52 year old nurse needs friends



  • defor5050
    defor5050 Posts: 33
    My name is Jackie, welcome to mfp, you will manage to do this with support from everyone on this site, you are more than welcome to add me... Stay positive
  • flossieflo
    add me if you like ive just turned 50 in jan
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi nutenurse,

    I'm 51 but will have to catch you later! I'm heading out the door for my run. :smile:
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Hey thats ok your here now and thats what counts.. Today is a new day and a new start! I am a Surgical Tech and been around here over a year now. Best people for motivation and support are here at MFP!

    I am in "over 50" crowd at 54 and have made mincemeat of the notion you cant lose weight after the age of 50!
    Feel free to add me as I'm not going anywhere and I can always use a new friend and more support and motivation!
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    You can add me if you like. I'm 58 and from SC too!:smile:
  • jojule
    jojule Posts: 10
    :smile: I'm a nurse also, just joined this site. I am a stress eater,it is my drug!I I work nights and often find myself sneaking an extra meal in due to those extra hours that I am awake. I am also ravenous when I first come home in the morning and I can be found standing in front of the fridge mindlessly shoveling whatever into my mouth! I am hoping recording my food intake will help me keep track of what I am actually eating. i had lost some weight last year but I am afraid it is creeping back on.
  • Kast57
    Kast57 Posts: 1
    Iam 54, and a nursing instructor. New to this site,but so far very excited. It has the most extensive food data base I have ever seen. Hoping to lose 30lbs. Getting harder as I get older :(. Any suggestions for a newbie? Not sure how to add friends, sounds like several of us have similar issues and concerns.