New and need help with self control

Hello everyone. My name is Jamie, and I'm addicted to cookies.

I just joined two days ago. I've been browsing around and it seems like everyone here is so positive and encouraging. It's very refreshing to see so many like-minded people have an opportunity to come together. I'm really looking forward to being a part of it.

I have small weight loss goals - vanity pounds, really. What I need is to set myself up for a lifestyle that will stop the constant fluctuation of weight. Sometimes I fit perfectly well into my clothes and then a few months later I'm holding my breath in order to get my jeans to button. It's frustrating and I'm ready for the cycle to end.

Let's be friends.


  • Hi Jamie! I'm addicted to sweets.

    I'm pretty new here too, but what I've been trying to do to help is remove it from my view. I love soda. I love candy. I hate green things (unless they're a candy). I hate water - it tastes funny. But what I've been trying to do since I applied for the military is just to simply remove it from my reach. My friends had a barbecue so I brought all my sodas there to be dispersed. I went through the candy and threw a lot of it away.

    I haven't had a soda in almost a month and am actually enjoying (ok, maybe tolerating is more like it) the water I drink now. I also replaced my smaller snacks with mixed nuts and such. It still requires some discipline to not eat them all, but it's been a handy substitute since I like crunchy and salty snacks (like chips).

    Best of luck to you! :)
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Hi Jamie,

    The key is moderation. You don't need to cut out your favorite foods, just eat controlled portions of them that fit into your calorie allowance.

    You can do this! Just keep logging and paying attention to what you eat and the weight will come off. Vanity weight is the hardest to loose, so don't get frustrated!