Going out to eat.

I was asked to go out to eat today, but I really do not want to go. I have been doing so good lately, and I do not want to be held back. Going out to eat is hard for me, because I always overeat.

But not going out to eat, would also mean I would not be able to go to my step kid's soccer game, because it's 45 minutes away and they are going out to eat right afterwards.

I don't want to go and just eat salad, b/c then I would be hungry the rest of the day. I am only on day 5 of this and I do not want to mess up right now.... HMPH!

Is it wrong for me not to go?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I would go and just make healthy choices. No cheese or sauce on anything. Salad with dressing on the side, no croutons. Add 2 veggies instead of potatoes. If the portion is large take some home.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    I would go and just make healthy choices. No cheese or sauce on anything. Salad with dressing on the side, no croutons. Add 2 veggies instead of potatoes. If the portion is large take some home.

    Thats the problem, I don't like veggies... I am slowly trying to start eating them.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Tell them you're going to the game and you'll have to re-schedule. It sounds like you want an excuse not to go and that's a reasonable one.
  • juicyfruitkk
    juicyfruitkk Posts: 95 Member
    It's hard going out to eat in my opinion because you want to eat the stuff you don't normally eat.. You can always find something somewhat healthy though or just order what you want if you have the calories remaining for it, have them pack up half of it to take home and then you just eat a smaller portion. Applebees offers meals for 500 calories, so not all going out is "bad". Good luck!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I find out where and see if they have a menu online with the nutritional values and try to plan. If they don't, then I just try to make healthy choices.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Tell them you're going to the game and you'll have to re-schedule. It sounds like you want an excuse not to go and that's a reasonable one.

  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    Ugh, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Last Monday I had just resolved to get back on track, then a friend wanted to go to IHop for her birthday. I overate, and although I accept that it was my fault, it truly is a lot harder to monitor your intake and make the right choices when you're out to eat with friends, especially when you're just getting back on your feet.

    I'd say just make the best choice you can or at the very least eat half your plate and take the rest for takeaway. Going out to eat always kills me too.
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    If you have to go. Get something that's not terrible and then box up half to go home right as you get your plate. Then you will only eat half of it.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    If it is a common restaurant....search the nutrition values ahead of time to help you choose caloriewise :)
    San :)
  • melanielynn123
    Do you know which restaurant they are going to go to? Most places have nutritional info listed on their website. I try to look up the menu before I go out to eat and plan what I can order before I ever get to the restaurant. So far, this has worked really well for me. I can eat out without feeling guilty, have a nice meal that fits within my allowances for the day and.....I have noticed that it kinda inspires the some of the others at the table to make a healthier choice in ordering their meal.

    Good luck. I hope you are able to go and enjoy the meal with good company.:happy:
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    When you're starting to get in your "groove" with healthy eating, meals out are tough. Sometimes you can say no to a meal out, sometimes you can't. My strategy is to think ahead. If the place has a nutritional website, check it out. You don't have to eat salad. But pick something and stick to it. I have "go to" choices at most places. If it is somewhere unfamiliar with no information, the basics are always good - grilled chicken or fish, maybe some rice if you hard time with the veggies. Broth-based soup is a good choice, too. Good luck!
  • H2gmom
    H2gmom Posts: 6
    With my kids schedules, I have to eat out all of the time. I try to stick to chain restaurants so that I can find the calories on MFP app. I also have a problem with veggies but I am learning. If you get input into where you go, choose Applebees if there is one around. They have a lot of meals that are under 550 calories. Also, I allow Sat to be my "cheat" day so I can eat something that I have been craving. I usually only go over 200 calories which keeps me within my BMR. You can always go for a walk to burn those extra calories. That is one of the reasons that I love MFP, I can eat what I want, within reason, and still lose weight. I have lost 18 lbs and I have only been doing this for 9 weeks. It will be ok if you go over once in a while just not all of the time. So, go to the game and enjoy yourself!
  • wannagetfit02
    wannagetfit02 Posts: 49 Member
    I am going out today also to see my daughter and new daughter in law. I am buying them a dress. I just looked up Chili's and Applebees. They both have a light menu. The nutrition info is online. I say to look up the nutritional value of a couple of restaurants that you usually go to. Plan ahead what you will be eating. That way you can go and enjoy the company without the stress of worrying about what to eat. Have fun.
  • Newhampshireboy
    go see your family memories last forever,
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    If you know you are going out look at the menu ahead of time (if possible), exercise beforehand to get extra calories, box up half of the meal to start with, drinks lots of water with your meal, and try to find something healthy on the menu. You could always eat something small at the restaurant (like a salad) and eat a nutritious meal afterward.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    When I have the opportunity to go out to eat, I always Google with "menu *name of restaurant*". You'd be surprised how many have their menus with nutritional info there. Also, a lot of the time you can look up the meal from the menu right here in the MFP database. At least that way you can have an idea of what you will be eating and fit it into your food plan for the day.
  • ambrosdm
    ambrosdm Posts: 21 Member
    Eating out is a big part of my life -- it's one of the main social activities that I engage in. While I still want to lose weight, I don't want to give up my social life. You have to remember that watching what you eat and making healthy choices (and exercising and whatever else you're doing to lose weight) is the beginning of a new lifestyle, not a "diet". You need to make sustainable changes in your life that will lead to gradual weight lose and that you can continue on the future to keep the weight off. I don't think it's reasonable to say you'll never eat out again, you just have to plan when you do.
    First, don't go to a restaurant ravenous -- eat a snack beforehand (a protein bar/a special K bar/a piece of fruit whatever) so you're not scarfing down the bread or tortillas or whatever they put on the table while you're waiting to order.
    Second, if you're going to a chain, look up the nutritional info on line and limit your selection to the healthier choices (I've found that all places have at least a few healthy choices). You'd be surprised at the calorie counts. Some things that you'd think would be "low cal" are much higher than others that might seem more caloric (and more desirable). You don't know until you look at the numbers. Armed with the real information allows you to make wise choices, not just guess. If you really feel that you have to skip going out for a while until you get your willpower under control, then do so. But just know that you CAN (and will) continue to lose weight as long as you continue to count your calories and make a reasonable attempt to stay under or near your limit. Good Luck! And HAVE FUN -- YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • HollyAus
    HollyAus Posts: 251 Member
    If I know I'm going out, I find out where and see if they have a menu online with the nutritional values and try to plan. If they don't, then I just try to make healthy choices.

    Even if it's fast food you usually can look it up online. Also plan that entire DAY of meals then you can see where you can cut calories to save some for going out. It's doable, and YOU can do it too. and if you go over a little, that's OKAY!! Don't freak out and give up lol!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    Eat half of the meal.........