Looking for help from a fresh perspective

ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
So, I'm not new to the weight loss thing, though I've only been on MFP for a little over a week. Thought I would just try it out, curious to see how my calorie count looks as I have never done that before. I'm a little uncomfortable opening up myself to the public, but I think I could use a fresh pair of eyes. Short version - I've recently decided I'd like to drop another 5 or so pounds. Tracking all my food and getting frustrated that I am constantly hungry. Nothing new to me, but I'm really trying to lose the 5 so I'm really really trying to stay at 1700-1800 calories per day. But it seems like no matter what I eat, I'm hungry within like 2 hours. If anyone would like to view my diary and offer suggestions, I could use some new ideas/suggestions.

A little history.....Lost a total of about 60lbs, from a size 18 to a mostly size 6 now. Most of the weight loss was a couple of years ago. Worked out with a trainer, kept a food journal, though never counted calories. Mostly I just worked with the feedback he gave me, focusing on small meals throughout the day, lots of protein and fiber, fresh home made food as much as possible. After the inital 40 or so pounds, the rest came off slowly, most often occuring when I changed up my exercise routine.
As for exercise, my routine is a little mixed up right now as I'm just coming off a hamstring injury, but currently making the transition from primarily running to triathlon training. But my general routine is:
-strength training - 3 times per week - chest/back, arms/shoulders, legs; each day also includes some abs/core work. I work with a trainer once per week, and he writes and supervises my programs and progress for the other two days.
-soccer (my biggest love) - 2days for a total of 3 games
-sprints/plyometrics once per week
-run once per week (currently at 5 miles due to recent injury, but hoping to build milage back up to be ready to train again for half marathons in the fall)
-swim 1-2 times per week
-bike (which I actually hate) 1-2 times per week, to become bricks once I get in the habit of riding again

Sorry to be so long winded, but I feel like I already know all the obvious stuff. I don't wear a heartrate monitor, and not sure how accurate the database is on here, so I don't even know if my estimated calorie expenditure is correct. I figure I'm probably hungry because my body needs to fuel all my workouts, but I also know I need to change something if I really want lose more.

Stats, if needed - currently 141ish, 5'5", MFP says BMR is around 1310. Had bodyfat percentage taken by two different trainers - one said 21%, the other said 27%. Go figure. I'm guessing my true BFP is somewhere in the middle of the two.


  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Without seeing your log, I would say increase running when you are recovered from your injury and cut your carbs that don't come from fruits or veg.

    If you're hungry you definitely should feed your body, but I find that sometimes I have to be ruthless about my carbs to get past plateaus or to force off those last 5 pounds.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'd recommend wearing a HRM to be more accurate with your calories burned. Also, if you're truly at 21% BF, it's going to be REALLY hard to take off another 5 lbs.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I don't believe I'm actually at 21% BF, which is why I had another person do it, but I don't think I'm 27% either. Probably around 23-24%. In the past, I've taken the approach that if I'm hungry, I need to eat; I just make sure to eat healthy. But I feel like I'm already eating A LOT, and I've been at this weight for awhile, so I figure if I want to lose I need to cut some calories.
    I think my diary is set to public. It's not perfect, but it's got me this far. If anyone would like to look and give some suggestions I'd like some new ideas.
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I'm sure people won't agree with me on this, but sometimes I just feel like my body gets to a point where it wants to be, if that makes sense....like I'm in shape, have a good body fat percentage (22%), work out regularly with running and strength training; I would love to lose another five pounds, but it just doesn't happen. Sure, I could go to extremes to lose it, but it is usually hard for me to maintain those five pounds over time. It could be my age, though...I'm going on 40 and I do believe weight loss can become more difficult as you get older.
  • megg0616
    megg0616 Posts: 59 Member
    Your food diary looks great. I would suggest eating 200 more kcal a day and zig zag your workouts. If you can manage it workout 5 to 6 days for a week for an hour and do not eat back any exercise calories. That should hopefully get your scale moving. It worked for me but also everyone is different. Good luck:-)
  • verdammtwenig
    I'm new to this weight loss thing....I'm down 15 of 75 pounds right now, so I can't give you a lot of advice as I've never tried to lose "those last 5 pounds."

    I see you're not logging your water every day, though, and so I can't really tell if you're getting at least 8 glasses a day. I've been finding that drinking looooots of water has really been helping me to eat less the past 2-3 weeks since I bought a water bottle. I carry it everywhere and sip away all the time. There are times when, a month or two ago, I would have grabbed a snack because of the little ache that starts in my stomach, but for the past 2-3 weeks, those instances are fewer and far between and when I do start feeling the beginning of hunger, if I drink a cup of water, I can go another 45 minutes to an hour without eating anything.

    And with all the working out you do, you definitely need lots of water.

    Just a thought.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Are you eating back the calories you burn? I once did Zumba for 5 days straight along with working with my trainer for two days and at my next weigh in I didn't even lose an ounce!!! At that point I wasn't counting my calories and my trainer and nutritionist told me I was probably eating around 3 to 400 calories. Hence the no loss. At that point I started to see this site and started to count my calories. The following week, I was back to losing . Please feel free to add me and good luck!!

  • Freddie_24
    Hi: I'm not new to this weight loss "game" either. I've struggled with my weight always just 10-15 pounds though. Four years ago, I had my thyroid removed and now take synthetic thyroid hormones. I've also gone through some really stressful times and have been taking anti-depressants for over 8 years. During this time period, I have gained about 60 pounds without really changing my diet. I have never liked exercising so that can't really explain the weight gain.

    I'm so confused about what kind of diet to focus on though. The Food Guide suggests eating more grains and carbs in fruits and veggies but the only real success I have ever had in losing weight is with Dr Bernstein's program. It is really expensive and I can't afford to do it. People who are vegetarian seem to eat lots of grains and veggies and less protein and I have yet to see an obese vegetarian.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I go with the Bernstein/Atkin type of diet - high protein - low carb or low protein and higher grains and fruits and veggies?
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    My trainer tells me high protein and low carb. I also have a friend who is getting ready to compete in a body competition and she tells me the same thing. High protein and low carbs. I've done pretty good with it being that way. I'm 2lbs away from my weight goal and I've been losing about a pound a week. I'm at 25% body fat and my goal for that is 20% by labor day weekend.

    Good luck! It's definitely not easy.