My on-going Journey w/ pic

Hi all. The inspirational stories posted by members here in MFP helped me a lot to keep motivated. Hence I would like to share my little journey. Out of college I was fit. Unfortunately I fell to the common trap of having work and the extra money to buy foods, the unhealthy ones. For 6 years I ate whatever my eyes see and the lack of exercise caused me to balloon to over 260 lbs! Come 2012, I just woke up realizing that I must change my life.

Here I am, obese and unhappy :(

I started by walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes and lift some 5 lbs weights. I look hopeless that day and whenever I look at the mirror, my goal seemed impossible. But I continued my journey and educate myself with nutrition, exercise etc. I increased my cardio to 30 min/day and added self-made program for my weight training. I changed my diet and started to use MFP to log my calories. Then the lbs started to melt. I felt good. I am on my 4th month and continuously motivating my self to change my life. I hope to meet friends here, so please add me.

This is me today :)


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