shes losing , im not!

My mother in law and i have been on a healthy lifestyle plan for 9 weeks. I have lost 7 lbs and she has lost 12. I lost about 4 in the first week and since then ive gained, stayed the same or had an extremely small weight loss. She has consistently lost every single week. Im almost ashamed to weigh in on saturdays with her because i feel like such a failure. I have been doing calorie counting and work out at least 5 times a week. I try to eat as healthy as possible too. Im not giving up just feeling really ashamed that im not losing and she is. its so heartbreaking :(


  • swatkins1c
    Do you feel better and more energetic or do you feel hungry all the time and how long have u been doin this. A
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Are you doing similar exercise programs?
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    I know this wont make sense because ive only lost 7 lbs but in someways i feel like i look better. I actually started last 4th of july and just maintained thru the fall and winter. we started back up the last week of february
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    we have both been doing the same exercises. 25 mins of strength training 4-5x a week and 30 mins of treadmill 4-5x a week. I guess after 9 weeks i should switch it up.
  • swatkins1c
    Try eating 100 cals more when you just lose the first week and not after it tells me your not eating enough. Also after you workout what do you do The rest of the day. Just because you workout doesn't mean you can sit on a couch for 8 hours. I'm having the same problem been on a diet for two weeks working out twice a day and no results.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Have you measured yourself? A lot of time when the scale is not moving very much, its time to get out the tape measure and start tracking your inches lost!! Good luck!!
  • googsgirl
    googsgirl Posts: 76 Member
    Sometimes if people are losing weight too quickly they may be losing lean muscle rather than fat. You may be losing at a slower rate, but maintaining the lean muscle. This may also be why you feel you look better. You are doing really well! It is not a race. Keep eating well and exercising, and make sure you are eating enough!! You want to be able to maintain a lifestyle, so you can keep the weight off for good.

    As long as you are continuing healthy habits and feeling energetic- these are the things to celebrate! it is not just about the numbers on the scale. Also- take measurements! I have only lost one pound- but many inches. It is so worth it to measure as well- very rewarding indeed.
  • Karalopolous
    Start taking pictures. You'd be very suprised I'm sure. It works!
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Have you measured yourself? A lot of time when the scale is not moving very much, its time to get out the tape measure and start tracking your inches lost!! Good luck!!
    Definitely agree with this. Its time to measure your inches, because muscle is heavier then fat,yet smaller in size.
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    That is key to keep on switching it up and progressing. If you are looking to progress then things need to change. Routines lead to plateaus. Progression leads to new and better results. Constantly challenge yourself with your eating and working out. I bet if you were offered a million dollars to win at the next weigh-in you would workout a lot harder and eat a lot better. That is the mind frame you need to have if you want to start seeing things change.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    Does she have a lot more weight to lose than you? Maybe you are losing about the same amount percentage wise for each of your body weights.
  • AuntKeke1315
    AuntKeke1315 Posts: 27 Member
    Does she have a lot more weight to lose than you? Maybe you are losing about the same amount percentage wise for each of your body weights.

    This is what I was going to ask. What are both your start weights and goal weights?
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Thank you for all the encouragement. Im eating 1600 cal a day and i do have a sit down job for 8 hours. Im going to get a pedometer today. my theory now is i dont have enough steps in throughout the day. (shes a preschool teacher and moves around alot) I did measure when i started and there was a slight drop in my measurements too.

    My stats: 32yo 5'2 157 lbs - I still have 20 lbs before i get to a "healthy weight" for my height

    Her stats : 52yo 4'11 135 lbs -shes 7 lbs away from reaching her "healthy weight"
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    Don't get down on yourself too much. You can't measure your own success by her progress. Your body composition may be different. I have been in this same situation and it is discouraging but, it sounds like you must have hit a plateau and that you realize now to switch up your exercise routine. Maybe take a hard look at your diet and lock down a bit more toward eating cleaner. Good Luck and keep your head up!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Does she have a lot more weight to lose than you? Maybe you are losing about the same amount percentage wise for each of your body weights.

    This is what I was going to ask. What are both your start weights and goal weights?

    I agree, if she has a lot more to lose than you, than it comes off faster.
  • chelle2868
    Firstly every persons body and metabolism is different. So you will lose weight differently than her simply based on that fact. Also if hers is a more drastic lifestyle change than yours she will lose more than you in the beginning until her body acclimates to the new lifestyle. Then you also have to consider that you are working out 5 days a week, while you are working out you are building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so you may be toning and looking better and losing fat but the muscle you are gaining will not let the scale show a much lower number. The best plan is to stick with what you are doing and start to take measurements weekly. You will see the results there, and in the smaller clothes that you will need to buy. Good luck, stick with it and don't feel bad about the number the scale tells you.
  • BklynEibhlin
    BklynEibhlin Posts: 119 Member
    Ahhhh, I totally know where you're coming from! I used to go to WW with my girlfriend and the pounds fell off her, 2 to 3 a week consistantly. She hit goal within 2.5 months. I was losing, just slower and not as visible as hers. After we'd weigh in, she'd be all excited about her numbers and ask to see mine. I'd to hide my 0.8lb loss from her, although she's a very supportive person and would be excited about any loss for me. It was all me comparing myself to her and seeing myself as a loser. Even though I was happy for her (genuinely!) there was a part of me that resented how easy it was for her. It's pretty much all about changing your mindset - realizing that you don't have the same composition and chemistry as someone else, so all you can do is your best for yourself.

    As far as hitting a plateau, I found that halving my carb portions (1/8 cup of bulgar dry/couscous/brown rice), doubling my veggies, and skipping on red meat helps me. :)