The ice cream that made me angry



  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    so....its everyones fault except the person actually putting it in their own mouth? alrighty then

  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    . So it really comes down the the ppl putting it in the bag in the first place which is ridiculous because they complain ppl are over weight but they're the ones making us feel like a dinner for 1 is the actual size of 4 ppl's dinners on one plate. Or hey you want us to eat healthier but the organic, whole, fresh foods are 4x the amount of the ****ty food and with the economy the way it is many eat what they can afford weather its good or not. And it sucks

    so....its everyones fault except the person actually putting it in their own mouth? alrighty then

    Not the point, yes its alt. comes down to us, but hell how did we get fat in the first place? Thinking the crap they fed us when we went out was portion controlled and that even when you opted for the good stuff u were making a better choice when in fat the "healthy" options are no better. The sections that says 500 calories or less is total crap, plus the amount of sodium and fat and sugar in everything is disturbing. So I think you should get off your high horse real quick and realize you got here, the same way everyone else did. By eating too much. I looked up a red robin burger once....damn thing was 1300 calories for a regular burger, without fries, so you tell me how eating half is even good for you.....and you know it's actually more calories than that because the workers just slap the stuff on, not measuring. Their "healthy" wraps are about 900 calories and 2,000g of sodium. Yeah you can eat half, but you'll still kill your entire day from it.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I reckon that there will be a massive backlash following the ever increasing ill health our population is suffering, and in a few generations time, people will be looking at our diets with the same disbelief as we look at people who smoked in "for their health" in the 1930s - and like us, they'll be saying "But I don't get it, all the research was clear, WHY did they keep eating like that?" :bigsmile:

    Oh man, I just spent a good 5 minutes pondering that. And don't even get me started on clothing choices. Leggings?!

    Leggins were wore in the 80's. They're fine if you're not obese and wearing them as pants. They're meant for looooong shirts, under skirts, etc
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    ...Obviously you need to take responsibility for what you decide to eat, but for me "bigger is better" has always seemed stupid and frankly that sort of attitude to food is getting a bit old...

    This whole mentality is what keeps us fat. For whatever reason, we are trained that getting a "good deal" means more (2 for 1, double meat, super-size, etc). I had lived in Europe for quite a few years and their approach is far more sensible. Getting a "good deal" meant getting something cheaper. Same portion, but at a cheaper price.

    Our portions have skyrocketed largely due to marketing vs compeititors to give the customer the perception they are getting MORE for their money. Here we are with triple portions of food and 32oz soda being the "norm" at these places. Its crazy.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    I don't even know why I'm poking my nose into this as it's none of business....

    That said, guys, I think xarla was being a bit tongue-in-cheek about the whole thing. I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about her being an a-hole customer calling corporate and complaining about portion sizes. I read it as more of a "Hey guys, my POV is changing and things that formerly wouldn't have made me bat an eye now get me up in arms. Also, what the heck, Society? Let's address our more-is-better approach to everything."

    Then again people have sued for dumber reasons before, so what do I know? :tongue:

  • TheDoctor90
    TheDoctor90 Posts: 461 Member
    Or how about stop being lazy instead of blaming everyone/everything else.
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    15 minutes? Wouldn't the ice cream have melted and dribbled over our hands making them sticky? That's more of a reason to rant
  • xarla16
    xarla16 Posts: 84 Member
    Haha I am actually find some answers hilarious. I don't think I lack self control. I was mostly just in a bad mood, normally this experience would have never even phased me. I may also have been slightly mad at myself for even thinking that their cones would be 230 calories.

    I have worked at a lot of different fast food restaurants...Wendy's, Tim Horton's, Mary Browns....I'm sure I'm forgetting somewhere. I am not really blaming the girl that served me, even in the heat of my rage I knew she probably was trying to be nice/ probably had no clue how much ice cream she was actually supposed to put on the cone.

    Next time I will be using a spoon though to scoop some off, clearly the anger was making me kind of stupid.
  • JimWink
    JimWink Posts: 15 Member
    I love this post. I totally understand where you're coming from. You know the McD's worker had no idea you were dieting, and probably was trying to be nice, much like the other people here said. But you were allowing yourself a small indulgence, but the size of the cone didn't help! Things like that (petty as it is) irritate me too. ANd i don't have the willpower to toss half an eaten cone away. I get irritated when I'm invited to a dinner, and I'm served a huge portion of whatever.... I really don't have the ability to eat a small portion. I eat best at home. I guess it's the risk we take when we eat out; the rest of the world isn't watching our MFP calorie count,

    Only thing to do is eat it, and laugh about. Which you seem to have done.
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    Lmao am I the only one who took this post as a bit of a joke? Some of your responces are HILARIOUS, some of yal take things way to seriously.
    Lighten up lol
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    I would have had hubby share it with me. Lol. Whenever I take my daughter to get a cone from McDonalds, I ask them to make it on the smaller side. So they make it about half the size of a normal cone, & it's still a good portion of ice cream.

    I totally understand the feeling. One day I went grocery shopping with hubby & was going to get those Dove Ice Cream bars. They were in the range of like 240-300 calories. Hubby wanted to go to Costco, & I decided that a chocolate dipped Ice cream from their snack bar sounded good. I never had one, so I didn't realize how huge it was. To make matters worse, I got the roasted almonds on it too. I ate about half of it, tossed the rest, then went to log it on MFP. The whole thing, with the roasted almonds was over 800 calories! Needless to say, that wasn't a good calorie day for me.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    ...Obviously you need to take responsibility for what you decide to eat, but for me "bigger is better" has always seemed stupid and frankly that sort of attitude to food is getting a bit old...

    This whole mentality is what keeps us fat. For whatever reason, we are trained that getting a "good deal" means more (2 for 1, double meat, super-size, etc). I had lived in Europe for quite a few years and their approach is far more sensible. Getting a "good deal" meant getting something cheaper. Same portion, but at a cheaper price.
    Yes, I'm British, so am used to the idea of more reasonable size portions. Whenever friends visit the States, the ONE thing they always say is how perfectly ridiculous the size of restaurant meals are.
    Our portions have skyrocketed largely due to marketing vs compeititors to give the customer the perception they are getting MORE for their money. Here we are with triple portions of food and 32oz soda being the "norm" at these places. Its crazy.
    32oz sounded a lot so I just did a conversion. That's nearly a LITRE and I then remembered that a pint is 16oz... So people are getting a TWO PINT serving of soda! :laugh:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    If it wasn't for the OP getting so upset about getting a big ice cream cone I would've lived my life never knowing that the ice cream cones are generally 150 calories.

    The more you know.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I thought this was tongue in cheek too? And then people start getting their panties in a twist.

    I'd like to think a 15 minute rant is acceptable about how society thinks that 'being nice' equates to a massive, flab inducing portion size. I'm really quite poor right now and it irks me no end to have to throw away sometimes up to 3/4 of take out food because the portion size is ridiculous. And when will someone think of the children!? They don't know that the massive ice cream is three times too big, before you know it, that becomes the norm for them and their whole perception of what is a healthy portion and what they expect to eat is messed up forever.
  • shannairl
    shannairl Posts: 65
    ...Obviously you need to take responsibility for what you decide to eat, but for me "bigger is better" has always seemed stupid and frankly that sort of attitude to food is getting a bit old...

    This whole mentality is what keeps us fat. For whatever reason, we are trained that getting a "good deal" means more (2 for 1, double meat, super-size, etc). I had lived in Europe for quite a few years and their approach is far more sensible. Getting a "good deal" meant getting something cheaper. Same portion, but at a cheaper price.
    Yes, I'm British, so am used to the idea of more reasonable size portions. Whenever friends visit the States, the ONE thing they always say is how perfectly ridiculous the size of restaurant meals are.
    Our portions have skyrocketed largely due to marketing vs compeititors to give the customer the perception they are getting MORE for their money. Here we are with triple portions of food and 32oz soda being the "norm" at these places. Its crazy.
    32oz sounded a lot so I just did a conversion. That's nearly a LITRE and I then remembered that a pint is 16oz... So people are getting a TWO PINT serving of soda! :laugh:

    Sorry to butt in but I'm in Ireland, who in the heck could drink a litre of soda with one meal?! That's ridiculous, I used to think some serving sizes were big here! WOW.

    I don't think we have Super-Size here? I haven't been to McDonalds for a very long time but I think you can only get a medium or large meal and the large wouldn't be hugely different from the medium, just more chips and a bigger drink - but definitely not 2 pints of it!! I can't get over that.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I haven't been to McDonalds for a very long time but I think you can only get a medium or large meal and the large wouldn't be hugely different from the medium, just more chips and a bigger drink - but definitely not 2 pints of it!! I can't get over that.
    Incredible... I just looked it up and if you pay extra to make your meal large meal here, you get 500ml of coke, which is about a pint.

    On the plus side, eating out in America would be really cheap for us Europeans, four of us could order one meal and four forks! :bigsmile:
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Just because they gave you more does not mean you HAVE to eat it. Society can set you up to fail,but only YOU can let it happen.

    This almost needs to be on :laugh:
  • my only question is that if you want a 'treat' why eat something so gross? macdonalds, dairy queen, all these places, the ice cream is cheap and nasty tasting, full of additives and garbage; why not go and buy yourself a small tub of good quality ice cream and enjoy a small portion occasionally and now throw more money at a vile company like mcdonalds?
  • gailbeck
    gailbeck Posts: 3
    Go get the portion control cups, then you can eat as many as you feel you are allowed.
  • gailbeck
    gailbeck Posts: 3
    I don't see anything wrong with eating McD or DQ or whoever's ice cream if you like it and can get the right portion. Usually they are pretty portion control as they have standards to follow.