Looking for friends to co-support

Hi everyone,

My name is Lisa and I live in Southern California. I have been battling weight since forever, typically having 30-40 pound weight gains or losses every couple of years. 5 years ago, I just gave up and woh. .. I gained 70 pounds since then.

You don't gain and lose 30-40 pounds regularly without considering yourself a professional dieter, you know. My weight situation dates back to 9th grade when I was in an accident and put in the hospital for 8 months and came out 30 lbs heavier. I found the SECRET, called the Scarsdale Diet and proceeded to diet down to 82 pounds (I am 5'6") through going to 4 aerobics classes or more daily and eating about 400 calories a day. I was an "Exercise Anorexic" they said. in the hospital being tube fed, I was put in an eating disorder clinic where my roommates taught me how to binge eat and "scarf and barf". Except I didn't barf. So I gained 100 pounds in 6 months before my high school graduation. I stayed at that weight for while until I got pregnant my senior year in college. After giving birth to a healthy baby boy, I was actually down to 145 pounds (who loses 40 pounds the day they give birth?) My second pregnancy, I gained 85 pounds. And lost more than that doing the OA no sugar, no white flour routine.

Then I got divorced and my career took off. I would gain and lose 20 pounds every year or so, but it was manageable through Jenny, WW or working out. In 2007, I had hernias removed and decided to get the Mommy Tuck. My doctor made me promise to stay at that weight. . ..and I have since gained 70 pounds. I guess I don't like authority figures or good advice.

So here I am, 70 pounds overweight (from a chunky goal weight). My kryptonite is wine (which I was drinking 2-4 glasses nightly), my cigarettes, lattes, and greasy dips and bread. I would much rather drink than eat, so I would never eat breakfast, and sometimes not lunch, and gorge at dinner.

My new plan here is that I am giving up wine except for Fridays nights and Saturday nights (and I only get a max of 2 on either night). That is a savings of 15 glasses of wine (on average) a week at 200 calories so 3000 calories. I am starting to workout again (but let me tell you, Zumba is not my fix!) I am trying to eat at least 500 calories during the day so I only have 700 at night for dinner vs. my usual 1500.

As of today, I have lost 4.7 pounds so I have miles to go before I relax. I am going on a vacation to a Caribbean island next week for a week and I am determined to be "good" and still enjoy fruity concotions with rum!

At the end of the day, I am on my last good nerve feeling horrible each morning. I work in a competitive environment and I need every ounce of mental and physical energy to keep on top of things and I haven't felt good for years. My commitment is that i am a healthy, curvy (not obese), confident woman who wakes up each day ready to get out of bed and tackle the challenges.

Hopefully my story sounds similar to yours and you will friend me!!! I do much better when I can be supported and support people focused on the same goals.



  • SassetG
    SassetG Posts: 19
    Its incredible that you lose and gain so quickly. It seems like you are at a point where your ready to stay focused and get on the right track of losing weight the right way. Good Luck!
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    You can do this! You've had success in your career so surely you have something that gives you the determination to accomplish whatever you want to.

    I have a similar issue with losing and gaining weight back. It is so difficult to understand why I would keep up that cycle when I know how hard it is to lose. But I'm going to break that cycle and make health and fitness a lifestlye.

    You're in the right place for sure and I hope you find a lot of people to support you along the way!
  • pafoofnic
    Lisa: I wish you well on your life style change journey... and congratulation on your first 4.7 lbs. I watched my wife loose about 35 pounds over the last year and decided I'd better join her. Besides, I blew out my knee for the second time; it's time to drop 45 pounds. Thus, for the first time, I am counting calories and measuring exercise. I do believe this will work! Yes, though, this is a life style change. No more eat anything I want, eat more veggies and stuff with fiber. Instead of ice cream, at night I am having a glass of frozen blueberries with milk and Splenda. It makes for a delicious snack and much lower on the calories.
  • c_muschany
    c_muschany Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, Lisa! Good luck in your weight loss and if you would like to add me, that would be great. I am fairly new on here. I am constantly checking in and adding and changing things on my diary, so I am available if you need me. Looking to feel happy about myself again...sometime.
