not loosing weight!!!!!!!!



  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    I think you are right...i will try to eat more..and see how that will just feels so wrong ..eating more loosing weight...but hey suits me if it works..hahaha

    yes eat more when you work out BUT dont just eat just anything. eat more vegetables/fruit/nuts/beans/ you know things that are good for you and high in dietary fiber.
  • drdswan
    drdswan Posts: 4
    What kind of protein shake are you on? Why are you using it at night? I drink mine during the day ! I am down 16 lbs in 4 weeks.
  • fuzzywhimsy
    fuzzywhimsy Posts: 1 Member
    ahahaha I'm glad you said it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What kind of protein shake are you on? Why are you using it at night? I drink mine during the day ! I am down 16 lbs in 4 weeks.

    What is wrong with using it at night?
  • naalki
    naalki Posts: 26
    spelling seems to be very important to some i apologise for the loosing instead of losing..hope everyone can sleep now.I am not english ,so i do my very best to spell right....hahaha..and i am using the protein shake after the exercises which is in the that wrong.?My Gym said I have to drink it within 30 min after exercising..
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    spelling seems to be very important to some i apologise for the loosing instead of losing..hope everyone can sleep now.I am not english ,so i do my very best to spell right....hahaha..and i am using the protein shake after the exercises which is in the that wrong.?My Gym said I have to drink it within 30 min after exercising..

    Drink your protein shake whenever you want - there is a pretty big absorption window.
  • drdswan
    drdswan Posts: 4
    Yes, I found out, my friend drinks his right after he is done his work out. Says it doesn't matter that is at night. I drink mine for breakfast and then for the afternoon, with snacks in between and then a good supper. I figured out my calories and make sure I am drinking 1/2 my body weight in water. Good luck! Maybe double check what protein powder you are using.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    I don't think it's possible to loose weight... I mean tightening weight is also impossible. Did you mean lose?
  • kungfuflyer
    kungfuflyer Posts: 29 Member
    Don't go by weight. You should go by progress pics especially if you want a lean toned body because the your body may become more dense with muscle and you could lose body fat and still weigh the same because muscle weighs more then fat. I suggest taking a progress pic every 2 weeks instead of weighing yourself.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Looking at your diary,,, you are not eating enough..


    Yes, you are.

    Consider a few less starchy/simple carbs, in particular less sugar.. watch the sodium... drink lots of water. How is your fiber?

    1-2 lbs a week is right on.. having an off week is OKAY.. sometimes, it's just water weight. Are you near your cycle? I never lose that week, sometimes I even put on a lb or 2 but it comes right back off !!
  • min_lyn
    min_lyn Posts: 68 Member
    I'm surprised no one said this yet...or I missed it, but I recommend that you take your measurements if you have not already done so. If you are working out more than you use to it could be that you are toning up. You may be more likely to see progress if you take regular measurements versus the scale. Don't let that darn scale discourage you...especially if its only been a week. Good luck!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't think it's possible to loose weight... I mean tightening weight is also impossible. Did you mean lose?

    Very helpful comment