when will I lose face fat?

As a baby and as a child, I always had very chubby cheeks and meaty neck even though I was skinny in the body. so probably having a fat face is in my genes, and it's even fatter when I'm not skinny. I'm 5'5 right now and at 140 lbs, 20 year old. and I still have a lot of fat on my cheeks and jaw line... I mean if I pinch my jawline, I could easily pinch out an inch of fat lol. I have a narrow jaw structure but my face looks huge with all the fat that's over it. and I can easily make a double chin.

anyway at what weight can I expect some of my face fat to go away? I'm not really skinny in the body right now but in far from being fat..... :(


  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    its impossible to spot reduce fat, when the body uses fat for fuel it doesnt care where it comes from, so just stick to overall body development and it will all come off at the same time
  • aido1ce
    aido1ce Posts: 19 Member
    its impossible to spot reduce fat, when the body uses fat for fuel it doesnt care where it comes from, so just stick to overall body development and it will all come off at the same time

    yeah I know that. I'm just wondering at what weight would my body start to reduce the fat off my face?
    or a better question yet

    is it impossible for the fat on my face to ever go away ? lmao
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    It is possible for face fat to go away, but you'll just lose it when you lose it. My face is one of the first places you can notice weight loss on me, which, since I have high cheekbones anyway, can make the effect quite startling! You might notice it go quickly, you might not. Why not take some photos of yourself now and keep doing it as you lose weight? You're much more likely to notice a difference in a photograph than you would looking at yourself in the mirror everyday.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    i think the person above was trying to tell you that theres no way of knowing or no way of forcing fat away from a particular area like your face. there isnt a set weight, you just have to keep up with the exercise and diet plan and gradually youll notice a change.
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    Everyone is different. For me the face is one of the first places I lose - usually closely followed by the bust. Unfortunately I REALLY want it to come off the hips..mother nature really sucks sometiimes :ohwell:
  • Everybody is different. i am one of those people that tend to lose weight in my upper body first like face, neck, chest (unfortunately). So while I may look thin from the mid-chest and up, I still have some junk in the trunk, so to say. So, I would focus on overall weight loss and health, and realize that you are beautiful they way you are!
  • aido1ce
    aido1ce Posts: 19 Member