People haven't noticed



  • Just keep going. I have lost 30 lbs so far and most of the people I see every day have not noticed yet, but a few days ago, I saw someone I havn't seen in a few months (My boss' boss) and she stopped in mid sentence to say, "You have lost weight!" Then she hugged me and said she was so happy that our company is getting a healthier version of me. You have to do this for you and your health. Eventually, people will notice. When I get down - I sing that silly song from the Disney movie - "Nemo" Remember the little blue fish Dory? She sang, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.......what do we do? We swim, swim............I don't know why, but this always makes me smile and gets me to go another time around the track. Hang in there and good luck. Add me if you need someone for support and encouragement.:flowerforyou: Never give up!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    I think people who see you every day don't notice as much. I saw someone who hadn't seen me in a long time and her first comment was about my weight loss. Hang in there. People will notice.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. My supervisor has lost 20 pounds, but I've hardly noticed because I see her every day and see the slow loss. I expect it will be the same for me. I'm looking forward to the person who hasn't seen me in a few months comment (when I get to a significant loss that is!).
  • gcanter
    gcanter Posts: 194 Member
    Sometimes the people around you don't notice because they see you all the time. When the clothes get too big and baggy you will hear from people then. As long as you see and feel the difference, then you have succeded. Try not to freak out, its how you are feeling thats the important thing - keep up the great work!
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    People are probably noticing more than you think, but they're afraid to say something. That's been my experience...being on the "noticing" end...not sure when it's okay to say something because you don't want to imply they looked bad before.
  • lauralaurafish
    lauralaurafish Posts: 50 Member
    Maybe people are afraid of saying something because they don't want to offend you? Weight is a touchy subject for a lot of people and they might not want to say the wrong thing and upset you. I would probably only say something to a close friend if I knew they were trying to lose weight. I wouldn't ever say anything to someone if I didn't know they were trying or if it were someone at work or someone I didn't know very well. Also, maybe your clothes are hiding the weight loss and they can't tell because of that.

    Exactly. I would never say anything to someone even if they were close friends, only if I knew for sure that they were trying to lose weight.
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    don't worry - people will notice in time. What i've noticed in the past is you get to a certain point and then suddenly everybody seems to notice. I'm sure with how much you've lost you can't be far off that point.

    Also, sometimes when I've noticed people have lost weight I try not to comment too much, because I worry that it implied they looked bad before.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    From experience. Most people see you daily. They see 1-0.5lb changes slowly, every week. It's subtle and not noticable.

    Sorta like watching a plant grow daily. You can't tell at all, until you see the 'before' and 'after' a few weeks apart. If you check it daily or even weekly it'll look like its almost doing nothing.

    People who don't see you more then once or twice a month may notice. Cause a 5-10lb change is a little more dramatic.

    Either way, you're making great progress, wether it's just visual, or healthwise. More motivation to keep on doing what you're doing.

  • Rollersaurus1
    Rollersaurus1 Posts: 6 Member
    Get a haircut and a nice new outfit that fits you better than your old clothes, people WILL notice!

    Absolutely! If you are wearing the same clothes, regardless of how loose they are, you're still projecting the same body image.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Maybe people are afraid of saying something because they don't want to offend you? Weight is a touchy subject for a lot of people and they might not want to say the wrong thing and upset you. I would probably only say something to a close friend if I knew they were trying to lose weight. I wouldn't ever say anything to someone if I didn't know they were trying or if it were someone at work or someone I didn't know very well. Also, maybe your clothes are hiding the weight loss and they can't tell because of that.

    Exactly. I would never say anything to someone even if they were close friends, only if I knew for sure that they were trying to lose weight.
    ^^This has a lot to do with it. Ran into a former co-worker that I hadn't seen in a year or two, and she said something to the effect of "Wow. Are you ok? Hope you haven't been sick" She later apologized, but didn't want to make me feel bad if I had been sick, or something to that effect.

    People just don't always know what to say!
  • jenna0215
    jenna0215 Posts: 62
    Get a haircut and a nice new outfit that fits you better than your old clothes, people WILL notice!

    I agree! When I lost 30 pounds, it wasn't until I got an outfit that fit tighter that people noticed. Then everyone kept complimenting me. But, with baggy clothes, it's hard for them to notice.
  • alegle
    alegle Posts: 1
    Sometimes when people lose weight gradually, as you are doing in a healthy manner, if the people around you see you often they don't notice. It's the same when we gain weight and wonder why nobody close to us said anything. If you run into someone who hasn't seen you for a while, since you were heavier, they may say "wow, you look great--what happened?" But in any case, you know--and you're doing the right thing for yourself. As others have said, maybe they don't want to be obvious or imply anything negative about how you were before. Keep up the good work.
  • joeq722
    joeq722 Posts: 86 Member
    Thats 2.5 pounds lost per week!

    you couldnt do better than that!

    if you lost weight at a rate quicker than that it likely wouldnt stay off long term.

    Permanent changes come from the inside first.

    You should probably be happy no one has noticed.

    Because the changes are definitely happening at the optimum rate.

  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Very wise words :)

    I'm the opposite, I tend to get paniced when people notice my weight loss. I don't know why. But I can definately see how it can be discouraging if no one notices in your life that you are working so hard @ losing weight.

    PLEASE stay encouraged!! Don't let that defeat you.
  • cheskax
    cheskax Posts: 25 Member
    Don't feel discouraged. Prior to joining the site I lost 60 pounds and alot of my friends and family didn't notice because i saw them on a daily basis. It upset me because I was working so hard and no one else could see it. People who I saw every few months really noticed the change though. It's frustrating but your doing it for yourself not for them so don;t worry if they haven't noticed... just keep up the good work!
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 339 Member
    Maybe people are afraid of saying something because they don't want to offend you? Weight is a touchy subject for a lot of people and they might not want to say the wrong thing and upset you. I would probably only say something to a close friend if I knew they were trying to lose weight. I wouldn't ever say anything to someone if I didn't know they were trying or if it were someone at work or someone I didn't know very well. Also, maybe your clothes are hiding the weight loss and they can't tell because of that.

    I think it is definitely this! I had this happen at first with co-workers. If they didn't know I was doing anything they didn't want to say something so they would ask someone I was closer to at work. People are probably noticing but not sure how to say something. Also the clothes are going to be hiding a lot of the loss as well.

    Like someone else said it is all about what you think and how you feel that truly matters! Keep doing what you are doing!
  • You are doing great! I just started on MFP yesterday and reading your message has inspired me. Even if no one says anything you know what a great job your doing. Hold your head up and chest out because you are doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • kobashi
    kobashi Posts: 164
    After drastic weight loss, it can time to for the weight to redistribute throughout your body. Give it a few weeks and you will have more NSV.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think a lot of times when people notice they don't want to say anything. It could be offensive to some or come across as a backhanded compliment. Usually, your family and close friends will be the first to compliment. Just hang in there and keep doing it for you :smile:
  • if you've lost 40 lbs, people are definitely noticing, but they probably don't want to say something to you in case it would offend you.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Hello Fitness Pals!
    Thank you so much for your encouraging words today! It was just what I needed! I think there's a lot of wisdom in your words and will remember them as I journey along. All the best as you journey this weekend and in the days to come! Here's to good health!