My First Day!!!

Hello everyone,

My first day doing the food log, makes you accountable!! I have all ways been good with the exercise, food is the culprit though-I love it and sugar/portion sizes troubled me most. Now I can see where I'm going with my food-success will be mine.:bigsmile:


  • PSTreasure
    I'm on day three and am so liking how easy the food log is to use! It certainly makes you think about what you are putting in your mouth!! Good luck!!
  • MandieN84
    MandieN84 Posts: 9 Member
    When I look at my calories that I have eaten for the day after I log everything I am just blown away that I could eat so little and not be starving. I barely hit 1200 calories a day now and before I know I was eating well over 3 or 4 thousands calories a day. Accountability is key and this app makes sure you have it! I know I feel guilty anytime I even think about eating something on the no no list.