Hi...my name is Karen and I AM ADDICTED to sugar!

I try to stay away from it and I even stop buying the sweets from the store but I still crave it!

Sometimes I will buy some chocolate for the TOM and hide it so it is out of site out of mind. But there are times that I will go into my kids rooms and search for sweets!!

HELP I can NOT stop!!

I have never done drugs but I can imagine that this may be what a drug addict goes through. Once I get my sugar fix I am fine but I can NOT go a day with out it! Some days are worse than others and I just don't know what to do!

Any suggestions on how to stop the sweet tooth? :ohwell:


  • iLinduh
    iLinduh Posts: 50 Member
    Eat fruits
  • esmithy
    esmithy Posts: 6 Member
    Your body craves the sugar because it is being fed the sugar. You have to completely get all of the sweets out of your system before your cravings will begin to subside. Its difficult at first, but it does get easier after a week or two. The same applies to carbs.

    Yes, eat fruits. Fruits such as apples, oranges, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries. Stay away from banana's they are too starchy.
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Baby steps. I found it easier to go cold turkey - no added sugar at all and very little fruit - for a while. After a while I could eat it now and then without getting cravings for more and more.

    But if you are struggling this much maybe rationing would work better for you. Maybe set up a system. You can have X amount per day, or even per week. Or earn it - I can have 1 Hershey kiss for every mile I walk (or 1 cookie every 50 jumping jacks, etc.)

    When you eat sweets, try to eat something else with protein or fiber at the same time so you will get less of a spike in blood sugar. There are some high fiber granola bars that are loaded with chocolate and very sweet. Some of them I find too sweet to eat. Those might be a good substitute for plain chocolate.

    When you are really struggling, sometimes it's best to comprimise with a craving rather than fight it and lose.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    eat sugar.

    seriously, I don't think it really matters. sounds like you can keep it in check and aren't going overboard on it. so why not treat yourself and eat something you enjoy? fit it in your daily limits and enjoy.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    The "cravings" really do stop! I know as I have been "dieting" for the last 6 months and I am a recovering salt/sweets aholic! I would NEVER in a million years believed it possible, but it is! Good Luck :smile:
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    eat sugar.

    seriously, I don't think it really matters. sounds like you can keep it in check and aren't going overboard on it. so why not treat yourself and eat something you enjoy? fit it in your daily limits and enjoy.

    It matters if you're diabetic. Sweetners are empty calories (apart from fruit). Yes, and there might be some nutritional value to honey. But sugar is sugar.

    Everything is okay is moderation.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    eat sugar.

    seriously, I don't think it really matters. sounds like you can keep it in check and aren't going overboard on it. so why not treat yourself and eat something you enjoy? fit it in your daily limits and enjoy.

    It matters if you're diabetic. Sweetners are empty calories (unless fruit). Yes, there might be some nutritional value to honey.

    But sugar is sugar.

    Everything is okay is moderation.

    of course it matter if you are diabetic. I am assuming the OP doesn't have that problem. I should have included 'barring any medical reasons you cannot have sugar,' I suppose.
  • RosesFitNotes
    RosesFitNotes Posts: 13 Member
    be specific. is it sugar?...is it chocolate? "esmithy" is correct. you will go through some withdrawals. 5 or 6 dates are very sweet, but low calories and high fiber. I will sit with a cup of hot tea with my dates and make it last longer. fruit and berries are good choices too. If you are craving chocolate, i buy semi-sweet chocolate chip minis. a tablespoon with a couple of almonds does the trick for me. don't give up!!!!
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I'm another person who needed my sweets.... matter of fact I would rather eat sweets than food. I told my doctor this and she said that it sounded like too much insulin was releasing in my blood to fast. She told me to stop all white carbs and sugars and guess what... I look at a chocolate bar and I DON'T want it. I never thought I would turn my head away from a dark chocolate anything. Now, there are times I still have a taste for something sweet but I turn to fruit or I'll make something that does not have white flour or sugar. Good Luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Yes - the cravings do stop. Been there, done that. The only problem is .... the sugar cravings come back when you eat sugar (doh!). I don't plan on being sugar free for the rest of my life .... so I HAVE to manage it.

    PLAN your sugar, dole it out in small portions ....... or (like I do) eat sugar at only the end of the day. I have a 100 calorie cookie pack, or Ghiradelli chocolate. I find that the semi-sweet is better for me (less sugar) - more chocolate.
  • rockinsue285
    chocolate was my downfall , would have 2 sometmes 3 bars a day, but for 9 weeks now ive only had one bar and that was only because it was bought for me, Fruit is an obvious replacement, however apart from bananas I hate fruit so every day after dinner I have a weight watchers desert my fav being sticky toffee cheesecake, only 185 cals and I incorporate this into my dinner meal. Ive lost 22 lb in 9 weeks so seems to be working