Does the 30 day shred bother anyone else's knees?

I love this video and I did day 3 today but holy crap do the jumping jacks and jump rope bother my knees. Just wondering if it bothers anyone else and what you did about it. Did you modify that part with something else or just end up quitting...or did it get better? I don't really want to quit but I don't know if I can a whole month of this without hurting my knees. I just thought about doing the strength training and abs part on my own (I love those parts) and then do my treadmill for 30 - 40 minutes to get the cardio part of the video. Would I get the same sort of results? Help...not sure what I should do.


  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I just started it (I've done it once!) and I noticed today that my right knee is really swollen. I'm thinking from the jumping jacks or maybe I'm doing something else wrong. I just really don't know. Anyone?
  • hoppinfroggin22
    hoppinfroggin22 Posts: 165 Member
    You have to stick with it...Just made it through Day 4 level 1 and it was 10 times easier than the first day!! My calves were hurting badly but it has gone away!! add me if you like
  • Showcats
    Showcats Posts: 32
    I have knee problems as well so I am starting out doing 30 DS every other day rather than every day. I am only in my first week so am not sure it that will make a difference or not.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I have knee problems as well so I am starting out doing 30 DS every other day rather than every day. I am only in my first week so am not sure it that will make a difference or not.

    I am also going to be doing it every other day. I think I'll have to modify it a bit until the knee heals up...
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I've gone through the whole thing a few times, and I'm in the midst of doing it again. At first it hurt my knees a bit, but at the time I assumed it was just because I had just started working out again and I was jumping weird, but it stopped bothering me maybe half way through the 30 days. But that's just me...and I was doing it bare foot on carpet. Maybe a good pair of runners would help..? I'm no expert...
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Are you not doing the knee rolls from the warm up!? J/ doesn't bother my knees but it does bother my ankles. They have always been weak. And the stretching at the end is hard on my lower back...
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    just do a search of the forums, and you'll see there a million posts about this, so you're certainly not alone.

    I hava had knee problems, but surprisingly the 30 day shred didn't bother me when I did it last year.
  • kfayjay
    kfayjay Posts: 7
    I would suggest getting some good shoes with good cushioning in them and see if that helps. I have bad knees myself and have done 30 Day Shred and TurboFire and P90X. A lot of it has to do with the type of shoes you're wearing and if that doesn't help then just modify the moves. It can be done!
  • macmac1212
    macmac1212 Posts: 20 Member
    I noticed the same thing, i have a squishy mat that i do the jumping jacks on (my floor is concrete with carpeting on top of it so there's no way I'm jumping without a little buffer). I just got two knee braces from amazon today and tried them on to see if they'd help. My knees felt SO much better!! I've only used them on my walk so far, but tomorrow I'm going to put them to use for my day 6 of level one :) Mine is the Yasco knee support and I think they were about 10 bucks each....
  • JoCam127
    JoCam127 Posts: 39 Member
    Yep, first time round, a week or so in, hurt my left knee ( was really swollen for 2 weeks, probably because I didn't rest it enough ) ...
    Maybe make sure you've got some good shoes & check your flooring, I was doing the jumping jacks etc. on slate tiles, sure that wasn't a good idea, got me some awesome exercise mats :wink:
    Also perhaps do a warm-up of some sort before 30DS ( walking, yoga or something ) as I've seen a few people on here say that the 'warm-up' that Jillian does is not enough, hope your knees feel better :happy:
  • chelledawg14
    chelledawg14 Posts: 509 Member
    It didn't bother my knees, but I found I definitely had to invest in a $50 bra for the jumping jacks and jump rope. The double jump rope stuff in level 2 does me in so I just do normal jump ropes like in level 1. I have a really bad right ankle - broken once, sprained 3 times and arthritis, but the cardio parts don't bother it, either. I'm grateful for the circuits and how it switches up - you never get bored! I wear my Nike Free's on a carpeted floor.
  • Ed_81
    Ed_81 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm probably the only guy using this DVD on here lol. I'm up to day 3 on level one. I'm gonna use it every day (hopefully) so far my knees are fine, but dear god do my *kitten*, thighs and calve know that they've had a work out lol. I was really proud of how fit I thought I'd got until I started this lol.
    I'm dreading stage 2, and I've not even watched it yet lol.

    Keep it up everyone, anything that makes you feel like this afterwards has to be doing us good :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I love this video and I did day 3 today but holy crap do the jumping jacks and jump rope bother my knees. Just wondering if it bothers anyone else and what you did about it. Did you modify that part with something else or just end up quitting...or did it get better? I don't really want to quit but I don't know if I can a whole month of this without hurting my knees. I just thought about doing the strength training and abs part on my own (I love those parts) and then do my treadmill for 30 - 40 minutes to get the cardio part of the video. Would I get the same sort of results? Help...not sure what I should do.
    You seriously need to be careful because if you sort through the low ratings on Amazon almost everyone who rated the 30 day shred low had a knee injury..Seriously! I read hundreds of comments and decided to chance it myself and just not push myself too hard in the beginning and until I can handle it entirely I won't do what I can't. Don't push yourself beyond your personal limitations.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    you are not alone, i find that it hurts my left knee, and it also is hard on my ankles.

    but if you keep at it it will strength them. you might have to do some more stretches though.
  • kurenaikumo
    kurenaikumo Posts: 271 Member
    Please, for the love of God, if you have any swelling, grinding, popping or pain severe enough you can hardly walk, SEE A DOCTOR! About 20 years ago I neglected to do so after an injury, and I'm paying for it with osteoarthritis now.

    I thought about buying 30DS, but after reading review after review concerning the knees specifically, I decided it wasn't worth it to me to even take that chance. I can't afford it. ALTHOUGH, I've seen that some people were able to effectively modify some of the exercises (ie do not lunge as deeply, only do the arm movements for the jumping jacks etc) if your problems are not severe. Also, as another mentioned, knee braces/sleeves might do the trick for as well. Don't force it.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    It used to really hurt my knees when i did it so i decided to only do it five days a week unless i got bored and done it six times. Helped a lot :)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    My knee hurt (before, during and after 30DS) and so I modified my movements. When she tells me that there's no modification for a jumping jack and her 400 pound people on Biggest Loser can do them, I just laugh at her and say she's obviously never met me and my bum knee. I wind up just kicking out one leg at a time while my arms still go through the motions of jumping jacks. I know it's not the same as jumping up and down with both legs in and out, but I figure it's better than nothing that I keep moving during that portion of the video rather than just standing still. And for the jump rope (since I don't own one) I just lightly bounce in place.
  • Thanis90
    Thanis90 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of Level one. It certainly gets easier... In the beginning I was lucky if I could do 2 jumping jacks, and now I'm like "Aw, is that it?" :P
  • kristiseal
    I think I'm going to try brazil butt lift. I've heard really good things about this workout. Who wants to try it with me? On amazon it's around $60
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    not particularly it hurts my neck (i have neck issues already tho so lol)