Hello :)

Just wanted to say hello :) I had my son about 18 months ago and can't go back to my old weight which was 125 pounds... I have 40 pounds to lose and recently I realized how " oh you just had a baby" line annoys me . No honey it's been over a year ... Moms who work full time and take care of the house, know how hard it is to find time for exercise and cook separate meals . Im hoping to exchange some recipes that will make me,my hubby and my baby happy as well as healthy and hope to find awesome people to keep me motivated :) xo


  • keekee1804
    keekee1804 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome! And congrats on your new addition! I have a 13 months old so I know exactly how you feel! Feel free to add me :)
  • kristenlees122
    good luck, and feel free to add me!