Hungry Girl is a HOTTIE!

Recycledsinner Posts: 11 Member
OMG This lady is for real my Savior...

For the first time I actually feel like I may be able to win this fight in the long run...not measured in weeks or months, but in a lifetime. That is a huge win for me. I've been on a new med for my migraines for the past two months and been eating differenly on purpose (there's a thought LOL) for the past month or so, and I've lost about 35 lbs so far. I've decided I'm going to share some of my favorite craving-savers and the like here that I've found on the Hungry Girl website and watching her show and adjusted from reading other websites and experimenting, loving to cook, myself.

OK Guys and Gals...have you guys heard of shirataki noodles? These things have been liquid gold since I found out about them. They make otherwise impossible recipes because of portion control and my inability to abide by such rules when dealing with pasta, a problem of the past. The noodles are made from yam flour and tofu. They are INCREDIBLY low calorie, coming in at 20 calories per serving, or 40 for a whole 8 oz bag (which is enough for a good bowl of pasta).

They can be hard to get your hands at times. Asian markets always have them, but look at your locial grocers. I find them at Publix and now at Kroger (and more inexpensively).

A couple of my favorite recipes with their shining faces starring in the lead role follow:

Chicken Terriyaki Stir-Fry


1 bag tofu shirataki noodles
4 oz chicken breast, cooked and diced
Brocolli Stir-Fry Vegetables (in the Freezer Section)
1 tsp Thai Chili Sauce
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
Minced Garlic (2-3 cloves)
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1 tbsp granulated splenda
Scallions (2-3 thinly sliced)
Drain noodles and then microwave on high for 1 minutes. Pat completely dry. Set aside. Cook chicken in a small amount of pam. Set aside and cut up. Cook vegetables and add spices. Add chicken and pasta. Toss. Garnish with scallions. This is my own creation. Hope you enjoy it as much as I just under 300 calories for the whole pot, you should! :o)

Fettucine Hungry Girlfredo (with some changes made by me

1 Package Tofu Shirataki Fettuccine Shaped Tofu Noodles
1 Wedge The Laughing Cow Light Cheese
1 teaspoon Light Sour Cream
2 teaspoons Parmesan Cheese
Salt & Pepper (if desired)

Rinse fettuccine noodles VERY well. Microwave them for one minute, then drain them and pat dry. Add cheeses and sour cream. Mix thoroughly. Microwave to help melt cheese further, and mix some more. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy. Serves 1.

Right at 100 calories with my changes and SOO good!

I want to hear your recipes! Anyone loves these strings of gold? Tell me what you like to make with them, or if I need to try something else, let me know! We're all in this together after all, right? Thanks for reading :oD


  • HealthierHappierBrenda
    Thanks for the post, i so going to look for the noodles this weekend :D
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I get the noodles online from (free shipping). They have a few different varieties--the Angel Hair is 0 calories! That's the one I use with the Laughing Cow. I do Asian-style stir fry with the other noodles. I've been eating these noodles for a LONG time and never get bored with them because you switch up the veggies all the time. They've been a lifesaver!

    Oh I forgot to mention they send a little booklet of recipes with your order.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I've known about them for awhile - I just haven't bothered to look! And if I remember to look the place I'm at doesn't have them!

    Thanks for the recipe!
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    I've been missing bowls of pasta soooooo much - this might be the answer! Thanks
  • rehtaeh78
    rehtaeh78 Posts: 90
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    My wife and I love the alfredo recipe. Haven't used them in other things yet. We still love our pasta.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    bump for later
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Thanks for the recipes!!:flowerforyou:
  • Suz725
    Suz725 Posts: 8 Member
    more importantly. Do they TASTE like pasta?
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    "They can be hard to get your hands at times. Asian markets always have them, but look at your locial grocers. I find them at Publix and now at Kroger (and more inexpensively)."

    Publix has those noodles???? I must check this out! :) Thanks!!!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Have you tried looking at and I'm not a big fan of Hungry Girl. She uses a ton of processed, fake food. Those two blogs are a lot better, imo.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    I love your/her alfredo recipe. I have had shiraitaki noodles for a while and I like the tofu ones. I had to cut back on the tofu in my diet for hormonal reasons but I am interested in trying this recipe, thanks!
  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    bumpity-bump for later. thanks!
  • faybellini

    so trying to find these!
  • mra0560
    mra0560 Posts: 1 Member
    They smell like fish, and they really have no taste until you add flavor to them.
    I hate fish, so I can't get past the horrible smell...
  • Recycledsinner
    Recycledsinner Posts: 11 Member
    So yeah, the fish thing---true. They're packaged in lime but once you rinse and boil/cook them, they are a blank slate. If anyone is a huge texture person, I suggest the angel hair, because the chewy texture is much less pronounced. With that said, I like the fettuccine too :)
  • eviltwinkie
    eviltwinkie Posts: 153
    I love shiritaki... and hungry girl was the reason I first looked into them. :)

    I get the angel hair variety from konjacfoods. Yup you pay for shipping, but it's still about the cheapest ones around. Well, sometimes I get them at an asian market cheaper, but not often. Oh, and I think all of their other noodle types are more $ - only the angel hair is that cheap. I think all of the others are $10 more.

    They also have konjac tortilla's which I haven't tried yet. Sounds interesting, though. Bet they'd do decent for a salad roll.

    FYI, I dry cook the noodles rather than rinse and boil. I do a quick rinse, squeeze the water out, drop them in a hot teflon wok and shove them around until they start to 'pop'.

    I also like konjac flour for thickening in soups. Oh yeah, this stuff is way pickier than cornstarch. And alot more powerful. In about an 8 serving batch of soup, I usually use just a tsp whisked in cold water or broth, then added in. Always add it to 'taco type' soups anymore to make it more chili like. Then dump the soup over hot shiritaki noodles.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hey thanks for the post. I have the same problem that when I start eating pasta or noodles it's too hard to stop! And 1/2 cup serving for 200 cals, come on! I'm going to have to add these to my shopping list.
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member