Calories from sex

I know it's not the exercise I would want to publish in my public diary, but how would we go about adding sex to our daily exercise calories?


  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    no replies, really??
  • kayci5288
    kayci5288 Posts: 22 Member
    HAHA! This is a good question, maybe you can add it? You can look it up to see how long burns how many calories during sex.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    HAHA! This is a good question, maybe you can add it? You can look it up to see how long burns how many calories during sex.

    I have been looking and there seems to be no definitive measure for it! I guess I can understand given all the, shall I say, variables involved. But still, you can get down and get down the pounds!
  • vampyre2478
    Dude! I was wondering about the same thing! Tempted, in fact, to put on my heart rate monitor while doing it but my wife might think i'm crazy ^^

    I was gonna put descriptions i.e "sex, leisurely; or sex, moderate intensity; and sex, high intensity interval training!" :laugh: