Can't budge past a certain weight

I am 5'2 and 140lbs. I have lost 5 lbs in the past two weeks but I have got down to 140 before and I can't seem to break past this point. My BMI is 25 (Which is considered overweight) Im eating the right amount of calories, no soda, 40-70 oz of water a day and walking/ jogging a mile a day...I'm a full time Student and work full time. I have three kids and have had three C-sections. Any tips on helping me lose past 140?


  • Jessicaga82
    Jessicaga82 Posts: 33 Member
    I know how you feel i'm 5'2 and can't seem to get out of the 160's. I get down and get so excited then I go up just to go back. I wish I had tips for you. I know some people say to switch up what you are doing but seeing as you are still losing I dont know.
  • larkiedeek
    larkiedeek Posts: 203 Member
    Stuck in the same situation.

    I can drop a lb or so but I just gain it back in a couple of days.

    I think the only way I will drop is to incerase my cardio to break through and keep it up. I think my body thinks it should just be the weight it is at right now.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    If I'm reading this correctly, it sounds like you've had this problem in the past, but this time around you're just getting to the point where it would have been a problem before. Like you've had difficulty getting below 140 before, but now you're just about at that point where the difficulty would set in. In that case, all I can offer is that what happens now is not defined by what happened before.

    I actually had the same fear. I started at 202 (highest ever) and every attempt before, I've stopped right at 174-5 until I gave up. This time, I was really nervous when I got to that point, even gave up a bit prematurely and gained back a few pounds. But I shook it off and told myself that there was no reason I couldn't pass that point, though it might be more difficult. And guess what? That was right! I did notice that my weight loss was slower in that 170-175 range than it had been dropping down from 202, but last week I hit 170 and this week I'm going to be in the 160s for the first time in YEARS.

    Sometimes the walls we hit are only of our own imagining. It may be true that you hit a blockade there in the past, but it might not be true that it was the result of your body stopping you. You might have something going on mentally that you're not even aware of. The bad news is it's hard to pin down, but the good news is that you can push your way through it just by keeping focus and staying determined.
  • egelbman
    egelbman Posts: 1 Member
    wow zug The Megasau that was great... very inspirational I felt like you were talking to me I've been between 170 and 175 for like two to three weeks now and I've had a lot of mind chatter over it ... trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong but your right if I just stay focused and determined I will push past it I started at 230lbs. so 55 lbs. lost still have like 30 something to lose though pray for me please.