College is just breaking me down...



  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    If that college is not making you happy, I'd seriously consider looking into another school, or living off campus. Yes, it does take time to get to know new people, but no one deserves to feel constantly attacked. You have to go where you feel loved and appreciated, or at least less ridiculed. Maybe consider volunteering off-campus. Just because you're away at school, that doesn't mean that your school has to be the center of your social life. You're there to learn, and college is too damn expensive nowadays to spend your time miserable.
  • Poor you! I agree with alot of the posts and college can be a very difficult place to make friends as there is alot of peer pressure. My advice is to focus on why you are there, study hard, join a couple of clubs and you will soon make friends. There will be other people there who miss home too and who are just as nice as you.

    Your boyfriend is right though it's not easy - ignore anyone who makes horrible personal comments. Laugh it off or say nothing - they only show themselves in a bad light.

    Your situation will improve with time so hang in there and get studying in that library!
  • lizsuntx
    lizsuntx Posts: 2
    Deleting, blocking, and ignoring them is the best you can do. Just remember, they're jealous of you and your success, and they attack you to make themselves feel better. Don't give them the attention they seek, and just keep surrounding yourself with positive people. Good luck! *hug*
  • mjoekidd
    mjoekidd Posts: 45
    I know it is hard. I have gone through simular hardships at my university. I know it is easy for me to say you will make it but the fact of the matter is that YOU WILL MAKE IT. I am glad you felt comfortable enough to vent and share your feelings openly on MFP. Good for you. The people on MFP are awesome and you will find a really supportive community here. Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy too. Keep leaning on his shoulder.

    Once you graduate and find a job you will have forgotten all about those A-holes. AND!! You will have reached your MFP goal :-D

    Good luck to you and keep your head up.

  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I am really sorry that you experienced that. There's this common perception that college is fun and full of friends and events, but it doesn't seem to hold true for a lot of people. I went all the way through college without making a single friend from school. But you know what? I also worked my whole way through school, and it was the people working next to me, people from wildly different backgrounds and perspectives from my own, people who I didn't have any obvious commonalities with, who ended up being my friends during that time. In my experience, the college culture did not fit for me. I wanted an education, not immature drama, but it seemed like most of my classmates were there to put off life and responsibility rather than participate in it.

    All I'm trying to say is that if those people tend to treat you badly, look elsewhere. You mention that you've made new friends who do support you, and that's great! There are a lot of people who think that kindness and understanding are weaknesses. They're wrong, and hopefully they'll learn it sooner rather than later (but it always comes back to bite them in the *kitten*). Find the people who genuinely like you for who you are and remind yourself that those who treat you badly are demonstrating only their own issues, not yours.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    It sounds like a sad situation and you definitely don't deserve it. As has already been said, you need to cut these people out of your life. Block them on twitter and FB and don't engage in the hating. You have a boyfriend who cares about you and friends you deserve.
  • CMary192
    CMary192 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for taking your time for writing me encouraging work. Im trying really hard to not let this set me back!
  • beemw1
    beemw1 Posts: 1
    I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that. Being bullied in high school is almost expected but in college you would hope people have the maturity to get over things like that.

    Online bullying is easier for people too - because they can hide behind their phones/computers etc., I bet if these people were confronted they would back down like the cowards they are.

    When you cut them out of your life, it will still sting for a little bit but you will learn that those people drain you and are not worth the energy you could be putting into something more positive for you.
  • JadaDLee
    JadaDLee Posts: 1
    Life is too short to deal with ignorant or hateful people. I've dealt with a few people who throw out Hispanic jokes too in my life, and I've had some white girl jokes (I'm a halfer) so I know what that's like. Stay strong, Chica, and just push this horrible people from your life. Block, delete, ignore. You don't need this and you're doing such a great job getting in shape. You should be around those who celebrate you, not put you down.
  • asharriaga18
    asharriaga18 Posts: 1 Member
    I know you're going through a tough time right now, and being bullied is a really REALLY hard situation to be put in. and i know its hard to just let it go because its like you hear something new every day, but people say mean words to people about there physical appearances because they have nothing else to say. thats the only bad thing they can think of, and because they know what gets people going. your college experience shouldn't be this way. Its just the people you used to be associated with are immature. I mean come on, look at the guy who tweeted about you?! perfect example of being immature! you're strong, BEAUTIFUL, smart, and a great person to be around, and you're doing wonderful things with you're life by being in school, and getting yourself into better shape! (8
    stay beautiful my friend!!! don't let them get to you!