Adipex...weightloss pill that works?!

Ok so two friends of mine to be exact have been taking Adipex. One has been on it for a week the other for a month. The one that has been on it for a month has lost 20 pounds and my other friend who has been on it for a week has lost 5 pounds already!:wink: They as well as myself are overweight and our BMI is high. Now I am thinking about taking these as well... I have been overweight for too long and I have been working out and counting calories for a year now and nothing seems to work. :cry:

But I also have a thyroid problem(hypo). I talked to my doctor and she agrees that it would assit in my weightloss and there should be no side effects or complications with the medication I am taking now which is synthyroid. So I set up an appt and should be getting it by the end of this month.:ohwell:

My question to you all is have you heard of this stuff? Has anyone taken it? And has anyone have any advice or comments on Adipex?:indifferent:


  • sbartlett0421
    I took it for awhile about a year and a half ago. I didn't have any luck with the weight loss. However it did make me REALLY thirsty. I guess you could say it helped me get my 64 oz of water in, lol. That's actually the reason I stopped taking it, I was so thirsty and 'cotton mouthed' that I was miserable.:ohwell:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have lost 74 lbs since January using no pills or diet aids. I have just used MFP with good eating and lots of exercise.

    The pills are all very great but they don't teach you proper eating habits. I know I have learned a lot about how to eat right and what my body needs. What happens when you go off the pills? Most people gain the weight back.

    Since you only want to lose 33 lbs.... do you really think Adipex is necessary?
  • jmdolan
    jmdolan Posts: 128
    I think if you have consulted your doctor and she thinks its safe then it wont hurt to give it a try. I may just ask her to reiterate that it is safe and maybe see if she has any other suggestions regarding your thyroid issues and weightloss.
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I've never been a fan of "Diet Pills". I've seen people I know go for the quick fix and they would gain everything they lost, plus some, as soon as they stopped the pills or bizarre food regimine.

    The other thing is you stated that your doctor said there "should" be no side effects or complications. "Should" leaves a lot of room for "can happen" if you ask me.

    Have you been with MFP for a year? Why don't you try logging your food and exercise for at least 6 months and see where you're at then? The only side effects you'll get from doing the work here is weight loss.

    Hope you find something that works for you now and for your future!:smile:
  • tabstattooed
    Its is a form of one of Phen Phen's just under a different name, it is the same as PHENTERMINE, IONAMIN, FASTIN, ADIPEX-P, I have taken it and had to have an ekg prior to surgery.

    Most people are not long term successful. Most of what you lose is water weight....thats why the other poster was so thirsty. Most people do not keep it off either. Why do some people say they are so successful? Maybe because they changed their lifestylee and habits and incorporated exercise into their life.

    I can not believe your dr said it would assist with weight your weight loss.

    Since you are on synthroid ( me too) how do you plan on taking it? Synthroid must be taken first thing in the AM with a full glass of water ONE hour before anything to eat or other meds . Adipex has to be taken first thing in the AM on an empty stomach as well with water. So that means from the time you wake up and take all of this you might eat a healthy breakfast in 2 hours.

    What kind of dr would even suggest this?? I am not sure . Unless your BMI is really high and you have serious co-morbidities. Why wont your dr prescribe ORLISTAT? (ALLI, at walmart,) its FDA approved. Adipex is a form of speed truck drivers used to take.

    If it was such a great drug and a wonder pill there would be no fat people. Why dont you just change your eating habits? Take in less food but good quality healthy food and exercise and burn off the cals you eat? If it is so great why dont all dr's prescribe it? The only way to get it here is to go to a "weightloss dr" so they call themselves or a shady dr. Its not cheap, 35 bucks a bottle give or take.

    Thats where it is at....eating right and fitness. Thats the only way to good health and fitness.

    I am not saying it wont work or it has not worked for some....but some people are blinded by the obvious....your losing water weight....and then muscle is hard on the heart as it raises your heart rate....

    Have you researched this? What kind of dr are you going to? I went to a dr that refused to continue to see me if I took it. I have since had my stomach stapled because the meds did not work for me. My 19 yr old daughter took them in her jr year of hs....she is morbidly obese....well she lost weight but doubled in regain when she went off them.

    I have realzied that sine my gastric bypass, that eating right, portion size and exercise is the key. Yes I have regained 40 pounds since my surgery 8 yrs ago but that is because I dont eat right and wont work out. I want to be a personal trainer.

    this is what I found in regards to Adipex......last I knew working out and eating right had less side effects.

    How does Adipex work?
    Adipex works by affecting parts of the central nervous system which effectively suppress the feeling of hunger. Adipex is known to increase levels of energy within patients which can be expended through exercise.

    Adipex is a prescription drug.
    Adipex is classed as a controlled substance with the US and is only available on prescription.

    The chemical composition of Adipex is similar to that of amphetamines and if taken for a prolonged period of time can be addictive. It is usually recommended that Adipex be taken for no longer than a period of a few weeks without a break.

    Adipex can also be habit forming and it should only be taken by the patient it was prescribed for.

    Adipex side effects
    Side effects of Adipex can include:

    Restlessness Excess energy Insomnia
    Euphoria Dysphoria Difficulty in breathing
    Dizziness Weakness Ankle and extremity Swelling
    Increase in blood pressure Excessive fatigue Headache
    Dryness of the mouth Unpleasant taste Diarrhea, Constipation
    Impotence Changes in libido

    Adipex can also be habit forming and it should only be taken by the patient it was prescribed for.

    If you look further into the med info it clearly stats....WITH PROPER DIET AND EXERCISE....

    I did have to take meds to make me sleep at night while taking this. I am not saying dont take it, I am saying be informed, do not expect long term results and know the side effects. Maybe you will be the lucky one of few that will see long term results. I wish you that luck.

    How much weight did I lose? 17 pounds in 3 weeks and went off it and with in 3 months I regained over 30 pounds.

    I wish you luck . There is no wonder drug for weight loss. It is descipline and knowledge.

    If you plan to go and do it the non meds way, keep a food journal and try to consume about 1200 cals and try to burn them off in exercise. Drink plenty of water....

    of course people are going to come on here and praise it.....and they are going to slam me in the process.

    I just feel you have other options that are going to require more discipline and take longer but will be better for you in the end.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I guess just the simple fact that losing weight affects how much synthroid your body needs, you'd have side effects. The adipex will make you lose weight and you will have to adjust your other meds. I would consider that a side effect and a pretty decent one at that as the thyroid regulates a lot.
  • roccopico
    I have a friend who takes it. She only take 1/2 a pill a day. It has aided her to lose some of her weight. The only problem is if you don't learn good eating habits as soon as you stop taking it the weight comes back on.

    You might consider having the doctor adjust your thyroid meds. I have seen this make a tremendous difference in people with thyroid and weight issues.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions and concerns. I have been watching my weight and what I eat for about a year and a half and I have been working out regulary. I have asked my doctor how come it is so hard for me to lose weight and she refers back to me and my thyroid issues. I recently have started a different workout program Power 90 by beachbody and it has been ok so far. I saw a dietician 2 weeks ago and she went over all the portion controls, this website and what I should and should not be eating and I am totally on the same page. But I am having so many problems losing this weight. I feel better that I log it on here and can see and it helps me control my intake a little more than I have been but after 2 months of being on here and a year and a half of trianing at this amazing gym and eating right I feel I am getting desperate. I feel bad for even thinking or turning to something like Adipex but it was just a thought.
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Dryness of the mouth Unpleasant taste Diarrhea, Constipation

    :laugh: LOL:laugh: I read that as "unpleasant TASTING diarrhea"

    Anyway, I just wanted to add that all those side effects hardly seem worth it to take anything like that.
  • tabstattooed
    lol....glad you re-read it....its the way it copied and pasted.....

    this is a life long journey and battle when it comes to weight loss. there is no magic pill, food , drink or what have you.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member

    So what do you suggest I do? I mean I know its a battle but I have never had to battle so hard in my life. I mean I work 11 hours a day and I workout hard and I really have been watching what I eat...still no great weightloss. I think I even gained weight. NOT GOOD!
  • tabstattooed
    weight gain could be muscle....but there is controversy on that one.

    sometimes when we over work out we tend to be ravenous after the work out eat and the end result is gain weight. You need to consume a protien shake or lean piece of chicken after the workout. The shake is better especially if you lifted weights because it helps with muscle repari/recovery.

    how many cals are you taking in? and is this what your NUT said to consume? Have you followed a deit plan without fallin off the wagon? No alcohol....or sinnful food?

    do you have a heart rate monitor? I suggest Polar brand, but there are others. What is your exercise routine??

    If you have been doing the same exercise routine since day one and have never changed it up that can alter your results. You may need more cardio at first then go into more weights. You need muscle to build fat but you need the cardio as well...

    The dr can increase the synthroid a little at a time and that may help.

    Do you keep a very detailed food journal? sells them called diet minders and they are about 15 bucks or so, also has fitness minder.

    I would talk to the dr, NUT and get a trainer (short term) then train yourself as most charge 20-45 bucks for 45 mins 3x per week.

    It seems like you need to tweak your whole are not doing something right or you may be over doing something. The thyroid issues is going to make it harder for you.

    Do you take it 1st thing in the am with a full glass of h20 and then wait an hour before eating or taking other meds? Check on that book I mentioned to you in the private message.

    Are you a dorm rat?? Eating at home or on base?

    There is a running program I have been looking into couch to 5k. Running is one of the best cardio options out there......
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    I eat about 1400 calories a day, I have switched up my workouts every 2 months or so, my dr of endocrinology wont up my synthroid till oct, and my dietician said I should eat about 1200 calories a day. But I do eat on base. I am not a dorm rat, I mostly hang out off base with my bf. I have to eat on base, they take out about 328 dollars from my check so I kinda have no choice but to eat at the DEFAC. I am a vegetarian but I eat fish. But as you may know the military does not cook gourmet foods for us and they "healthy" options usually aren't healthy at all. I think a lot of what you said is a good idea. Like the protien shake after my workouts and I have been training for a half marathon which I will be attending next Saturday. I mean I think I am in good heatlh just stuck like chuck for some reason. I do have Power 90 and P90X so I plan to focus more on that and continue running once I return. I have focused mainly on running and here and there workouts for the past couple weeks. But we shall see what happens! Thank you for the advice I will def be taking you up on it. I was going to get those pills but I think your right, working out hard and lowering my calorie intake is def what I should continue to do.
  • tabstattooed
    ok...this is kind of scary, but, you might need to increase the cals....sometimes when your work out is a llittle more intense you may require more calories...

    or you need to drop them 200 and increase protien. Do you know how mujch protien you take in??

    yes I know the food is not the gourmet healthy options we need......bummer about how you have to pay all that money for un healthy food.....well they it is

    U can get protien shakes at GNC or Wal Mart. Or online. Dont drink Boost or ready made shakes unless you dont like powdered ones. The ready made ones have more cals and less protien. You can get 25-50 gr of protien in a powderd shake for about 100-200 calories, whereas the ready made ones are about 25 gr protien for over 200 cals.

    Your body only absorbs so much protien at one time so you do no good drinking 2 shakes at one time. S
  • tabstattooed
    sorry my cat stepped on the keyboard and sent my message....

    anyhow some people see weight loss from the protien increase alone. I would try upping it.

    Also ,are you losing inches??? You may have stalled on the scale but your losing inches. Get a tape measure and measure yourself and go from there.

    How much are you looking to lose?? Have you been told by the mil that you are overweight? Is your BMI high??

    Maybe when the synthroid is increased you might see a change there too.....remember measure your body.....log all you EAT and DRINK, even the protien shakes.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member

    So what do you suggest I do? I mean I know its a battle but I have never had to battle so hard in my life. I mean I work 11 hours a day and I workout hard and I really have been watching what I eat...still no great weightloss. I think I even gained weight. NOT GOOD!

    I think you need to try to find a doctor who can help you get your thyroid issue under control.
  • tabstattooed
    she is going to the endo......

    sometimes it takes more work and tweaking the meds and so on.

    she has access to a dr , and a nut, so I dont think it is a matter of going to the doc. Most endos have you come in every 3 mos and they draw blood....maybe when the doc ups her meds in oct she might see results.

    she may not be doing something right diet and exercise wise also. she could be eating too few or too many cals, not enough protien or water.

    I do suggest following her food and drink intake very closely, increase her protien and see what happens when the synthroid gets increased.

    what is your dose of synthroid? mine is 75mcg.

    The thyroid issues can often look like other problems. People get told they are depressed and get put on meds for that when in many cases it is a thyroid issue. Thyroid imbalances cause depression, anxiety and mood swings, makes you tired, cold, unable to gain or lose weight, poor sleep habits and insomnia, skin hair and nail problems.

    500,000 new people are diagnosed with thyroid imbalances each year. Stephanie is seeing an endo which is the first step. They dont change your meds just because you want them changed. You usually have to give them a try for 3 months then they up or decrease them. That can go on for a year or until they find what is right for her.

    She is going to have to work harder than the average person trying to lose weight.

    Stephanie, do you have PCOS? polycystic ovary syndrome......its 3 to 6 times more likely in women with thyroid imbalances. PCOS patients are sometimes insulin resistant which can cause the weight issues.

    You might need to switch to a low glycemic diet.....I would go to the NUT and ask for a list of LOW/GI food....its gonna suck because it is all the good things.....breads and white rice and other tasty things.

    Dont worry Steph, I have taken you under my wing.....message me anytime....I am here for you to vent to....I might need to vent to you thyroid is all jacked up, going through peri menopause, regained 40 pounds blah.......

    take care
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you Tammy.

    You were right in all that you said. My doctor wont up my meds till Oct, right now I take 50mcg of the synthyriod. I think its too low. She took me off my meds for like 6 weeks in the summer and my thyriods went way down and when she took my blood again she was like OH NO:frown: . So she started me off small and it working me up!

    Your right my diet has alot to do with it and I think i really need some sort of special diet going on here. My endo said that it would take 4-6 weeks to see results from my meds but that is only if is the right dosage. And you know if you have hypo then it takes a while to tweak it. Every 6 weeks blood is drawn you wait and then get a call.

    Tammy thank you for taking me under your wing. I will def look into this polycystic ovary syndrome. Sounds like I should be on a low glycemic diet. I def will get with my Dietician. She is out for the weekend but will be back on Monday.

    My thyroid is all jacked up too. I just switched birth control which always plays an important role, in figuring out what dosage of synthroid is right for me.

    As far as the protien I have not paid attention to it at all. I actually am going out to buy some this afternoon, being a veggie I forget that a lot of the time and it would be easier just to have a protein shake. It would be healthier too.

    And yes according to military standards my BMI is high, I am considered overweight.:cry: I am looking to lose 30 pounds all together and I am going to measure myself today or tomorrow. I have to buy a measuring tape and I am working today so I might have to do it tomorrow. I get off late and go in early.

    I am def going to pay more attention to what I eat. It is so hard like I said when what you have to choose from is the base defac:explode: . I am hoping to get taken off due to my issues that I am having now but that is a process and it may take up to a month before I see any action taken on that.:ohwell:

    :happy: Thanks for taking me under your wing. I am glad there is someone else out there that understands what I am going through. I feel alone with this right now. Alot of the symtoms such as the depression, anxiety and mood swings are gone but me feeling tired and having poor sleeping habits are still buggin me. Hopefully by the end of next month I will be at 85% instead of 50% :grumble:

    Thanks again and I will need you to vent to! LOL! And you know I am here for ya too! :blushing:
    LADOGMOM Posts: 12 Member
    I've used it off and on the past....It works...It's an old drug and is fairly safe as long as you are in good health...You should be monitored by a doctor since it can can cause an increase in blood pressure.

    I got it from my regular doctor (not off of the internet or from a diet clinic). She would only give me enough for two weeks at a time and I had to go back and be weighed and have my blood pressure taken to get a refill. I could only tolerate about a quarter of the prescribed dose.

    It is not a long term solution - your appetite will return when you quit taking it. It also has a tendency to quit working after about three months.

    I haven't taken it in several years because I found the side effects from the medication and the extra time out of my schedule to be monitored closely by my doctor to not be worth it in the long term.

    If I was offered it again - I would pass.

    Good Luck to you.
  • tabstattooed

    I look forward to hearing from you with updates. Do you have a GNC