fallen off the wagon and can't get back on

gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have fallen off the wagon and can't seem to get back on track.
I am very proud that I have lost 45 pounds since mid-January.
But last Monday I hurt my knee and things have gone downhill since then.
I can't exercise how I usually do.
And instead I can't keep my hands out of the snacks around here.
We don't even have really horrible stuff around here but I'm just eating A LOT.

I don't know how to get back on course until my knee fully heals and I can get back to the treadmill, stationary bike and my new elliptical. :cry:


  • You can do core work and yoga. Yoga is great for injuries. I have a herniated disc in my back and when it starts to hurt I do some yoga and it gets me back on track. If you have Time Warner Cable you can find some yoga for free on ExerciseOnDemand. Hope this helps!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Before every snack do 100 sit-ups!

    I'm afraid self discipline and willpower is what will make you or break you right now. You know you're doing something not good. So stop. Just stop. and if you can't, go on maintenance for a bit.

    remind yourself of that. PRE-LOG in all snacks.
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    Can you get into a pool? That will help, and reach for celery every time you want to eat!
  • Try punches/boxing with just your upper body. This is a good way to get your heart rate up without hurting your knee.
  • two things i'm trying to do (because i'm a snack monster):

    1. drink water with lemon each time you want to snack

    2. don't buy snacks. if they are not in the house, i'm too lazy to go out and buy them :)

    just try and get through the healing process with minimal snacking, and you'll be good to go when you can exercise again!
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