Doing it right this time

Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
Hi! I've been using mfp for a couple of weeks now and wanted to introduce myself. I'm 33, female and from London, UK. I have PCOS and a history of chaotic eating. I don't have a lot to lose compared to some but I do have some serious work to do to combat the 'all-or-nothing' attitude to weight loss I've had in the past.

After starting on 1200 cals as recommended by mfp, I did some reading on these forums and have now upped this to 1400 net (above my BMR). I think I'm (finally!) ok with losing slow... I'm in this for the long term :)

I log in every day to input my food and exercise, would love some friends to share this journey and do some mutual cheerleading!

Please feel free to add me, best of luck to all with their goals.


  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    I am the same as you, in that last time i dieted it was all or nothing. I swam a mile 6 days a week and walked about 5 miles every evening. I lost 62lb in 6 months. But i couldnt maintain it because i wasnt enjoying it.
    I started again on Weds 25 April and am going to do it in moderation. Saying that, I've lost 7lb already, but i know that is probably mostly water.
    My doctor told me to aim for 1800cals. ( I am male and 6'2" ) Though mfp says 2160.
    Good luck and I'll keep my eye on your progress.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    I am the same as you, in that last time i dieted it was all or nothing. I swam a mile 6 days a week and walked about 5 miles every evening. I lost 62lb in 6 months. But i couldnt maintain it because i wasnt enjoying it.
    I started again on Weds 25 April and am going to do it in moderation. Saying that, I've lost 7lb already, but i know that is probably mostly water.
    My doctor told me to aim for 1800cals. ( I am male and 6'2" ) Though mfp says 2160.
    Good luck and I'll keep my eye on your progress.

    Thanks for your message. Moderation really is key isn't it - and the hardest bit for me!

    Best of luck to you too - we can do this :)
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    So, what have you eaten today? Been good?
    Weekends and evenings are the worst for me.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    So far yes... Omelette with turkey ham and a rice cake for breakfast, with coffee. Got a chicken kiev with salad planned for lunch, trying to get my protein in!

    Weekends are hardest for me too, especially if alcohol is involved :) I've had a pretty good week though so hoping for a loss tomorrow (I weigh in on Mondays).

    Well done on your loss so far by the way - even if some of it is water that's a very motivating start!
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    I had 2 boiled eggs and a food doctor multiseed pitta for breakfast.
    Just had slim a soup, 2 rice cakes with 2 slices wafer thin chicken, tomato, spring onion and some fat free natural yoghurt with a sliced banana.
    Gonna have grilled chicken breast, bulgar wheat, brocolli and probably some cabbage. I have cabbage with everything, I love it.
    I'm trying to steer away from alcohol for a while. Havent had any since last Friday. I drink loads of fizzy water instead. Pint glass full before every meal.
  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282
    I found on this journey it is a great idea to get measurements early on. That away if you don't lose weight you can see if dropped inches. Some times that has kept me motivated to push on instead of giving up.
  • JBO32
    JBO32 Posts: 3
    Welcome! I too have PCOS..and wow is it a battle. I was diagnosed when I was 18 but didnt seem to have any real issues with it until after I had my son and the weight never came off and I just kept gaining! Im trying to loose 100lbs total. Its been awhile since Ive seen that number but I do understand the slow process is better then having that instant gratification. I am following the south beach diet plan along with calorie counting and trying to keep the calories at 1200 unless of course I excercise. I then up the intake so that my metabolism keeps going.
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    I took a photo of myself from front, side and rear. In just shorts. Will take another for every stone i lose. I did it last time and the difference was amazing. Shame i didnt keep it up but i will this time. Dont want my doctor going ballistic at me like he did on Tuesday.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    I found on this journey it is a great idea to get measurements early on. That away if you don't lose weight you can see if dropped inches. Some times that has kept me motivated to push on instead of giving up.

    Thanks! Yes I have taken some 'before' measurements. I do tend to get hung up on the scale so it's good to have a different way of measuring progress :)
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome! I too have PCOS..and wow is it a battle. I was diagnosed when I was 18 but didnt seem to have any real issues with it until after I had my son and the weight never came off and I just kept gaining! Im trying to loose 100lbs total. Its been awhile since Ive seen that number but I do understand the slow process is better then having that instant gratification. I am following the south beach diet plan along with calorie counting and trying to keep the calories at 1200 unless of course I excercise. I then up the intake so that my metabolism keeps going.

    Thanks for the welcome! I do think PCOS makes it harder to lose. I tried cutting carbs in the past but it just wasn't sustainable for me. If I restrict certain foods too much I tend to binge. Now I'm trying to net calories above my BMR, and try to get my protein in. Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    I took a photo of myself from front, side and rear. In just shorts. Will take another for every stone i lose. I did it last time and the difference was amazing. Shame i didnt keep it up but i will this time. Dont want my doctor going ballistic at me like he did on Tuesday.

    Yes I have taken some pics too. Hate looking at them right now but hopefully they'll be good motivation further down the line :)
  • jsdeanis
    jsdeanis Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm trying the slow and steady method this time, I have so many joint problems and need to make a life style change rather than go on another fad diet. I'm 30 and from London and job stress has lead me to binge, now I'm taking control! Good luck with the weight loss, if you need support, feel free to add me.
  • slim104
    slim104 Posts: 160
    I'm a bit impatient too, so i want to see results now. But i will have to learn to wait. Being type 2 diabetic doesn't help either. Have to be careful with my carbs.
    Good to have someone to talk to on here as well.
    I look forward to sharing highs and lows with you all.
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    JSDeanis: Thank you! Yes stress is a trigger for me too unfortunately... That's partly why I'm being careful not to cut my calories too much this time. I don't want it to backfire and set off a binge. Anyway thanks again, have added you! :)
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    I'm a bit impatient too, so i want to see results now. But i will have to learn to wait.

    Exactly. That's the main reason I got into this mess - being impatient, going on fad diets, starving myself, bingeing, and repeat...

    It's the most difficult thing but we are going to have to learn it. I refuse to spend the rest of my days on one crazy diet or another - life is too short! So here's to moderation and learning patience for the long haul :)
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. Like you, I don't have much to lose, but I want this to be the last time I lose it. I want peace with food and to go about this in a moderate, sustainable way. Still fighting the diet warrior mentality and have to monitor that inner voice that wants go at this all or nothing. :flowerforyou:
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Still fighting the diet warrior mentality and have to monitor that inner voice that wants go at this all or nothing.

    Totally agree! Thanks for the welcome... I have added you! :)