which weight should I log?

I weigh about a pound different in the morning and at night. I like to log the heavier weight at night so I know the worst case scenario and so I don't feel that I am lying to myself. But I always feel better about myself if I log my morning weight and I have been told that the morning weight is better to take because your weight should be taken on an empty stomach. Which one do you think is a more accurate reflection of what I really weigh? I know that its just a pound, but right now I am in the 130. something at night and then 129. something in the morning and and to me, the 20s and 30s feel a little different, although I know that insane. What do you guys log?


  • mariobadr
    mariobadr Posts: 58 Member
    I log my morning weight before I eat and after I poop. I think it's better this way because what I eat throughout the day can affect how much I will weigh at night, where as in the morning I've been digesting for 8+ hours so I should hopefully be on an empty stomach.
  • chubalina
    chubalina Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I always way myself in the morning, never at night! Have a great weekend :smile:
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I also log the morning weight, to me that is my true weight.
  • berryfield
    berryfield Posts: 5 Member
    I chose to go with my morning weights. There is something to that beauty rest!

    But it really comes down to picking one and sticking with it. As long as you logging the weight from the same time of the day it will create a true trend. I also think if you weigh every day then you are likely to get confused why one day you are up a pound or so. Weight fluxuates all day and daily I think. So if you pick one day of the week it may give you more motivating results. :smile:
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    Same here..morning. I do it before I even have one cup of coffee.
  • hprozy
    hprozy Posts: 20
    Do people only weigh themselves once a week?
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    I only weigh in the morning and yes once a week. I don't suppose it matters whether it is morning or night, but I would think it would be a good idea to do it the similar time of day each time you weigh.
  • hprozy
    hprozy Posts: 20
    Thanks everyone! I think I will go with my morning weight to log, but I don't think I can give up weighing myself everyday. Its like a constant reminder of why I am dieting and makes me think a lot more about what I eat everyday.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I like to weigh in the morning because I personally feel like that is my truest weight. Whether that's a legit thing or not, it makes sense to me because in the morning the scale is more likely to be reading what my actual body weight is without the added water/food from throughout the day. But as someone else said, as long as you pick one and stick to it you'll see the difference over time either way.
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    Id go with your morning weight.

    Make sure its around the same time always so the weight is true.

    Also to answer your question if people weigh once a week, yes.

    I personally dont believe in living by the scale. I do "OFFICIAL WEIGH IN AND MEASUREMENTS" every 4 weeks.

    With that I measure everything, Chest, Hips, Waist, Neck, Biceps, Thighs, Calves. And I use a skin caliper to pinch the fat.

    Keeps it way accurate.

    But I do weigh myself once or twice a week just to monitor how I am doing.