52 year old nurse needs friends

new to myfp, have done weight watchers many times last time lost 66# made it to goal,made life time kept it off for a year, stress from caring for elderly in- laws and bipolar alcholic son have put it all back on,( i know just excusess) but very discouraged, but feel with encouragment and time i can again become healthy and to my weight goal . anyone else in their 50's looking for encouraging friends,


  • JD830278
    JD830278 Posts: 84 Member
    hey, dont be so harsh on yourself!

    you've made the 1st positive step and if you use this site everyday you will get the results. Good luck!
  • Tracisunshine
    Tracisunshine Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a nurse too. Sometimes taking care of others causes us to "leave ourselves behind". Naturally there is, "I don't have time to diet exercise". It's okay! You are making positive steps. Don't be so hard on yourself, this will get easier. I, myself, am still at the needing to tell friends I'm dieting that way they know if I don't take that slice of cake at a pot luck day not to be offended. All the while, my coworkers are helping "keep me honest" when I get that urge to "pig out". Positive attitude will help, even days when you don't feel so positive. Find that one thing that brings you joy and focus on it. Good luck and hope to hear from you!
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    I am a nurse too, and there is always "munchies" around ... good day it's a reward bad day it is comfort ... I lost 11 and have 27 to go.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I sent you a request.
  • NoreenF
    NoreenF Posts: 10 Member
    I am 55 and also new to this. Looking forward to mutual support to get to our goal. I will send you a friend request. Good luck to us both!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • terrichelmowski
    I am 52 and a nurse as well ... just starting out on this website. We all need a push now and then, and we nurses - we take care of everyone else FIRST. BUT, there comes a time - and age 52 is a good time to start - when we need to just step back a little, and look at our own health ,and our own lives - and make some changes that are positive. Keep moving forward, and take time out every day to log into your food chart - even if you are way off that day - just write it all down and don't worry. Soon, this will be routine, and you will start thinking twice before you put unnecessary, unhealthy foods on your plate or in your mouth. One step, one day, one entry at a time!
  • kathyd0829
    I know what the stress of caring for others can do to your mind, body and soul. I cared for several elderly relatives until they passed away and it is not an excuse for putting on the pounds, but it is very difficult to care for yourself properly when others need you so badly. It is time to put yourself in the drivers seat and this is a great place to start. MFP has been an inspiration to me every day. Feel free to add me as a friend and hopefully we can help each other.
  • blossomtina
    well im not in my 50's just yet but not far off woud love to have some support as well as give support I am also a nurse and have used some of the very same excuses together we can achieve :flowerforyou:
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 57 and a LVN (although not working due to chronic health problems). I have been on MFP for a little over a week and love it!! I want to lose weight but also establish a healthy eating and exercise plan for life and I've met some wonderful people the short time I've been on MFP. Glad you are here, I'll be sending a friend request to you. BTW I also am involved in the care of my Dad who is 92, he is in an assisted lviing facility nearby but I take him to all appointments and oversee all his affairs. Blessings!!
  • momoffourlegs
    I'm 56, not a nurse, and new to MFP. My job has me sitting behind a computer 8hrs a day. But my problem isn't so much eating too much or eating foods that aren't all that good for me, it's being active. I'm sorry guys, but I'm tired when I get home. Walking the dog for 1/2 a mile is about all I can handle after work. Add to that the fact that we live in the country and the closest gym or YMCA is 20 miles away. It's hard to get and stay motivated. I'm really hoping MFP can help!
  • sandralila
    sandralila Posts: 21 Member
    Aaaahhh honey those aren't excuses, they are bonified reasons, with all that stress and challenging problems, the fact that you have'nt gotten ill and can still function is a testament to your strength. So now take some of that strength and make your well being and health a priority, without guilt. Would be happy to add you as a friend.
  • Freddie_24
    I'd like to be your friend. I to have had struggles with family over recent years and have gained 50 pounds. My husband lost his job 8 years ago and I've been supporting the family ( 5 children) since then. I've been on anti-depressants and I've also had my thyroid removed and I can't help but think that they have contributed significantly to my weight gain.

    As a Home Ec teacher with a nutrition degree I feel really foolish that I am so obese but I'm determined not to give up. It is interesting how we can be so strong and disciplined in some areas of our lives but not in others.

    I too am in that 50+ age range but to tell you the truth...losing this weight and beginning to like myself is the number one item on my bucket list. I'm tired of not liking what I look like and shopping at "big" girls stores.

    I'd love to have your support on this journey and I'll support you right back.
  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    Hi, I am 55, a nurse, and I too deal with the take care of everyone but me syndrome. Well, at least I used too. Right now I am taking care of me, being a bit selfish even, or I feel like I am. I am putting me first for the first time ever and I am succeeding in inching my way towards my goals! Any/all of you are welcome to friend me... just send a quick note as to where we "met"! Good health to all!
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    51, with a bi-polar mom! Sent you friend request.
  • TeaRexParty
    TeaRexParty Posts: 125 Member
    I'm not a nurse but I've worked as a care giver in some aspect or other since my early 20s. I've been working with people with disabilities for the last 15 years. But taking care of everyone around me even outside of work to the point of putting myself on the back burner is almost second nature. I guess I feel selfish if I take care of myself. And add to that getting motivated is one thing but staying their long term seems to be the other problem, lol. Anyway I'm not in my 50s yet (38 in a week) but I'd still really like it if you felt like adding me :)
  • Gill_L
    Gill_L Posts: 69
    Hi I'm not a nurse but I'm 55 and going to be here for a while. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • kazhowe
    kazhowe Posts: 340 Member
    Hello there and Welcome!!! you have made a good decision coming here to MFP - you will find that there is just so much support and friendship on offer :happy: I am 55 and live in the UK - like you I have gone down the Weight watchers trail ... more than once :ohwell: but honestly I find this MFP is the best thing. I have sent you a friend request and wish you well in your journey to become healthier, fitter and slimmer. :flowerforyou:
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    welcome! sorry you've had such a rough time. i'm glad you are making attempts again.. feel free to friend me.
  • palmygirl58
    palmygirl58 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, from NZ,

    I just signed up a few days and have been finding that tracking your exercise and food has been helping a lot. I'm sure that it will help you too. I've been overweight since I gave up smoking 9 years ago. I'm okay with exercise, have liked moving my body and feeling strong, but have struggled with the food part of it.

    I'm ready to enjoy the weight loss journey and would love to speak to others the same age as I think that menopause has a lot to do with the way your body seems to hold on to the weight, what do you think?