shin splints ??

Hi all,

Have been going to a zumba class twice a week and last sunday i was in agony along my shins and calf muscles ( bruising and swelling)

Havent done any cardio since sun of last week to rest them and was intending to go back tmrw but have just done 10 mins of davina bootcamp and i am in agony again ????

what can i do ???? is this shin splints and does this mean i cant do any aerobics etc anymore ????


  • Gloria415
    Gloria415 Posts: 30 Member
    I had the same problem about a year ago. My dr. told me it was the way I was stepping when I was doing my cardio. I would take a step and land on my heel. Don't know if that makes sense to you. But she suggested I try landing on the front (ball of foot.. don't know what it's proper name is) it takes some practice but it really helped me. I can now jog without pain. Hope someone else has a better suggestion.
  • freyaandcorysmum
    I had the same problem about a year ago. My dr. told me it was the way I was stepping when I was doing my cardio. I would take a step and land on my heel. Don't know if that makes sense to you. But she suggested I try landing on the front (ball of foot.. don't know what it's proper name is) it takes some practice but it really helped me. I can now jog without pain. Hope someone else has a better suggestion.

    hello....thanks for the reply. I thought maybe it was technique but i am more on the ball of my foot and rarely the heel so seems to be the opposite of u. But maybe it should be somewhere in between ?? xx
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    But when you land are you making sure that the whole of the foot is planted on the floor? Not doing that and only bouncing on the balls of my foot (in zumba) caused my shin splints in the first place. In my fitness classes we are encouraged to land toe to heel - and also in Willpower and Grace (which I avoided while I had shin splints, but now love) when we are barefoot so that shows why. I'm no expert but I would think that if you only land on one part of your foot then the shock is exaggerated. But how did you only manage to land on your heel, I don't think I'd be able to do that if I tried :)

    It is annoying but you might have to rest for quite a while - I'm not sure if they ever go away completely. There are some exercises you can do without equipment (e.g. spelling out the alphabet with your foot before class) and if you have access to a foam roller then look you some exercises on Youtube as that helped me a great deal.
  • meat03man
    meat03man Posts: 23 Member
    Read this a while ago on went to look it up for you worth the read don't know if it works or not though.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Just do this exercise and the shin splint pain will stop:
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member

    I also tried this and in a day mine were gone, though they hadn't gotten extremely bad yet.
  • fitnessgal12
    Thank you everyone...I have just started exercising and but im having issues with shin splints..thanks for the advice....