Over 300lbs and scared

It's been a long journey....I have never been the skinny girl, I have had body image issues since forever. I have lost weight twice in the past both times I mostly just walked and watched what I ate. I know what I need to do....how come I can't just do it?
Now I am the heaviest I have ever been, the scale shocked me last week....how did this happen....or rather, how did I let this happen. I have two beautiful daughters who are very close to me and look up to me and I am so scared I am teaching them things that will end up leaving them with the same weigh issues I have. I am now a weight that is beginning to cause me health problems and 2.5 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which will apparently make it even harder to lose weight then it has been in the past??!!?!!
I know what I have to do but it's hard to break old habits
Healthier eating is hard, especially in northern ontario where produce costs twice as much as it should!
I don't want to end up with liver problems or diabetes (two things my last round of bloodwork showed I am getting a little to close to having problems with)
I am scared I won't be able to do this and I will disappoint myself and my family.
I am scared my daughters will end up just like me
I am scared my excuses will be my downfall
I am scared that time will discourage me
I am scared that if I don't do this I will die fat and unhealthy
I am scared...............


  • mccarol1956
    mccarol1956 Posts: 422 Member
    It's been a long journey....I have never been the skinny girl, I have had body image issues since forever. I have lost weight twice in the past both times I mostly just walked and watched what I ate. I know what I need to do....how come I can't just do it?
    Now I am the heaviest I have ever been, the scale shocked me last week....how did this happen....or rather, how did I let this happen. I have two beautiful daughters who are very close to me and look up to me and I am so scared I am teaching them things that will end up leaving them with the same weigh issues I have. I am now a weight that is beginning to cause me health problems and 2.5 years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism which will apparently make it even harder to lose weight then it has been in the past??!!?!!
    I know what I have to do but it's hard to break old habits
    Healthier eating is hard, especially in northern ontario where produce costs twice as much as it should!
    I don't want to end up with liver problems or diabetes (two things my last round of bloodwork showed I am getting a little to close to having problems with)
    I am scared I won't be able to do this and I will disappoint myself and my family.
    I am scared my daughters will end up just like me
    I am scared my excuses will be my downfall
    I am scared that time will discourage me
    I am scared that if I don't do this I will die fat and unhealthy
    I am scared...............

    I understand the fear and I know fear can stop you dead in your tracks. Perhaps if you look at this as the lifestyle change it will have to be instead of a diet it will help.

    Start with small weight loss goals such as 5% weight loss or even less! Change your goals as you meet them. Be sure to measure yourself and track your measurements.

    Accept the fact that you will not lose every week. Accept that some weeks, even when you have eaten what you should you will gain, do not quit because you have gained.

    Get exercise that can include your children, walking is great exercise! Be outside together, get fit together. Increase your exercise regularly.

    Log everything that goes into your mouth but do not be afraid to eat, eating is not the problem, it is they amount and types of food you put into your body. Remember the goal is to become healthy, not to deprive yourself. Eat all your calories and eat all your exercise calories back. Remember your body needs fuel to function. Learn about net calories, BMR, and TDEE. You can do that by reading here and by going to www.fat2fitradio.com

    Read on here, learn about healthy eating, make changes one at a time if necessary. Make this change with all the knowledge you can! Knowledge makes things far less scary.

    Take each day as it comes. Set a daily goal or two. I started with the goal of drinking 5 glasses of water a day, I increased it weekly.

    Remember that this weight did not come on overnight and that it should take a long time to take it off. Be happy with even the smallest changes 0.1 lb losses are still losses. With exercise there will be times you lose inches not lbs. Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting, do they feel loser? YAY!!

    I could ramble on and on but what I am trying to say is take it one day at a time. Do not give up. Include your family in the changes. Pay attention to how you feel. You can do this!
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I know it can seem discouraging to look at that ticker, with such a big goal (my initial goal is to lose 151 pounds-half my original weight). Early on, I would feel like it was so far away, and I couldn't make it move fast enough. But, one day at a time, one week at a time, making healthier decisions today than I did a month ago, it will get better. It has taken me 2.5 years, with a couple smallish setbacks, but I am now 2/3 of the way across that ticker. Just remember that a setback today does not mean you have ruined the whole journey. Start with small steps, that you can live with.
  • kim8184
    kim8184 Posts: 56 Member
    What ever you do, don't give up. Even if on day on your journey you fall off the wagon, don't give up, the next day is a new one. You have to have the mind set that this is not a "diet" and "exercise" program you want to follow. You have to tell yourself that this is going to be a life style change. That you are going to do this for the rest of your life, not just to lose the weight. You will be able to do this, you can do this. Add me, I will be more than happy to offer any support and encouragement that you need. I would love to lose 70 more pounds. We CAN do this together. It won't be easy, but boy will it be worth it.
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    You have gotten started in the right direction by joining this website!!!
    There is a lot of motivation, support, and guidnace on here.
    Join some groups, find some awesome "losers", and ask questions!!!
    Good luck!!
  • skohl83
    skohl83 Posts: 23
    It is hard to admit that you are scared, good for you. I cannot wait to hear about your success story, I know you can do it!!!
  • 130annie
    130annie Posts: 339 Member
    Hi.....You are the only one who can do it......We can help and encourage you....

    Now sit down and think about how you are going to approach it....

    Plan you meals and when you feel more confident, plan your exercise....

    I wish you well......So my dear......To it!
  • princessquitealot
    princessquitealot Posts: 58 Member
    You are scared, but you are also brave. I'm new here, but what I've learned is that this site is more powerful than fear.
    This site is more powerful than food.
    This site is more powerful than any one of us alone.
    This site may just be saving lives.
    This site can help.
    Stick around for a while, and work the scared off.
  • lgalloway1940
    lgalloway1940 Posts: 23 Member
    When I started this weight lose journey I weighed 303. I have played around with trying to lose but not really trying. I've lost 53 lbs but its taken 3 yrs. Just think - I could be at my goal by now. But then again, if I hadnt been trying a little ,no telling how high my weight would be now. So just remember , dont give up!!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You can do it! Break up the larger goal into smaller more manageable ones. Think of this as a new "lifestyle" not as a diet.

    Just make better decisions, ONE decision at a time. You don't have to be perfect .... nobody is perfect. If you have more "good" days than "bad" days ... you will lose the weight.

    Good luck!
  • psmullins
    psmullins Posts: 4 Member
    While on my weight loss journey, I have found myself to become more confident. My highest weight was 309. I'd lose and then I'd gain and then I'd lose again and gain even more. It was like a roller coaster ride. I've lost 55 pounds all together and 10 pounds while on MFP and I still get scared. What if I quit and gain it all back? What if I just give up on myself? I look in the mirror and don't like what I see but I know II am the only one that can change me. Only I can become what I want and need to be. Make sure you are dieting for you. Make dieting all about you!! Anytime I need inspiration, I get on this website and look at all the success stories written by people just like me. We've all gone through the same feelings and once you know you are not alone...once you realize you are not the only one who has those same exact thoughts...you'll have the power to continue.

    I went through it just last week. I wanted to quit and I found a friend on here and she gave me that lift to boost my inspiration and I am still tredging on. If you need a friend, please feel free to add me. We can do this together.
  • kebrina1983
    Don't Give Up...Fight For Your Life!!

    Take small steps, portion control, work out as much as you can and you will make it.
  • ArtemisMoon
    ArtemisMoon Posts: 144
    I get overwhelmed with too much change if I try to do too much too quickly. You start feeling desperate for old habits and that just makes things more difficult for you in the long run. The most practical advice I can give you is to start with one lifestyle change. Maybe you like sugary drinks? And perhaps the rest of your family does, too? Buy some filtered pitchers and water bottles and stop buying the sweet drinks. Save them for occasional trips out to eat. If you succeed in this one task, that will make a huge difference for your family as well as for your confidence. When you realize you've beat your addiction to sweet drinks, tackle something else, like perhaps adding one small workout to your daily routine. take an evening walk with your family every day. One small success at a time can create feelings of control, success, and confidence! And those with gradually spill over into other bad habits as you choose to tackle each one and take control.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Check out this group!

    Its a group for those of us who started at ove 300 lbs. There are lots of us out there who feel the same, struggle the same, want the same. Join us for support, motivation, fun challenges, and like minded people.
  • 65sabine
    65sabine Posts: 2 Member

    Get Up - Get Out - Go Get It