Nutella Gets Spanked in Class-Action Suit



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Nutella is pretty much the reason I always had bread at home! I love me some Nutella.

    But lets face was basically candy. I cannot believe our court system wouldn't just throw these kinds of cases out right away though
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    Oh crap, that was my idea!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna sue her for stealing it!
    Then I will have to sue you cause that was what I was thinking too. U are one sneaky ninja :grumble:
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I watched a tv show once where they talked about Nutella being popular in Europe during WW2 because its high calorie content was good for kids who weren't getting enough to eat due to war rationing. That was reason enough for me to steer clear when they started their big ad campaign in the US a few years ago.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Honestly, it's as bad as the woman who burned herself with McDonald's coffee. Read the farm labels people. Yes, the commercials say slim milk, cocoa, and hazelnuts, but that doesn't male it the healthiest thing on the planet. I use Nutella as my go to splurge for some chocolate and yummy. I only use it in moderation and never just gorge on it.

    Still...being stupid and winning lawsuits for said stupidity? Some people have all the luck?

    A) The McDonald's lawsuit was legit - the plaintiff was actually injured. If you read the case, you will know that McDonald's KNEW that their coffee was too hot.
    B) She didn't "win" the lawsuit - Nutella settled.
    C) Why is no one looking at the bigger picture here? This is a class action suit (i.e. only her lawyer is getting rich) that speaks to deceptive advertising that affects all of us. A lot of people are influenced by advertising and not everyone knows how to read nutrition labels properly. How many posts on this forum have you read where a person thinks Product X will magically make them thin?

    Why is everyone so gung-ho about consumer reasponsibility and not about corporate responsibility? Personally, I'm sick of all the junk that is passed off as healthy nowadays - Nutella is no exception.

    Everyone knows that corporations are caring, kind and would never lie- while individuals are idiots, greedy and have low moral standards. /sarcasm
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Sometimes, I wish I were stupid and delusional enough to be one of those people who sue companies for **** that I do to myself. ("Oh no! How do I have Type II diabetes? I don't know how it happened; I just kept eating this Nutella STRAIGHT OUT OF THE JAR.") Because then, I could be insanely wealthy instead of responsible.

    I can't even file a claim, because I've never bought Nutella. I've had it before in crepes and the like at restaurants and other people's homes. However, for my own personal use, I buy Natural Nectar Dark Choco Dream spread, which is organic and fair trade certified.

    Just to add type II diabetes still has a very strong genetic cause. Its also still unknown if becoming fat necessarily causes type 2 diabetes or if being pre-diabetic causes weight gain which will eventually lead to diabetes in the long run. I know a 108lb pre diabetic person so I doubt losing any weight will be of any help to her.

    I think its good that nutella is being sued. They do pass it off as a healthy breakfast alternative for everything. They try to say its healthy because its made with nuts. So good for them for being sued for passing off icing as a nut butter basically. I sent in my claim cause I want some free money too :smile:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ok I do not at all think she should have won $1 million, but ... I do think Nutella should have had to change the advertising as it is pretty misleading. The ad in question lists Nutella on two pieces of toast as part of a balanced breakfast and talks about how that balanced breakfast will help kids to the extent that you'll be amazed by what they can do and how they need that energy.

    Individuals have to take responsibility for the recommendations they give when they are false, why not a corporation? Don't go making health claims/recommendations to children if you can't back them up. (The woman was complaining about feeding the product to her child, not about her own weight.)
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    Wish I had thought of it....LOL
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    It's not the people who do it, it's the damn lawyers.The lawyers encourage people to sue. They find loopholes to sue companies because they make 33% off a class action lawsuit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Agreed. This is why imaginary versions of Hell are usually filled with lawyers.
  • TootsieRolls
    MUAHAAHHAHAHA I GET FIVE FREE JARS OF NUTELLA. YOU CAN TOO. Go to this link and read then fill out the form

    Hate to break it to you . . . but when all is said and done, you probably will not even break even on the postage.

    "If the value of the claims of the Nationwide Class exceeds $2,500,000, or the value of the claims of the California Class exceeds $550,000, then payments will be reduced proportionally"

    Since everyone and their mother is going to claim that they have bought 5 jars even if they've never heard of Nutella, your payment is going to be reduced.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm just irritated I didn't think to do that - I could have had $3.5 million! Dang...

    I would just use the money to buy more Nutella.

    Nah, there wouldn't be any left for you because I would have already bought it all up.

    Nutella...nom, nom. Although I never eat more than 1 tablespoon, slowly savoring it.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Most people in the US can't read, hence they depend on commercials without using their critical thinking skills ;)
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Well, you could see this one coming a mile away. Someone sued the company that makes Nutella, claiming that the company's advertising misled her into thinking the stuff was "healthy." Really? :noway:

    Anyway, the company just settled the case for $3.5 million. You can read about it here:

    Companies often settle things like this out of court to avoid the legal expenses and bad press the suit would generate. Granted, this is plain stupid. About as stupid as the woman who successfully sued McDonald's many years ago because her hot coffee was to hot (when she pulled from the drive thru and dumped it on her lap). That suit is why every disposable coffee cup in the US has some form of "warning, hot coffee is HOT" on it.

    If you saw pictures of that women's injuries, I don't think you'd say her case was stupid.
  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    It makes me sick. Not Nutella (yummy!), but that person...... And that they win!
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    Ughhh, it's disgusting that lawsuits like this make it to court. I don't for a second believe that this woman was stupid enough to think chocolate spread was healthy, but it is pretty clear how greedy she is. However if she *is* that dumb, then the world is really up s**t creek. Either way, her claim fails to give any explanation as to why she couldn't just look at the nutritional label! :noway:

    You say that the person who filed the lawsuit was greedy. But here's the irony of class-action cases: the class doesn't get paid that much. The payout for class members (except the named plaintiff) is about $4 per jar/per person, up to a maximum of $20.

    The named plaintiff, for her part in being the class representative and putting up with everything that entails, gets a premium, but it's usually not that much. Maybe $10-15K. Which, believe me, is not a lot of money when you consider how much crap the class rep has to go through in these cases.

    The greedy ones are the lawyers. According to the article, the lawyers in this case will get about $1 million. But that's a key component of any class-action settlement. Yes, there's a fund for the class, but each class member usually gets just a few dollars. The lawyers, on the other hand, get rich. That's what makes these cases disgusting, if you ask me. :grumble:
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I read about that earlier today. How stupid can these people be? I mean, it's CHOCOLATE. How did they even win the lawsuit.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Nutella isn't healthy?

    Oh my heart....:brokenheart:
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    My husband and I laugh all the time about the ads Nutella runs here on overseas television, implying that it's healthy stuff for kids' breakfasts, etc. There's even a line about getting them to eat stuff they don't want by putting Nutella on it, so we're always laughing about "Gee, Mom, this Nutella broccoli is out of this world!"

    Silly humans.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    It's healthy in moderation?
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    It's healthy in moderation?

    I have come to the conclusion that moderation and nutella is just impossible xD
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    They should require jars and cans of store bought food to have nutritional information printed on the package...

    oh, wait...!