heart attack grill

cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
here's a shocker. somebody had a heart attack at the heart attack grill. that has got to be the most disgusting menu ive seen/heard. if youve never heard of it, here's their meu.



  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Wasn't that place on "Man Vs Food"?
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    not sure. its been there since 2005 so its possible, but ive never heard of it until about a year ago. makes me sick looking at it. butterfat shake and french fries in lard. thats what makes me even sicker to my stomach.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    I am defintiely going to this place the next time I'm in Vegas.......no exceptions lol
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    good luck. any place that states from day one, our food is complete crap and you are eating at your own risk and is 350 pounds and over you get to eat for free and you get weighed in to eat is not a place i want to go to, but it does warn you. the owner said that usually the people there are either just doing it as a risk to say they did it while they were in vegas, or are just in terrible health to begin with.
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    I'll take a triple heartattack and a PBR... STAT!

    They'll be saying STAT in the ambulance, afterwards!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I'd love to try a burger there, just once. Well, maybe not THERE. I do not like to be around smoke while eating. :P
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    It come to something when the healthiest thing on the menu is wine!:noway:

    And FYI here in the UK, most chips from chip shops (french frys) are cooked in animal fat, thats lard to you. One reason I don't eat chips.:laugh:
  • shyandemily
    shyandemily Posts: 71 Member
    I went there with an out of towner friend about a week ago. (I could not bring myself to eat anything there) When everyone got their food, It was pretty gaggy looking. I don't think anyone really goes there because the food is "soooo good" It's the novelty of the place. You get a hospital band and hospital gown upon entrance. The servers are dressed in nurses uniforms, there was a guy getting paddled "spanked", there is a blood pressure machine, and a biggest loser style scale in the middle of the place. You look around and everyone is wearing a hospital gown while eating. It is a pretty funny sight.
    Saying all that, I still find it pretty sad that obesity and heart attacks are taken so lightly. There shouldn't be any humor in any of it.