No weight loss this week...

I just weighed in this week and I am seriously annoyed that I didn't loose any lbs. :mad: I just started doing this & I'm actually not even sure I'm doing it correctly. I followed my plan, made sure I ate less calories, fat, etc...than I was allowed and I exercised every day. When I put the plan it it said if I followed that I would loose 2lbs/week so what am I missing? I'm 42, when I started I weighed 320. I want to loose 100lbs. The first week I lost 7 lbs. This week nothing. Any advice? Thx.


  • It is likely that you didn't lose weight because by working out, you are gaining muscle which is heavier but more compact than fat which is actually a good thing. If you think this could be the case, try taking your measurements instead of weighting yourself as a way of tracking your progress. :)
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    That's a good idea but I should probably clarify, when I say working out, I actually mean I'm walking on the treadmill. I try to do that for 45min everyday.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    That's a good idea but I should probably clarify, when I say working out, I actually mean I'm walking on the treadmill. I try to do that for 45min everyday.
    Walking is a great start! Make sure your diary is public so we can help if it isn't,(I never checked), drink lots of water. Give your body two weeks to get over the shock of the adjusted diet and exercise. It is fighting you! Look how long you let it control you. Believe me, after awhile the weight will start to come off and you will definitely notice your clothes starting to fit differently. After awhile, make sure to add in some type of resistance exercise too as it will raise your metabolism. Cardio takes off weight. Resistance exercise KEEPS off weight!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Give it more time just started! Some weeks you will have big losses other weeks there will be none....all very normal!:wink:
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Weight loss isn't always linear. 7 lbs in the first week is awesome, and you're still at an average of 3.5 lbs per week over 2 weeks. Your body is adjusting to a new process. You probably did the same thing for a very long time to get to where you are. Now, you've decided to make a change and that change requires a lot of new energy. Sure, you want to see instant results... we'd all love that, but it just doesn't work that easily most of the time. Ride it out, keep doing what you're doing and see what happens next week. Then repeat. If you don't like your overall results at 4-6 weeks, start looking more closely at what you're doing and where you need to tweak things. This is an evolving process.

    One other point... I doubt you got to 300 lbs in 2 weeks, right. If you'd weighed yourself every week over the past couple of years, I'm sure there were weeks where you gained and weeks where you didn't. Yet you probably would have felt that you were doing the "Same thing" with regards to your eating and movement habits. Losing weight is no different. There are going to be ups, downs and level spots. Just hold on and focus on the positives and you'll get there eventually.

    All the best to you!
    Good luck :-)
  • I hear you! I´m really pissed as well , because instead of going down on the measuring tape, I went up!!!!!! I´ve tracking my food, and calories intake but still, haven`t been able to lose neither weight nor inches! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    That's a good point I hadn't thought of it that way. Thx.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    OP you're going to have weeks you not only don't lose any weight, but weeks you gain. Weight loss isn't linear and you will be up and down some weeks. It sucks. As long as the general trend is down you'll be fine. Just keep going.
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    I didn't even realize that setting was there. Thx I changed it.
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    I changed it. Thx.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I wrote this post up to address frustrations like yours, I hope it helps.
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    Thank you!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Sigh, muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1 pound of muscle weighs 1 pound, as does 1 pound of fat.

    I checked out a few days of your diary. Just my personal observations on what I have learned from my Dr. and nutritionist.

    1 - Your sodium looks really high. Are you sure that you are not just retaining water? I would guess just your lunch alone puts you well over 2,000 mg of sodium.
    2 - You do not eat enough protein. According to the information I have been given men need 30 grams 4 times per day to have an "adequate" level.
    3 - I didn't look what your exercise is. Strength training is better for weight loss as muscle burns more calories than fat.

    As I said, this is my thoughts from the information I have been provided. Hopefully it can help you. Good luck on your weight loss.
  • daruco94
    daruco94 Posts: 8
    Thanks for the information, I'll keep that in mind.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Agree with all of the above. Some other thoughts...
    -Your breakfast calories are on the low side, and your dinner calories are very high. Not sure when you get your exercise in, and if that is a factor, but generally you should try to get more calories in the morning for breakfast to kick start your metabolism.
    -Also, eating frequently, several smaller meals throughout the day, will keep your metabolism running higher. I would try to shift some of your dinner calories to breakfast and/or another snack during the day.
    -Some of your daily calorie totals seem very low. Trying to cut too many calories too fast could have the reverse effect as your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto every calorie it gets. Focus on long term results rather than trying to lose too much too fast.