For Those trying to lose 80-100 pounds

Hey guys,

So I have to lose 80-100 pounds to return to a normal weight range. Frankly, I could really use people to help keep me accountable, on track, and motivated. Is there anyone out there with the same general weightloss goal who would be interested in this? Let me know. THanks


  • I want to lose 100 so count me in... I am setting this up tonight and going grocery shopping in the morning... Good luck to you!
  • i'm close- goal is to lose 75.
    Yes it can be DONE!
  • Epetrovitch
    Epetrovitch Posts: 67 Member
    I'm looking to drop 73 pounds. I've already dropped 66. I'll send a friend request.
  • Well I am finding it very hard to stay motivated. I was going to try to start running and I went out and bought running shoes and planned to start the next day but when i woke up my knee was swollen and I could barely walk for three months. Then when I decided to get serious again, the next day I fell down the stair and broke my ribs so now I cannot currently exercise. I've just been able to calorie count lately but I plan to start exercising again next week despite my ribs.
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    I have 125 to lose. You can count me in :) I have one friend on here, feel free to add me.
  • You guys can add me too...I have over 100 pounds to lose myself =D
  • Great. Thanks so much for the support! What have you guys been doing to lose weight? What has been working for you?
  • pattan59801
    pattan59801 Posts: 142
    you can add me if you want....I have a very long journey to go...
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    You can add me I have 100 to loose in total.
  • chez125
    chez125 Posts: 4
    I had 160lbs to lose. Lost 85lbs so far so another 75lbs to go. Motivation for me is being able to do the small things now that everyone else who is relatively slim can do no problem. Like crossing my legs, getting up and down off the floor. Being able to fit into normal size chairs without spilling over the sides, getting up and down off of low chairs.

    I have a friend who is also doing it with me and we both have dogs that need walking everyday regardless of how we feel! We go to the gym together and weigh in together once a week without fail. So motivation wise we have an extra person nagging at us when we feel down.

    I work in mini goals as well. So everytime I hit a half stone mark or go into another half stone I treat myself to something nice (not food wise).

    I have also replaced all my favourite foods with low fat alternatives so rather than deny myself I just find a lower fat alternative.

    Best of luck and feel free to add me :)
  • k2sul
    k2sul Posts: 30 Member
    Well done on taking the first steps. I'm approaching half way, and find the peer support from mfp to be a great help which keeps me focused and accountable.

    Friend request sent.
  • I have over 100 to go anyone can add me as well :) I joined almost two weeks ago and I love it! (aside from some immature postings in the general forum). There are some cool groups to join too. So far tracking the calories has been the most helpful. I am waiting on a scale to arrive in the mail, but my pants already fit looser!
  • becks2089
    becks2089 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 22.
    I have 117 to lose. Anyone feel free to add me! I love company. :)