New to MyFitnessPal

Hello- I have just set up and am hoping to lose quite a lot of weight. I live in Essex (UK) and am the fattest I've been and actually getting out of puff. My daughter is doing this as well and suggested I join- she probably weighs about as much as one of my legs, though... Hoping to chat, be encouraged and encourage other people too. Cathy


  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    Good luck Cathy,
    It's a great thing to follow. Beward! You WILL become addicted :laugh:

    Feel free to add me if you want, I'm from the UK originally but now live in Lanzarote.
    My goal is to lose 60lbs (I'm 22 down so far)

    Good luck
    Nicola xxx
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Hi Cathy!
    Welcome :) This is a great site, it has made me so aware of what I'm eating and it has changed my outlook on cooking dinner as well! It's been great! I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss! Feel free to add me!

  • jlenz74
    jlenz74 Posts: 30
    Hi Cathy! Welcome aboard! This is a great site. I just started two months ago and this is the longest I have ever stuck to a preogram! Please feel free to add me as a friend! I live in the United States! :happy: