Hello Everyone

Hello, I am all over the place. I need to get back on track and am now turning to calorie counting. I am hoping this will get me on the right path. I am incorporating exercise but going slow bc I am OUT OF SHAPE big time. Jus hope I can hang in there :) Anyways hello everyone!


  • I am not sure how to post, will someone help, I am trying to learn things, started working out, and I am in a lot of pain was just wondering if anyone had some advice, sorry person
  • Hey you can start your own feed under Introduce yourself. As for the ton of pain... possibly over working yourself? ... jus listen to your body and start off slow when exercising... you need to get your body use to it.
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    Hi to both of you,

    Blazin, Its good to meet you, I am sure you can achieve your goals.

    Lynn, What type of exercise are you doing? Blazin is right when she says to go slow especially if you are doing weights. If you have never exercised before the first time out may be hard. Make sure you stretch before and after. If you are using weights start off light and slowly work your way up? Do you belong to a gym? If so get or ask advice form a trainer, if not ask a lot of questions here in the forums and go slow. If you are doing cardio for the first time start by walking and again work your way slowly to running. After a short while you can do circuit training and other things. It is good to meet you too.
  • dwehrkamp
    dwehrkamp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Lynne - I just learned about a great way to lose weight - it is way cool - I need to lose 50 pounds and it is the easiest so called "diet" I have ever been on. You drink 2 shakes a day and then one meal is anything that you want - obviously within reason. It is called Body by Vi. I just started Monday with 2 of my friends - join us for the challenge - let me know. Blessings to you as you learn a better way to get healthy along with a team.