Be my friend!

Hi everyone, I'm J.

I'm a 27 year old guy just about ready to finish school and go out in the world. I'm also the heaviest I've ever been right now, as a recent family tragedy moved personal health way down my list of priorities. At 6'5" 240lbs, the internet tells me I'm very overweight, and the mirror agrees.

I've used this site before with limited success. This time I'm going for the whole shebang, though, and I'll try to utilize the community features to try and build a network of friends to keep me accountable. (My close friends in real life leave much to be desired when it comes to keeping my diet in check.)


  • tzin99
    tzin99 Posts: 28
    hey J! I'm here for support and I can help you get motivated as much as I can. Good luck with reaching your goal!
  • Thanks tzin!
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    hi!!! lets support each othe!!!
  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, Ive found the support networks Ive built up here really advantageous to me in my 1st week here. Good luck with your journey!
  • Hi Gabby! Sounds like a plan!

    Jennie: Glad to hear it. I've tried going solo with mixed results in the past. I have high hopes for the support network I'm building on here.
  • JenS_1678
    JenS_1678 Posts: 27
    I'm in the same boat that you're in. I've tried and done pretty well on this site until I think I can go a day without keeping track, and it always goes downhill from there =) Here's to hoping people will keep us on track!
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    Hi J :) this place has a lot of great positive ppl :)
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    29 years old in your same position too. I have recently gained 15 lbs!!! It feels like I gained it in 3 months is that possible!!!!!

    Also 6'5 240 sounds sexy, are you sure you are overweight?
  • Hey you might want to try the group Big Guys 6'3 and up.. My son just joined it.. Lots of support! Good Luck.. You have a great future ahead of you!
  • Feel free to add me....the more the merrier on this trip!
  • :) add me ... we are all in the same boat here ... its great that you have decided to do something about it , this community is great !

    gretz from Costa Rica
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome! As you know, weight lose is not an easy thing. I am working on losing the weight I gained back so add me if you want to.
    Good luck!
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    Feel free to add me. I started here 1 lb. heavier than you. Unfortunately, I'm and entire foot shorter than you. LOL. :laugh:
  • IamJacksColdSweat
    IamJacksColdSweat Posts: 106 Member
    Friend request sent ! I'm always open to new friends to support :)
  • Simplygrace86
    Simplygrace86 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello J.. I too am at my heaviest and I have lost control lets help each other. I would like to be a friend.
  • dmarsh220
    dmarsh220 Posts: 22
    Feel free to add me
  • Thanks for all the great responses! I can already tell this support network is going to make things go better this time around.

    Iva: If only it were as sexy as it sounds. I just need to figure out how to get some of that weight off my waist and onto my chest and shoulders. But hey, that's what the new gym routine and this site are for, right?
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    lol i want to take mine off my stomach and add to my butt . Joining a new gym today closer to my new flat....
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Hi J. I am 6'4" and have been on MFP since last June. The accountability works if you use it and the program tools here. If you are serious, friend me. If not, then good luck.
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    Ok, I added you! Good Luck! I know you can do it!