nothing to do with mfp but dog owners (poorly dog)



  • caroltz
    caroltz Posts: 16
    No advice, but I hope your little pup feels better fast.

    Proud mom of Blue
  • No advice, but I hope your little pup feels better fast.

    Proud mom of Blue

    thank you, loving the doggy love:heart: no one else i know has been understanding how upset ive been but none of them own a dog- i love my dog as much as my husband lol and sometimes more lol!!!!i deffinatly prefer the dog in bed with me lol
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    I so hope your baby is ok!!!!
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    Is your pup lying on tiles in the kitchen a lot since she has been sick? How has the vomit looked like?
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I have a dog that will occasionally need to be rehydrated. The 2 things we found to get her to drink water (and shortly after she'll usually eat) is either spread peanut butter on the bottom of the water bowl and then put a couple centimeters of water on top or to add the liquid from a can of tuna to the water.

    Hope she feels better soon.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    I hope your pup feels better! I'm the prod mom to 2 wonderful furry boys who are my life! They are no where near as little as your puppy, but I could only imagine the worry you were going through! I'm so bad, I go bonkers if my dogs don't come upstairs to go to bed at night time!

    And yes, I love my dogs more than my husband too....SHHH!!
  • jaqiswany
    jaqiswany Posts: 76
    Id just make sure you keep in contact with your vet and if you are at all worried theres any changes get back to them right away.

    I have a staffy and hes prone to sickness bouts every few months but after 24 hours of just water it settles down, but sounds like youre pup may have swallowed something.

    Hope he is feeling better soon, and you too its a worry when they are poorly
  • mororange
    mororange Posts: 10 Member
    I have a beagle who has gotten sick like that twice now. The vet thinks he eats things off the ground during walks and gets an upset tummy. We do 24 hours without food. Then a couple of days of bland chicen and rice, two meals, morning and evening.

    The sems to help. Then if he has runny poo, we add a little canned pumpkin to his kibble and that does the trick.

    I hope your pup is feeling well soon. :)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I have a toy rat terrier/ Chihuahua mix. That is her in my ticker. She has a very sensitive tummy. She has had pancreatitis 3 times from sneaking table food somehow. Each time she was treated with IV fluids, pain medication, antibiotics, anti-nausea meds and something for diarrhea. She was also given a high calorie canned dog food by Science Diet called "critical care" that is high in calories and easily digestible. I hope your little one gets better soon. Mine is my service dog and is with me 24/7, everywhere I go. Post back on here later and give us an update on her or send me a message. I am a huge dog lover and I understand your concern. I will say a prayer for her.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    I have no advice but wishing your furry friend a swift recovery from myself and dogface, he read the thread, looks concerned.

  • I so hope your baby is ok!!!!
    thank you x
  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    I don't know what could be causing the sickness, but in a small breed dog like that, you not only have to worry about dehydration, you need to worry about hypoglycemia. I would personally get her back into a vet, even if it's an emergency vet. It could turn bad very, very quickly. The listlessness is an extremely worrying sign.
    I agree with this, I'd worry about the listlessness and get help right away. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you, as an animal lover, I know it's no fun when they are sick. Take Care :heart:
  • Is your pup lying on tiles in the kitchen a lot since she has been sick? How has the vomit looked like?
    no shes lying in bed with me (i have a similer illness) vet reckons its a coinsidance as we dont share food.
    its been white and frothy,no food content in it.
    i dont feed her any of our food,she has her own dog treats but with 2 young kids its not to hard to get hold of something she shouldnt have though my kids do not intensionally give her there food she scanvengers lol
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hope she is feeling better! We have a Chiahuahua also and she has a very sensitive stomach and gets sick very easily. Keeping my fingers crossed! :)
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Please don't wait to bring her back to the vet!! At least call them and tell the vet she is getting worse and she is listess. That sounds bad to me. I have had 4 dogs over the years and have never seen that. I hope and pray she is ok. All the best.
  • thank you everybody:flowerforyou: i think after the vets take her off this special diet i will keep on rice and chicken for abit, i know chihuahuas i prone to stomach upsets y this is why i only feed her foods designed for dogs but something more than likely slipped threw the net
    her temperature is gone down now too and shes not passing up on going for a walk so i think shes on the mend lots of extra love for my baby and hopefully the vets will be happy with her tomorrow
  • thank you, she went back this morning and theres improovment xx
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    That's great news to see - it's always reassuring when they're peeing-pooing-drinking-eating as normal :love:
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    hiya people my dog, a 6 month old chihuahua started throwing up last night (its 10.30 pm in england right now) and was sick 6 times threwout the night.
    her shots,worming and treatments are all up to date
    anyway took her straight to the vets this morning she was checked for obstruction and nothing could be felt but she has a temperature, she was given 2 rounds of anti sickness shots and 2 sets of oral medicine and instructions to withold food for 24 hours and sent home untiil tommorrow when she goes back to the vets.
    she hasnt been sick since but is wretching and visibly still feeling sick
    now this is the worrying part in herself shes worse since this morning lying there listless eyes open not even wanting to lay on me which is unusual normaly cant get her off me now could this be no energy due to no food?
    .does anyone have any ideas what is wrong or someone whos had a dog who was having the same symptoms and what was it?
    basically if shes no better tommorow shes going to be admitted and x-rayed to check for an obstuction that way (incase they missed something when they were doing her examination toda)y but i would love to know if anyone has been something similer and what the outcome was,im worried sick and chewing over what could be wrong anyone exsperiance would help xxx

    My mini schnauzer had the same symptoms last summer. It was due to eating something in the yard (still not sure what) and it caused him to get really sick. We even had to hook him up to IV's due to dehydration. Hope everything turns out fine with her
  • hiya everyone thank you for everyones concern, my pup is well and back to normal, still on meds and gone fussy on her food but all is well :smile: thanks everyone xx