Body Fat Percentage



  • kohmori
    kohmori Posts: 7
    I have a Taylor Body Fat Monitor & Scale. I'm pretty sure it isn't "accurate" but, I don't see wild fluctuations in numbers so it's probably precise enough to be a reasonable indicator of progress. I have dropped about 24 pounds since I joined MFP and by percentage, the scale shows me loosing about 15 pounds of fat. I forgot to write down my body composition by water but I think it has gone up by about 3% points from memory, so that translates to a loss of about 7 pounds for a total loss of about 22 pounds. I assume that means a 2 pound loss of dry muscle mass and possibly bone. I'm sure there is some rounding errors, fuzzy math, and memory (brain) errors, but sounds about right, I think.... In my opinion it is as good as doing the caliper thing at home and a lot eisier to do. Obviously not as good as a dunk tank or a dual energy X-ray absorptiometry but were just tracking progress right?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Do you guys trust the body fat calculation on your scales at home?

    Oh good lord no...
    My actual body fat percentage is 20%
    According to my scale, it's between 25% and 39% ... depending on the day.

    It can and will fluctuate based on how much water is currently in your body. I would not invest in a scale, they are not accurate at all. Calipers are reasonably accurate, or go for a full immersion test. If all you have available to you is a scale that measures bf%, don't bother using it.
  • kilojoule
    kilojoule Posts: 74
    i have a withings scale that is meh - fluctuates like most have said. Bought the calipers for 5 bucks on amazon. These are a great tool. Cheap and easy to use
  • kaceto
    kaceto Posts: 1
    I can now say from personal experience that those scales can be 10% off. Today mine said 33%. This evening, I had the imersion testing done ( most accurate) by Fitness Wave and it showed 23%. So happy to finally know!
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I'm sharing what I have posted on two threads yesterday in regards to Body Fat percentage.

    I own both a body fat scale and Omron handheld monitor and I trust both of them. Some people are against a body fat scale and Omron Handheld Monitor, they feel that these devices aren't accurate, which all devices aren't 100% accurate, the only thing that's said to be 100% accurate is an autopsy and no one will find out their true body fat percentage then.

    Some people think that the body fat scale or Omron handheld aren't accurate, because they have read online or have been told that the Bod Pod, Dunk Test and Dexa Scan are accurate devices. These people probably have gotten tested on a body fat scale or used an Omron handheld body fat monitor and their body fat percentage number was different from the number they have gotten from a Bod Pod test, Dunk Test or Dexa Scan test.

    A Dexa Scan Test will give you a higher body fat percentage than the scale, Omron monitor, Bod Pod and Dunk Test, because it includes the fat in your brain, bones and organs.

    I will list the margin errors according to this site:

    Dexa Scan +/- 2-3% margin error (Cost $100)

    Hydrostatic Weighing/Dunk Test +/-2-3% margin error. Accuracy depends on the amount of air a person expel. If all the air isn't blown out, the test will not be as accurate.

    Bioelectrical Impedance (Body fat scale or handheld monitor). I'm quoting them here: "This method CAN be accurate (4% margin of error) but the results are affected by hydration, food intake and skin temperature. If you're dehydrated, you're body fat percentage will read higher than it is."

    According to this site, the Bod Pod Test has a +/- 3% margin error:

    A body fat scale measures the lower half of the body and an Omron handheld body fat monitor measures the top half of the body. Both devices can give a person the same reading and guess what's the person's total body fat percentage is: Answer: The body fat percentage both devices gave the person.

    For example if both the body fat scale and Omron handheld monitor gives a person a 35% body fat reading. Then that person's total body fat percentage is 35%, why? Because, 35 + 35 = 70 and 70/2 = 35.

    It's possible that both devices can give different readings, but it doesn't mean that one of the devices didn't give the total body's body fat percentage or came close to it.

    Example: The scale can read 35% and the Omron handheld can read 33%. 35 + 33 = 68 and 68/2 = 34. 34% falls between 33% and 35%.

    Some people are top heavy and bottom small and some people are top small and bottom heavy, whatever device they use to measure their smaller half, the reading will be lower than the other device. For example, a woman that's small at the top and bottom heavy can have a top reading of 25% and bottom reading of 35%. Total body percentage: 25 + 35 = 60 and 60 /2 = 30

    I've said all that to say, just because a Bod Pod test, Dunk Test or Dexa Scan has your body fat percentage at 30% and a body fat scale or Omron handheld monitor had your body fat percentage at 35% it doesn't mean the body fat percentage scale or Omron handheld monitor isn't right or close to the body fat percentage reading. Keep in mind, A Bod Pod Test, Dunk Test and Dexa Scan also have a +/- margin error.

    If you want to pay to get a Bod Pod Test, Dunk Test or Dexa Scan test go for it, but if I can suggest something to you, I would suggest, the day before your testing or on the same day if possible, get your body fat percentage tested on a body fat scale and Omron handheld body fat monitor and add the percentages up and divide it by two to see what your percentage comes out to be. Compare the total body fat percentage number to the other test's number to see if they are the same or close. If they are the same or close, I think you should save your money and just focus on using a body fat scale, Omron handheld body fat monitor or both. If you own both, you will come out cheaper than spending money for those other tests, unless you just want to continue spending money on those other tests.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I use my scale with bf % and measurement calculated bf % to monitor progress. I know those are probably not correct numbers, but mine are pretty consistently going down and I only use the actual numbers to make sure I'm not losing too much lean mass. I'll figure out actual numbers when I'm where I think I want to be. :)
  • Emv79
    Emv79 Posts: 245 Member
    the scales can be way off, so your BF% is probably not what it says you are, but as long as it is moving in the right direction you are making progress, regardless if the number is accurate or not.

    I have mine measured at the gym every 1.5-2months (this is a possibility depending on what your gym offers...if they just use a scale like yours, there is no point). But I agree with the guy that posted the above: if your scale shows it going down, then that's a good sign.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 532 Member
    The Navy method is pretty accurate, and you just need a tape measure... here is a website to show you what you need
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Personally, I hate the body fat monitor at our gym. It is an Omron. When I put in all of my stats and my age (42) it says 21%. When I put my age as 21, same stats just different age, it says 17.5%.

    So, I know that these should be a gauge, but the BF monitors are no fun as you get older!! If I keep this same body at age 52, 10 years older, I jump up another 2%....I know because I did it with the age 52! Very discouraging!
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    I have 2 stand on monitors and a hand held. The 2 stand ons are 5% difference! So do I have more fat than I thought? 5% is quite a change :-(.

    I have been using the one scale for 5 months and was disappointed when I hopped on the older scales to find out it increased by 5% so I haven't lost as much as I thought :-(
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have 2 stand on monitors and a hand held. The 2 stand ons are 5% difference! So do I have more fat than I thought? 5% is quite a change :-(.

    I have been using the one scale for 5 months and was disappointed when I hopped on the older scales to find out it increased by 5% so I haven't lost as much as I thought :-(

    Are your 2 scales set to the same settings? Are both of them giving you the same weight? Which one of the scales is your handheld monitor's reading close to?
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    I have 2 stand on monitors and a hand held. The 2 stand ons are 5% difference! So do I have more fat than I thought? 5% is quite a change :-(.

    I have been using the one scale for 5 months and was disappointed when I hopped on the older scales to find out it increased by 5% so I haven't lost as much as I thought :-(

    Are your 2 scales set to the same settings? Are both of them giving you the same weight? Which one of the scales is your handheld monitor's reading close to?

    Yep. Both floor ones are set up the same and weight is similar. The hand held is closer to the old one unfortunately. Which means I am 35 percent body fat and not the 30 I thought I was :-(
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I have 2 stand on monitors and a hand held. The 2 stand ons are 5% difference! So do I have more fat than I thought? 5% is quite a change :-(.

    I have been using the one scale for 5 months and was disappointed when I hopped on the older scales to find out it increased by 5% so I haven't lost as much as I thought :-(

    Are your 2 scales set to the same settings? Are both of them giving you the same weight? Which one of the scales is your handheld monitor's reading close to?

    Yep. Both floor ones are set up the same and weight is similar. The hand held is closer to the old one unfortunately. Which means I am 35 percent body fat and not the 30 I thought I was :-(

    I don't see why the scales are giving you a 5% different reading, if it's giving you the same weight. Do you use all three devices on weigh in days? Change the battery to see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, then put that scale up and just go by the other scale and your handheld monitor.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Because bio impedance is inaccurate. It has a close to 10% margin of error. That's why those scales are useless.
  • At work, we have an Inbody 520 machine. It is not perfect, but is accurate enough to give consistent readings and allows us to make diet/training tweaks to ensure the least amount of muscle loss while cutting. The only problem is the machine costs $7-8,000... If you can find one of these, use it!

    Also, the college I went to used to do hydrostatic weighing for a nominal fee. I'm not sure how common this is, but it is another example of the most accurate readings you can get.
  • CylMcK
    CylMcK Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the information.

    I have had success with the Omron handheld. It was consistently within 1% of a hydrostatic (under water) reading. I have been getting the underwater reading at least once every 3 years or so. When I was training for Ironman, I had it done when I started training and then again just before my race. It was a great feeling. The calipers, underwater weighing and Omron handheld were all within 2-3%.

    However - I have gained some weight since my race and I bought a new BF scale - the Aria which works with my fitbit. I have to compare it to to my handheld, but it does not have an athlete setting. I have been using the athlete setting on my handheld, which aligns well with the water weighing.

    Its all relative and just another fun tool for us information geeks.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm sharing what I have posted on two threads yesterday in regards to Body Fat percentage.

    I own both a body fat scale and Omron handheld monitor and I trust both of them. Some people are against a body fat scale and Omron Handheld Monitor, they feel that these devices aren't accurate, which all devices aren't 100% accurate, the only thing that's said to be 100% accurate is an autopsy and no one will find out their true body fat percentage then.

    Why would an autopsy give a 100% accurate measurement of body fat?
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    Do you have a Bod Pod anywhere near you? I live in Knoxville and just went in one a couple of weeks ago. My body fat % was much different than the body fat scale measurement that my dietician took for me. You should check out the Bod Pod---quick and easy! Mine ended up being 19.6 which was lower than I thought it would be.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    Waste of time and money..... all you need is to know you're not losing strength while dieting (not much anyhow).... know your losing weight.. and watch the mirror.... If you look in the mirror and you think you need to lose more weight, and then a scan tells you you're the percentage you wanted to be, what are you going to do?

    my calipers tell me 8% on a 7 point test.... i know thats BS and I know how to use em... I even tried to get the most fat I could and the highest reading i could make it was 10% which is still too low.... cheap calipers=cheap results...
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    I bought some calipers off of ebay for a couple of quid and you get the chart with it. My guestimation of myself was right though and i'm an average 30% at 142 pounds 5ft 4. Who wants to be average? ha. So Looks like its operation lose a stone and 10% body fat for me!