Nutella Gets Spanked in Class-Action Suit

Well, you could see this one coming a mile away. Someone sued the company that makes Nutella, claiming that the company's advertising misled her into thinking the stuff was "healthy." Really? :noway:

Anyway, the company just settled the case for $3.5 million. You can read about it here:


  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Wow. Just, wow...:noway:
  • ttxqiu
    ttxqiu Posts: 27
    Sometimes, I wish I were stupid and delusional enough to be one of those people who sue companies for **** that I do to myself. ("Oh no! How do I have Type II diabetes? I don't know how it happened; I just kept eating this Nutella STRAIGHT OUT OF THE JAR.") Because then, I could be insanely wealthy instead of responsible.

    I can't even file a claim, because I've never bought Nutella. I've had it before in crepes and the like at restaurants and other people's homes. However, for my own personal use, I buy Natural Nectar Dark Choco Dream spread, which is organic and fair trade certified.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    It's delicious stuff. However, being able to READ, I could read the label and see what was in it. Seriously, the U.S. is nuts with people filing these nuisance lawsuits. However, I'll be interested to see how Nutella's commercials change because I do believe they take the "healthy" angle in them currently.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Ughhh, it's disgusting that lawsuits like this make it to court. I don't for a second believe that this woman was stupid enough to think chocolate spread was healthy, but it is pretty clear how greedy she is. However if she *is* that dumb, then the world is really up s**t creek. Either way, her claim fails to give any explanation as to why she couldn't just look at the nutritional label! :noway:
  • Marper8521
    Marper8521 Posts: 160
    Oh crap, that was my idea!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna sue her for stealing it!
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Nutella is gross anyways.
  • vgambino
    vgambino Posts: 28
    Mama mia!
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Noooo, my sweet, beautiful Nutella.

    Sigh...I don't understand people...
  • lovepe
    lovepe Posts: 14
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    I'm just irritated I didn't think to do that - I could have had $3.5 million! Dang...

    ....and then I read the article. Seriously stupid that anyone would think that crap was healthy.
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    Anyone that has the ability to read and at least an average IQ should be able to see that it's not healthy. =/
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I'm just irritated I didn't think to do that - I could have had $3.5 million! Dang...

    I would just use the money to buy more Nutella.
  • ahubbard134
    ahubbard134 Posts: 61 Member
    Nutella is gross anyways.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I like Nutella
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I love how in America, you don't need to have any sense of personal responsibility for yourself or your child. You're allowed to be some brainless moron who walks around just thinking what you're told by the commercials and not acting like an adult who's in charge of their own actions. And then, when your idiocy leads you make stupid decisions, you are allowed to blame others for your stupid decisions. Because hey, that's what it's all about.

    And people wonder why America is going only downhill these days.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    I love how in America, you don't need to have any sense of personal responsibility for yourself or your child. You're allowed to be some brainless moron who walks around just thinking what you're told by the commercials and not acting like an adult who's in charge of their own actions. And then, when your idiocy leads you make stupid decisions, you are allowed to blame others for your stupid decisions. Because hey, that's what it's all about.

    And people wonder why America is going only downhill these days.

    Agreed. The "personal responsibility" idea has seemingly gone out the window. It's ALWAYS someone else's fault.
    Shut the duck up and own up to your actions (however stupid they may be!).

    Here's a new lawsuit idea - all those dang bottle water companies saying I should drink their healthy water...well, too much water *can* kill you...(yes, I know, it's rare, but seriously, go with it for now!) you should pay me lots of money.

    Did any of you see the article online (I forget where I saw it) that talked about Coke or Diet Coke "playing a role" in some woman's death??? Of course, that's what the headline says..but when you read the article her diet SUCKED.
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    The first thing that popped into my head when I read about the refund to those who bought Nutella was "Ohhh I'd just buy more Nutella" LOL :) Ridiculous law suit. Can't believe this lady won her case! :/
  • vgambino
    vgambino Posts: 28
    Nutella is gross anyways.

  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    All I read was "nutella" and "spanked"

    I stopped there.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm constantly amazed at the stupidity in this country. Can she not read? We always have nutella in our house. Do I consider it a health food? No. The only thing dumber than this lady is the fact that the company actually settled. Maybe I'll sue Michael Jordan because I can't get more than 3 inches off the ground when wearing his shoes but all the advertising makes me think I will be able to fly.