Time for Mom

I have been on the diet rollercoster for years! After my 2nd child was born I went to WW. I rocked the program. Had lost almost 30 pounds in just a few months. Then I found out I was pregnant again. I gained all the weight back and then some. I had 3 kids under 3 years old and didn't have time to worry about what I ate and certainly did not have time for any formal exercise. I have been battling the bulge for too long. Since Christmas I have gained 15 pounds. I finally have had enough! It is time for Mom to get healthy and happy.

This site has been helpful to me. The logging my food has really helped show me what I am putting in my body. In almost 2 weeks I have lost 9 pounds. I know that the weight will not continue to come off at this pace, but I am so thrilled with the wonderful start! Now I have to find time to work some exercise into my daily routine. I now have 4 beautiful children and I want to be active with them.

I would love to find inspiring people who are embarking on this journey as well!


  • Hello...I am in the same boat. In the last year I have gained 15 pounds that I am not finally ready to lose. Now that it is spring I can focus not only what I am eating but exercise. Hopefully I will be more fit before June and beach time.

    Hang in there and keep up the great work!!!:smile:
  • twhit24
    twhit24 Posts: 13
    Hi, I'm the mom of two great kids. I totally understand that 'enough is enough' feeling. Although I didn't have much weight to lose I had had enough of that 'tired, no energy to keep up with the kids, just 'going through the motions' feeling. I workout every day and watch what I eat. Feel free to add me as a friend for some extra support.
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I'm a Mom to a nine year old and 5 year old triplets. My mom lives with us and we take care of her as well. You can do this! I've been doing MFP for about a year, pretty faithfully...I have had my major slips as well, tho. In this year I have lost almost 40 pounds. I have about 40 more that I want to lose. I've made a lot of changes in our household, but I've done this over a year. Baby steps add up! If you start making small changes now, think of how far you will be in a year. Your kids are at a great age to start introducing new and healthier foods. I fight with my triplets most days to try new things! I hate dinner time!! However, we had a healthy creamy Mexican crockpot chicken last night that I put into crispy taco shells for my kids and that all asked for seconds!!! No fighting!!! Yeah! Maybe by next year they will be eating the same chicken in a soft corn tortilla or even just over lettuce?
    Also, my husband and I get up at 4:30 am and work out at home. I know that sounds hard, and some morning are harder than others, but you need to carve out time for you and as mothers, we have to take it when we can. The sleep will take care of itself. You may fall asleep at 9:00, but if it works, it works. Hang in there. Remember, baby step and like Dori says in Finding Nrmo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." As a mom, you gotta find encouragement where ever you can! :)
    I'll send you a friend request.
  • Hi, I have a two yr old baby girl that i want to be healthy for so she learns to be healthy and make those healthy choices as well. I have felt like a yo yo for far to long now, ever since i was a teenager really (im 28 now) and im done playing the game. Im hoping this site will help me stay accountable for what i eat and and how much i exercise. its nice to know that ppl that u have never even met could be ur support system and help keep you on track.