Have to work at this because the alternative will kill me

Hi I am Janet! I am wife and mother to a 22 month old and 5 month old. I am also a nurse. Weight for me has been a struggle all my life. I have been from a size 2 to 26. I had bulimia when I was a teenager and actually was hospitalized for a month. I continued to struggle with my weight in college and my eating disorder. I have been able to keep the bulimia at bay for years as far as the vomitting goes but I of course still stress eat. I am working on this. I decided to use this app to start holding myself accountable for what I put in my mouth and it really does open your eyes to what you are doing. I have a very supportive friend also who is doing this. I need to lose 90lbs. I know I didn't put it on over night and i know i can't take it off in a blink of an eye. I need to be healthy for my family and being accountable to them to. I am always open to new friends and dieting buddies. I would love to hear from you.


  • Im here for ya! Ive got to lose a good bit of weight to, Well do it together!
  • Hey... I've had some of the same struggles as you. I started using laxatives and throwing up when I was 12. Struggled with the not eating, the binging and purging, the over exercising, the binging... was hospitalized when I was 19 for bulimia... finally quit all of that and gained a ton of weight that now I'm trying to lose the healthy way... so feel free to add me if you want
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Janet, Bless you my dear, you certainly have your hands full with two wee tots and a nursing career to boot!
    Good girl for getting to grips with the weight problem...must be doubly difficult for you with having had that eating problem in early years.
    Well, we are all here for you and I will make it a point to visit you to see how you are getting on so keep up the good work.
    Am really struggling myself at the mo' having been completely static for the whole of 2011 plus!! Now taking Alli which seems to be having a good effect but very slow...:ohwell:

    Take care and don't forget....ONWARDS AND DOWNWARDS!!
  • claireyf12
    claireyf12 Posts: 106
    Hi Janet, welcome to MFP, i dont have any advice or experience of bulima but just waanted to say well done for taking what must be a big step in joining, i wish you all the very best of luck, Please feel free to add me as a friend and i will help any way i can :):)
  • Hi Janet, feel free to add me if you'd like, I will send you a friend request.. I have a vast amount to lose as well. Only been on mfp for about 3 weeks now, even though I have been working on my new journey since the start of the year. This is a great place to get support an has some great tools at hand. All the best JL
  • pooja0719
    pooja0719 Posts: 5 Member
    hey i m also new here..found ths comm really interesting ...hoping for best....:smile :smile: