet sodas ... a year ago, or something like that, and it's so nice not really caring about soda. So addictive, they were. I'd have a zillion in a day. I don't even want to know how much salty salty salty I was drinking. It helped with my sweet tooth and now every once in a while I have a Dr. Zevia (stevia soda) and don't really care for any more.

    AMEN. I was polishing off about 8-10 a day for close to 5 years. It used to help me lose weight way back in the day but then it betrayed me in some way and made me crave sugar like crazy and I started to binge so bad. I quit 2 weeks ago today and will never, ever, ever look back. The withdrawal was brutal but I was an extreme case I have no doubt about that.

    Speaking of lab rats, my mom studies nutrition and in one of her courses there was a study where lab rats were offered some sort of artificial sweetener and cocaine and which did they choose? The coke.. the diet one (lol). No wonder my friends called it my "crack"... I know they were joking but deep down I had a seriously addiction and problem with it. I've also cut out all artificial sweeteners as well. If I can do it, you can! Good luck!
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    YOU CAN DO THIS!! I just know you can. I gave up all sodas a few years ago now......When I first stopped, I would put money in jar everytime I wanted one, and after a while I saw how much I was saving and used it to treat myself to something I really wanted but probably wouldn't have gotten otherwise. For me I needed to the visual.
  • Amanda_Rae_Rae
    don't want to come off as insensitive or snarky but ... diet soda has next to no calories. so ... what's the problem, exactly?

    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    sugar cravings? in your head. just don't give in. sodium? only 2 percent of your daily suggested limit of 2,300mg per 12 ounce can. water retention? only a 3 to 4 percent difference between caffeinated drinks and water -- and for those used to drinking caffeine, the effect lessens. lab rats getting cancer? yeah. when dosed with copious amounts.

    Even if the sugar cravings are just in your head, it is causing a trigger to eat sweets. A lot of my weight battle has to do with retraining my thought process about food. I know I feel a lot better not drinking the past few days. So to each their own

    I think a lot of it has to do with the amount of caffeine in the products. Caffeine can be slighty addictive. Not saying that diet soda will make you gain or lose weight, ( I haven't actually read any scientific PROOF that either are true) but it could lead to other unhealthy habits.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    That was the first change I made in my intake, I went from 8-12 Diet Cokes per day to zero sodas; just water and coffee. With no other changes I lost 20 lbs the first month. Do it there are many other beneficial side effects when you stop.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    Sodium is not the devil. In fact, it's a rather important electrolyte.

    Drinking diet soda does not increase sugar cravings. At least, it never does for me. In fact, it does the opposite. It tricks me into thinking I've had enough sugar, so I don't crave anything else.

    Isn't the lab rat thing a myth? What they did was drowned lab rats in Sweet & Low, then discovered it was toxic. If they would have done the same with water (using the same levels), the lab rats would have also died.

    All things in moderation, folks. It's that simple. You shouldn't be drinking diet soda by the gallon, but having it now and then is fine.
  • yubafarm
    yubafarm Posts: 28 Member
    I recommend the Soda Stream soda maker. I make carbonated water with it and add a slice of lemon, lime, mint, orange, grapefruit, whatever I have around, or sometimes drink it plain. Sometimes I add Stevia. Okay I confess and sometimes I add vodka. I have been able to cut way back on diet soda and I don't have to lug bottles of stuff from the store and don't generate as much garbage/recycling.
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    Sugar cravings. Sodium. Water retention. Consuming as much artificial sweetener proportionally as what they use to give lab rats cancer. LOL.

    Sodium is not the devil. In fact, it's a rather important electrolyte.

    Drinking diet soda does not increase sugar cravings. At least, it never does for me. In fact, it does the opposite. It tricks me into thinking I've had enough sugar, so I don't crave anything else.

    Isn't the lab rat thing a myth? What they did was drowned lab rats in Sweet & Low, then discovered it was toxic. If they would have done the same with water (using the same levels), the lab rats would have also died.

    All things in moderation, folks. It's that simple. You shouldn't be drinking diet soda by the gallon, but having it now and then is fine.

    Well I am glad that you are able to do it. But why respond to this thread if not to congratulate OP for taking something that is all chemicals and toxins out of her diet? All things in moderation yes... like red wine, dark chocolate... but no, I'm sorry, diet soda DOES cause sugar cravings and it is probably one of the worst things you can put in your body. When I dropped my diet soda habit (addiction), I did extensive research because that's how much I didn't want to let it go. There are countless articles from reputable resources that go into detail the effects of fake sugar on weight loss, sugar cravings, etc.

    I'm SO proud of you OP for coming to the realization that you no longer need this in your life. Stick to your plan, you got this! :drinker: (tha'ts water in those glasses haha)
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I quit all soda about 1 1/2 yrs ago.. minus the few ( and truely a few) in betweens. But I've come to really hate the atste of it as well.. And the bubbles made my stomach gurgle in a very annoying way.. I drink lot more water now..