The 30 years and older Blues!!



  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 33 and I"ve definitely noticed that it doesn't come off as easy as it use to. In my 20's I could eat whatever I wanted and lose weight as long as I exercised. Nowadays, if I'm not eating like I should along with working out, the weight isn't going to budge much. I work with a bunch of 20-year-olds and I watch them chow down on hamburgers and fries and onion rings (somedays I soooo jealous of them!!) and tell them in a few years that hamburger will be a lot harder to get rid of.

    But then my 60 year old co-worker tells me what do I know about getting older :)
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I know what you mean! I'm 39 and none of the easy fixes that produced dramatic results when I was younger work anymore. I am trying not to hold myself to those old expectations anymore. I have a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old and my freetime and my energy are no where near what they used to be. I feel like I have to push myself 500% harder now!

    I hear you! it's blood --sweat-and tears now that I reached my 30's :ohwell: No overnight miracles
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Yep...I lost 91 pounds in 8 months doing WW in 2001/2002 and I'm following the same plan now and it's soooo slow going. I'll be 33 in June and I keep hearing age does make a difference, but I get so frustrated!
    @ Sincity--it's definitely slower and more frustrating for sure!
  • lelea00
    lelea00 Posts: 11
    I'm 34 with 4 kids and a fit husband. I'm about 40 lbs overweight, I've been trying so hard since January. I was using the Lose it app and lost 10 lbs until my friend told me about Myfitnesspal.
    My doctor wants to put me on phentermine, but after reading about the side effects I'm afraid to try it. Anythign else out I can do or take?
  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member
    Yep, until I hit 30, I could eat ANYTHING I wanted, as much as I wanted, and I was still under 100 pounds.

    I'm pretty sure my 30th birthday cake was the first food that ever went to my thighs.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I'm 34 with 4 kids and a fit husband. I'm about 40 lbs overweight, I've been trying so hard since January. I was using the Lose it app and lost 10 lbs until my friend told me about Myfitnesspal.
    My doctor wants to put me on phentermine, but after reading about the side effects I'm afraid to try it. Anythign else out I can do or take?
    I understand your frustration but don't try the phentermine just yet...try MFP it works..its just that our metabolism slows as we age! Since your husband is fit maybe he can workout with you.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Yep, until I hit 30, I could eat ANYTHING I wanted, as much as I wanted, and I was still under 100 pounds.

    I'm pretty sure my 30th birthday cake was the first food that ever went to my thighs.
    Same here!! I had a few "shots" on my 30th and I was bloated and retaining water the very next day! lol
  • lelea00
    lelea00 Posts: 11
    I'm 34 with 4 kids and a fit husband. I'm about 40 lbs overweight, I've been trying so hard since January. I was using the Lose it app and lost 10 lbs until my friend told me about Myfitnesspal.
    My doctor wants to put me on phentermine, but after reading about the side effects I'm afraid to try it. Anythign else out I can do or take?
    I understand your frustration but don't try the phentermine just yet...try MFP it works..its just that our metabolism slows as we age! Since your husband is fit maybe he can workout with you.
    He does workout with me most of the time, the weight won't leave!
    My friend tried using phentermine and it worked out for her, i'm tempted to try it
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Not sure if it is slower. I never really tried in my 20s. :P

    I started in January, and I am down ~34 to date. The first 25 were way faster than this last 10 or so.
  • Garvin51
    Garvin51 Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry .... but you guys are still young .... too young to be slowing down. As you do get older ... your metabolic rate does slow down and you do begin losing muscle fiber .... working those muscles on a regular basis does keep those calories burning through out the day. As you do get older .... you may unconciously start slowing down and stop doing things you use to do that really kept you active and not sitting in front the tube and oversnacking. I feel much better in my early fifties that I did in my mid to late forties. Just hang in there and do not get in a rot of doing the same boring routine .... mix things up to confuse the body ... get involved in those routines that you hate or know will give you a run for your money ... it will pay off. I wish I was still in my thirties ... but I can't go back in time .... but you are there. Hang in there!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Not sure if it is slower. I never really tried in my 20s. :P

    I started in January, and I am down ~34 to date. The first 25 were way faster than this last 10 or so.

    I'm with her - I never really gave it my all in my 20's, but I do remember it happening faster when I was in high school. Hmm.

    I feel like I have to be smarter about my workouts now, more weight training for sure, and focus on better food choices. But I think that's because I know more now that I do and I'm okay with losing slower in order to not have to fight this battle again!
  • lelea00
    lelea00 Posts: 11
    Sorry .... but you guys are still young .... too young to be slowing down. As you do get older ... your metabolic rate does slow down and you do begin losing muscle fiber .... working those muscles on a regular basis does keep those calories burning through out the day. As you do get older .... you may unconciously start slowing down and stop doing things you use to do that really kept you active and not sitting in front the tube and oversnacking. I feel much better in my early fifties that I did in my mid to late forties. Just hang in there and do not get in a rot of doing the same boring routine .... mix things up to confuse the body ... get involved in those routines that you hate or know will give you a run for your money ... it will pay off. I wish I was still in my thirties ... but I can't go back in time .... but you are there. Hang in there!
    i do strength training and pilates, cardio 3 x a week. Its much easier for guys than us gals
  • I too am 32 yrs old and I am finding a little harder than it was ten years ago to loose the lbs. But I am determined to loose this weight that I had a hard time to get rid of after the birth of my two kids. I go to the gym every night and I cut my calories down to 1300 daily I have lost nearly 30lbs in a little over two months. I seem to go through little stals in the weight loss but I found if I change my routine a bit I seem to loose a few lbs that week. Keep at it and you'll get there! Good luck!!
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    31 and in the best shape of my life. Fasting increases growth hormone levels and other markers of youth by a factor of 10x or more (yay for science), so I actually have an easier time of it than I did when I was younger and hadn't discovered all the metabolic trickery I now know about. With age comes wisdom, with wisdom comes power.

  • I'm 49 years old and I do believe it is harder to lose weight as you get older. My weight is creeping off a half pound at a time.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    i do strength training and pilates, cardio 3 x a week. Its much easier for guys than us gals
    Completely wrong. Women's leptin levels are on average 3-7x those of men. Leptin is responsible for metabolism and appetite control. It is actually quite a bit easier for women to get in shape and stay in shape.

    Men have an advantage at brute strength and muscle synthesis due to higher testosterone levels, but if you have ever seen a power lifter, you have seen all the good that does (hint: strong as hell, but 30% body fat).
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Not sure if it is slower. I never really tried in my 20s. :P

    I started in January, and I am down ~34 to date. The first 25 were way faster than this last 10 or so.

    I'm with her - I never really gave it my all in my 20's, but I do remember it happening faster when I was in high school. Hmm.

    I feel like I have to be smarter about my workouts now, more weight training for sure, and focus on better food choices. But I think that's because I know more now that I do and I'm okay with losing slower in order to not have to fight this battle again!

    @ 29 i decided to lose the 40 lbs I'd gained between age I went on a weight loss program and lost instantly.
    Made the same decision in January and slowing losing :( I'm not giving up..just wish i could push the accelerator button right now!
    @ Tag--you are right...I will do it right this time so I NEVER have to go thru this again!
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I'm 34 with 4 kids and a fit husband. I'm about 40 lbs overweight, I've been trying so hard since January. I was using the Lose it app and lost 10 lbs until my friend told me about Myfitnesspal.
    My doctor wants to put me on phentermine, but after reading about the side effects I'm afraid to try it. Anythign else out I can do or take?

    Don't take phentermine. I used to take it and it made me depressed and I didn't even lose any weight.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I too am 32 yrs old and I am finding a little harder than it was ten years ago to loose the lbs. But I am determined to loose this weight that I had a hard time to get rid of after the birth of my two kids. I go to the gym every night and I cut my calories down to 1300 daily I have lost nearly 30lbs in a little over two months. I seem to go through little stals in the weight loss but I found if I change my routine a bit I seem to loose a few lbs that week. Keep at it and you'll get there! Good luck!!

    Good for you! I found that cycling my calories help me prevent a stall!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm 32 and while I can't eat whatever I want like I did 10 years ago; I haven't noticed having more difficulty dropping weight quickly. I think if anything I pay more attention to what I do eat and make exercise a priority. I know now I have to be proactive about it and not let myself slip up again and use food as a emotional crutch the way I did the last 2 years.