arghhhh weight gain!!!! advice

Hey so i have opened my diary to see if anyone can help. I have not been logging water but i drink it and herbal tea. I only go maybe twice a week and wondering if im consuming too much veg that makes my bowels slow, as ive been really tired. I have loaded up on eggs and chicken for the week to up my protein but any advice welcome.
Of course im scared to up calories but i think i need to do something. im 31 weight 146.5, (.5lb up this morning at Weigh in). Im not sure how active i am. i cycle to school there and back 6 days a week which takes about 40-45mins and i do some yoga twice a week. What else, well im in rehearsals ( at drama school) from 9.30 to 6 which is, i guess slightly active. Anyway, advice please thanks


  • golfersuse
    golfersuse Posts: 10 Member
    anyone? :)
  • naomisimpson247
    You need to up your calories. There is loads of discussions on this forum with regards to this. In a nutshell you need to eat above your BMR (Find out your BMR in the tools)

    The sedentary setting for MFP is misleading. You are far from Sedentary. I suggest as you are under eating (eating under your BMR) your body has slowed down its metabolism to protect itself..

    Google TDEE and BMR and do some reading. Honesly upping your cals to abover your BMR but below your TDEE will get you out of this plateau. :happy:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    as you put your yoga, walking and cycling into MFP as exercise and eat those calories that side of things is taken care of and sedentary may be appropriate - sitting all day ? or light active if standing all day.

    You could add 500 calories a day for a month - 4 pounds of fat gain is the worst outcome if it doesn't help with weight loss.

    or you could only eat half the extra calories, maintaining the protein but cutting back on the carbs.