Breaking out of lurkerdom

jjr207 Posts: 10 Member
I've been hanging around the periphery of MFP for a few weeks. I'm just starting to use it to its potential by logging my food and measurerments and such. Instead of just reading posts, I am trying to become more active on the boards. It's all really intimidating because it seems like everyone is a fitness/nutrition expert on here. Also, there's some really strong opinions on the boards and opposing beliefs. My diary is open to only friends right now. I have a fear of being called out as a dumb*ss by strangers for choices and mistakes I make. I very much welcome tough love though!

There's a huge anti-meal replacement shake movement on MFP. I use Visalus shakes and I love them. No, I don't sell them or even try to convince other people to try them. They work for me and that is all that matters.

I'd love to have some new MFP friends!


  • cgray
    cgray Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome!!!! I personally like meal replacement bars and I agree with your attitude if it works for you go with it. You can add me if you like. My journal is open to friends, too. I know a decent amount about fitness and nutrition but I promise not to call you a dumb...donkey.
  • mpnaegle
    mpnaegle Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I too am breaking out of lurkerdom. I have been around for a while but haven't lost anything, despite diet/some exercise. So I think starting tomorrow morning, I'm kicking it up a notch! Wake up to a 15 minute run (or run/walk) then light breakfast, shower and off to work. And tomorrow night I'm going to use a free 50-minute training session I got for being with my gym for a year...I think I'll alternate between running and strength training...wish me luck!:happy: :happy:
  • jjr207
    jjr207 Posts: 10 Member
    Good for you mpnaegle for getting up early to exerciese. Oh how I LOVE sleep and yet there never seems to be enough time available for it....
  • maxxi
    maxxi Posts: 30 Member
    Add away!
  • princessquitealot
    princessquitealot Posts: 58 Member
    You are the only one here who gets to beat you up. We all make mistakes, the tall, the short, the healthy, the unhealthy, the very lean, the very heavy, every one of us. We wouldn't be here if this site didn't give us something we needed. Thank you for breaking out of your lurkdom.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    Good for you mpnaegle for getting up early to exerciese. Oh how I LOVE sleep and yet there never seems to be enough time available for it....

    Join the lovin' a snooze club! Add me if you like!