Toning up in my twenties

Hello everyone! I'm looking for some friends who are on the same page as me- early twenties and petite, but looking to tone up.

I'm 22, 5'2" and 125lb. I'm pretty small, but still have some extra flub that I am hoping to melt off while I build some sick muscles (alright, they probably won't be that great, but I can try). I think it would really help me to be able to watch someone like myself progress, so if you have similar goals to mine, please send me a friend request with a little message attached!



  • gracey2521
  • gracey2521
    Really? No young people on here? That's disappointing =[
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    Heyy Im 21 and while I'm not 125 like you lol Im trying to get there and be toned also...hoping to reach it by October!
  • gracey2521
    Nice! I'm going to send you a friend request =]
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Hi there! I'm 19... turning 20 in about a month! I'm 5'1" and 129lbs, currently! Looking to get down to 100lbs and tone up as well :) Feel free to add me :)
  • gracey2521
    Heyy Im 21 and while I'm not 125 like you lol Im trying to get there and be toned also...hoping to reach it by October!

    You look great! You're probably taller then me, and you definitely wear your weight well!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Start now and do some heavy *kitten* strength training to "tone up" the muscles you have now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    Hey I am definitely in your boat! I am 5'3 and 23 years old. When I started MFP i was 124 pounds and currently 118. I'm trying to get down to 105 and really toned!! Im def adding you! Everyone else feel free to add me!!
  • gracey2521
    Start now and do some heavy *kitten* strength training to "tone up" the muscles you have now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Thanks, I will definitely do that. Strength training is my favorite =]
  • gracey2521
    Hey I am definitely in your boat! I am 5'3 and 23 years old. When I started MFP i was 124 pounds and currently 118. I'm trying to get down to 105 and really toned!! Im def adding you! Everyone else feel free to add me!!

    Your goals are the same as mine! I was at 115 last summer, so that's my primary goal. Around 105 would be killer though.
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    Hey I am definitely in your boat! I am 5'3 and 23 years old. When I started MFP i was 124 pounds and currently 118. I'm trying to get down to 105 and really toned!! Im def adding you! Everyone else feel free to add me!!

    Your goals are the same as mine! I was at 115 last summer, so that's my primary goal. Around 105 would be killer though.

    105 might be a little extreme lol I've never been that low I'll just be happy if I can get a sick sick-pack and look killer in a bikini!
  • Fat_Lenny
    Fat_Lenny Posts: 38
    I'm 26, hope that still counts as early 20s lol!! I'm about 5' 2" and 147lbs. Got quite a lot of lbs to go before being at my goal, and occasionally have off days, but aiming to be well toned also! Dumbbells are going good so far, I'm already feeling solid biceps and stomach muscles (underneath the fat!) Don't have any friends on here yet as I'm pretty new, so anyone can add me :happy:
  • gracey2521
    Hey I am definitely in your boat! I am 5'3 and 23 years old. When I started MFP i was 124 pounds and currently 118. I'm trying to get down to 105 and really toned!! Im def adding you! Everyone else feel free to add me!!

    Your goals are the same as mine! I was at 115 last summer, so that's my primary goal. Around 105 would be killer though.

    105 might be a little extreme lol I've never been that low I'll just be happy if I can get a sick sick-pack and look killer in a bikini!

    I don't think I've been 105 since Middle School (I was pretty chubby throughout most of middle school and the first few years of high school). I'm not really as concerned about pounds as toned-ness.
  • TequillaLover89
    TequillaLover89 Posts: 260 Member
    I'm 22, 5'6, 110 lbs. I started at 145 lbs last year, mostly trying to tone now.
  • croeees
    croeees Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm 21, 5'1 1/2, and 122 lbs with a goal of reaching 105!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm 21, 5'8 and 144lbs, looking to reach ~135lbs.
    Love to lift heavy, aiming for some great definition when I get to my goal.
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    you're almost exactly same stats as me. I'm 20.. will add you. Good luck with this place - it's really good.
  • misssephy
    misssephy Posts: 23 Member
    I am 24 and looking to loose all my extra flab and hopefully emerge toned and fit. :) Feel free to add me x
  • tprice916
    tprice916 Posts: 22
    I'm 27, also 5'2" and looking to lose a few (stomach is a tire lol), but mainly tone as well! :)
  • betterbody91
    hey im 21 and i wish i was back in my hs 125 wieght smh...