New and needing lots of motivation!!

Hi, My name is Jillian and I'm 27 years old from South Florida. I'm excited to start my weight loss but i need lots of motivation and encouragement. Hopefully I can find the help here that I need.


  • Your most welcome to add me if you want :) i am on here daily atleast once a day
  • Same here-you can add me. I just started a couple days ago. This is such an awesome site, lots and lots of motivation:)
  • Jillybean: Look deeeeeep inside yourself for motivation. You gotta wanna live! You gotta wanna feel good! Otherwise, while you might get encouragement from this website and some friends also, the real desire to loose weight has to come from inside you. Then again, there are some of us who are motivated by others more then themselves, right?

    I wish you well in your endeavors. It took me a long time to motivate to do this and have the determination to stick with it through the long haul... it came in the form of knee surgery and the feeling that I don't want to be a fat old man.

    So choose your weapons (for weight loss, that is) and join us with serious determination from wherever it comes from! Keep trying different foods: high protein can be effective as it curbs hunger somewhat. Exercise helps to curb hunger too. Find what works for you. We're all built different and somethings just don't work for me and other things do. Determination means keep trying and stick to your guns! When you fail, get up and work harder and fail less. When you fail, get up immediately and don't wallow in what ever people wallow in; malaise, self pity, a food stupor, avoidance... any number of things. Keep trying!

  • TeaRexParty
    TeaRexParty Posts: 125 Member
    Jillian, love your screenname "jillybean" :D they still call it a screen name or did I just date myself back out of AOL days? nuuuuu.

    I saw your inspirations on your profile...I too would love to be able to do alot of things without being winded.....stair climbing being the least of those atm, lol. And riding rides.....yea I live in Ohio now near Cedar point and still have as yet to ever ride a roller coaster.

    Anyway friend request incoming :)
  • I think every one needs lots of motivation! Gonna send you a friend request!