Best Date You've Ever Been On

coachblt Posts: 1,090
I'm sure most of these are going to be about ending up in bed, but not mine.

After church, our singles group meets up for lunch at a nearby restaurant. In tow with my daughters, there are probably 30 other singles there, most of whom I've never met. Since I'm later than most, we sit at the end of the table, but I notice this absolutely gorgeous woman sitting at the other end. I'm mesmerized by her beauty. We eventually meet eyes and we both knew. About an 1.5 hours later, we both walk out together, I asked her to dinner the next evening, which happened.

We dated for 3 years and I fell deeply in love with her. It was the first time I had ever truly been in love with another person other than my daughters and clearly that was a different kind of love. We loved each other so much because we decided we would grow together mentally before we dove in sexually. 8 months into the relationship, we still hadn't physically touched each other. The night we did just brought us closer together.

I've never felt that kind of love since we split apart. It was my insecurities that lead to our separation. I've grown, been counseled and have overcome those insecurities. However, it was too late by the time I did. She was/is married now and I'm still patiently waiting.

It wasn't so much a first date...but our first meeting. Anyway, God I loved her!'s official...I'm a sap!


  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    That is such an awesome story! More people should take their time. I'm sorry it didn't work out but don't forget, God probably has some better in store for you. :smile:
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Probably a toss up between a first time belay for indoor rock climbing (we'd both never done it before) or tapas and wine at a small, dark, romantic bar. Lots of great conversation-- I think we were there for 5 hours just talking. That was a first date, so there was no kiss or anything physical.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I'm sure most of these are going to be about ending up in bed, but not mine.

    After church, our singles group meets up for lunch at a nearby restaurant. In tow with my daughters, there are probably 30 other singles there, most of whom I've never met. Since I'm later than most, we sit at the end of the table, but I notice this absolutely gorgeous woman sitting at the other end. I'm mesmerized by her beauty. We eventually meet eyes and we both knew. About an 1.5 hours later, we both walk out together, I asked her to dinner the next evening, which happened.

    We dated for 3 years and I fell deeply in love with her. It was the first time I had ever truly been in love with another person other than my daughters and clearly that was a different kind of love. We loved each other so much because we decided we would grow together mentally before we dove in sexually. 8 months into the relationship, we still hadn't physically touched each other. The night we did just brought us closer together.

    I've never felt that kind of love since we split apart. It was my insecurities that lead to our separation. I've grown, been counseled and have overcome those insecurities. However, it was too late by the time I did. She was/is married now and I'm still patiently waiting.

    It wasn't so much a first date...but our first meeting. Anyway, God I loved her!'s official...I'm a sap!

    LOVE!!!! wish there were more *saps* like you in this world!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    That is a lovely story, I hope that you are able to let her go and move on, because you will have a happier life if you do.

    My best date, I had been in an online relationship for almost a year,and we fell in love with each other before we even saw photographs, and spent many many hours on the telephone at odd hours due to the time difference as he was in Toronto and I in England, he got on a plane and came here, I was waiting for him, the first place we visited together was the home of Queen Victoria and her family, and after we toured it we sat in the old orangery and had champagne afternoon tea, he sat opposite me just looking at me in a way I will never forget, we both just knew that it was right, He went back to Canada after less that 13 days together, sold up and moved here to England.

  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    That is a lovely story, I hope that you are able to let her go and move on, because you will have a happier life if you do.

    My best date, I had been in an online relationship for almost a year,and we fell in love with each other before we even saw photographs, and spent many many hours on the telephone at odd hours due to the time difference as he was in Toronto and I in England, he got on a plane and came here, I was waiting for him, the first place we visited together was the home of Queen Victoria and her family, and after we toured it we sat in the old orangery and had champagne afternoon tea, he sat opposite me just looking at me in a way I will never forget, we both just knew that it was right, He went back to Canada after less that 13 days together, sold up and moved here to England.

    Love ur story :-)
  • cuddlyrunner
    cuddlyrunner Posts: 116 Member
    Bump for later
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    8 months of no touching turns into 8 seconds lol
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    I arived at my guy friends house to pick him up over two years ago, because he dosnt have a car (prefers to bike). when I walked in the door he was running around all sweaty and i couldnt figure out why. he was so nervous. he told me to close my eyes and he pulled out a a dozen red roses. he ran two miles to get them before our 'date'. he also bought me a hello kitty watch from zales, i adore hello kitty and i am a collector :p. unfortunatly i had just got out of a really bad relationship, and didnt want to put a label on us, but he was percistant and got his way later on in our relationship :p. we spent the night taking shots of grey goose, chasing them with code red, and laying on his living room floor. we steped outside to smoke cigs underneeth a flowering tree and i still remember the cold breeze and his arm around me. i got scared by a bug, and we still joke around about how i screamed and hes like what? and im like "its a buuuug tooooom, a. bug." i dont need anything fancy, that night was just perfect for me.

    two months into us being... 'us' and not a couple i told him i had something planned. we went to a movie, out to eat at a special resturaunt, and i bought him flowers. i remember i got locked inside the flower area when i went to pick them out haha. later that night we went to the park, and we drank champaign, and i told him to sit on a small bridge so i could take his picture. i handed him a card and inside i said things like im so glad i have you, even if we dont wanna put a lable on it. and down at the bottom i made the last sentence sound like i was gonna 'need some time' or something. then on the back of the card i put 'will you be my boyfriend?' and he almost fell off the bridge. it was amazing. he called his mom, sisters, and grandparents after from the car hahaha.

    my other best date was valentines day last year. he planned everything. we went to a fancy place, i remeber my beat up station wagon with duct tape looked very out of place, but he went to my side to open the door. after he wouldnt tell me where we were going, i loved the surprise of it. he took me to the hotel where we first.... got acquanted. we smoked up inside the hotel and veged out on the huge bed eating candies. the next morning we got locked out of his house on the way to work (we worked together) so we had to run to walmart and buy new work clothes and make up and a tooth brush. it was amazing <3
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    You need to quit taking all the blame for your relationship not working out!! If it didn't work out there is a reason God doesn't allow things to happen without it all being a part of his plan!! Just cherish the great times you had with her and look forward to more great times with whomever God sends you!! I have pondered my best date and I really think my best dates are yet to come!! Everything in God's time not yours or mine!! :wink:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    let it go, move on

    there is no value in trying to relive the past

    good luck
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    8 months of no touching turns into 8 seconds lol

    You would think so, but that wasn't the case. That wasn't the case at all.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    honestly.. it has been so long since i have been on a "date" I can't seem to remember a single good one.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    after an entire semester of fandom (we were art students and i REALLY liked his work: fell in love with that before I even made the connection that he was the incredibly handsome and desirable man behind the work), followed by months of heavy internet stalking on my part,

    Andrew Danger finally asked me on a date (it was that, or a restraining order. he probably made the poorer choice...)

    it was the Zom-Be-My-Valentine Dance Party at a local geek bar. Neither of us can dance. We both looked like death. Neither of us can hold our liquer. He nearly killed me by tackling me head-first into a lamppost.

    We've been together for two years now. We don't drink now. He still hasn't gotten that restraining order.

  • jamierizzo
    jamierizzo Posts: 36 Member
    I'm sure most of these are going to be about ending up in bed, but not mine.

    After church, our singles group meets up for lunch at a nearby restaurant. In tow with my daughters, there are probably 30 other singles there, most of whom I've never met. Since I'm later than most, we sit at the end of the table, but I notice this absolutely gorgeous woman sitting at the other end. I'm mesmerized by her beauty. We eventually meet eyes and we both knew. About an 1.5 hours later, we both walk out together, I asked her to dinner the next evening, which happened.

    We dated for 3 years and I fell deeply in love with her. It was the first time I had ever truly been in love with another person other than my daughters and clearly that was a different kind of love. We loved each other so much because we decided we would grow together mentally before we dove in sexually. 8 months into the relationship, we still hadn't physically touched each other. The night we did just brought us closer together.

    I've never felt that kind of love since we split apart. It was my insecurities that lead to our separation. I've grown, been counseled and have overcome those insecurities. However, it was too late by the time I did. She was/is married now and I'm still patiently waiting.

    It wasn't so much a first date...but our first meeting. Anyway, God I loved her!'s official...I'm a sap!

    LOVE!!!! wish there were more *saps* like you in this world!!
    I agree. I've been married 13 years May 5th and sadly I can't remember the best date. He's not the sappy type lol but I am
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Best date ever was probably with my best guy friend......

    .....we had met freshman year of college(at a small private school in ca) in the weight room as I was out bench pressing him...Haha..we were friends since...but that's not where the date comes in.

    My sr year of college (I was going to school in chicago at this point) the team I was on was flying to California for a prestegous track meet. I called up Neal and told him I would be in town. He met me at the hotel the team was staying at and we went to dinner!!! We had a great time remanising about our younger years and all the great times we had together....he always made me smile. We are still friends to this day and talk about once a week.
  • exdisneychick
    My best date has been with the man I am seeing now who i met online. one night about 1030 he wanted me to come see him in person. he drives a cement mixer and was working late. knowing it was a work night for me and that i had to get up at 4am i went anyway. i sat in a parking lot right where i could see him working. once he finished he came over to where i was. i climbed out of my truck and he hugged me right away. we only talked for a short time but i knew he was the man for me. that was almost 9 months ago. and he is still the man for me!!!!

    I love him so!