What cant I lose anymore?

Hello, I have been doing MFP a little over a month now and I've only lost three pounds! I set my goal to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week and it set my calories to 1290 a day. Is this too low and possibly the reason why I'm not seeing the weight come off? I try to work out 2-3 days a week, but I'm not seeing anymore results. It's very frustrating and I just feel like giving up....but I really do want to lose 40 pounds, I just dont know what I need to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated....thanks!!


  • NanoPacket
    Are you seeing any other changes? Maybe your trimming up while building muscle? Not really sure about your calorie intake as everyone is a little different. But you look like your doing great with your food diary? What I think is working for me is walking. I try to get a walk in everyday during lunch. I found a place about a mile away that I walk to, pick up lunch then eat it at my desk... Or I use the treadmill at home if I couldnt walk at work..

    Hopefully someone else will have some ideas. Glad your still working at it though. This may be one of those Plateau's eveyone talks about.