banish fat boost metabolism

just wondered if anyone has used a heart rate monitor whilst doing BFBM. would be interested to see how many calories you burn


  • bump
  • anybody??
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I suspect you're not getting many responses as your thread title sounds a little like an ad for some questionable supplement. Perhaps if you titled it something like "Calories burned during....." you may get more responses.

    Sorry, I'm not familiar with that program.
  • LOL!! I thought it was quite a well known Jillian Michaels DVD. Thank you for your advice though...I will change the title I think.
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    Just finished RI 30 and before that 30DS so going to buy it tomorrow......looking forward to it!
    Always wear my HRM, so will let you know Tuesday what it says!
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Its been months since I have done that routine, so can't remember exact amount,but when I did I usually burned over 600-700 calories. Not sure how much you have to lose so you may burn more or less than me. Hope that helps.
  • smithmom531
    smithmom531 Posts: 140 Member
    I just did that DVD today :) though I don't have a HRM, sorry. It's essentially a circuit workout. So I recorded it as circuit for however many minutes you do it (I had to workout a certain number of minutes today as per a challenge, so I repeated one of the circuits to get in 60 minutes...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    just wondered if anyone has used a heart rate monitor whilst doing BFBM. would be interested to see how many calories you burn

    Unless someone is of the same age, same weight, and same max HR, and you happen to get the exact same avg HR during the session they got, it will be useless info.

    That's exactly why machine calorie burns are very rough - they don't know how strenuous an effort that pace was for you, even though they know your weight, maybe gender too.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    I log it as high intensity aerobics. So it comes to about 400ish. Most people say 500-600 but if I'd rather assume I'm burning less than go by more and be wrong :P
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I usually burned around 400 calories with my HRM - I weigh around 145.
  • Hi,with HRM I burned just over 400 when I did it the first time and around 330 after doing it for couple of weeks every other day. I weigh around 136.
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I'm 139lbs and I burn around 470 cals if I do the whole thing.

    I've started skipping circuit 6 though, it's just too much.
  • I start with circuit 7 then work my way up to circuit 1. I find that the last circuits are harder so I do them at the beginning when I have more energy!!
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    I start with circuit 7 then work my way up to circuit 1. I find that the last circuits are harder so I do them at the beginning when I have more energy!!

    I've been tempted a few times to do the same, but when she says in circuit 7 that you're almost done, and that you can go easy on the jump rope cos it's the last thing....well that would just kill me if it was only my first circut.

    Ugh, I'm going to do bfbm now, the thoughts are killing me. I really hate it.
  • Go on you can do it!!!! Before you start the thought of it kills you but dont you find that once you have done it you fell so GOO-OOO-OOD?
  • I start with circuit 7 then work my way up to circuit 1. I find that the last circuits are harder so I do them at the beginning when I have more energy!!

    I've been tempted a few times to do the same, but when she says in circuit 7 that you're almost done, and that you can go easy on the jump rope cos it's the last thing....well that would just kill me if it was only my first circut.

    Ugh, I'm going to do bfbm now, the thoughts are killing me. I really hate it.

    Go on you can do it!!!! Before you start the thought of it kills you but dont you find that once you have done it you fell so GOO-OOO-OOD?
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    just wondered if anyone has used a heart rate monitor whilst doing BFBM. would be interested to see how many calories you burn

    Unless someone is of the same age, same weight, and same max HR, and you happen to get the exact same avg HR during the session they got, it will be useless info.

    That's exactly why machine calorie burns are very rough - they don't know how strenuous an effort that pace was for you, even though they know your weight, maybe gender too.

    OMG! I'm sorry but if you don't want to be helpful then perhaps you should just "shut up!" It is a perfectly acceptable question and ye it won't be accurate but it gives someone a guide. some people are just so darn rude!

    going back to the question; I just received the dvd today and I'm hoping to do it tonight (hoping because yesterday I went for a long walk, did an hour of zumba followed by 50 mins kettlecise and my body is started to cease up a bit!!!! haha). I'll let you know when I get it done, either today or tomorrow for you.

    Good luck. x
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Unless someone is of the same age, same weight, and same max HR, and you happen to get the exact same avg HR during the session they got, it will be useless info.

    That's exactly why machine calorie burns are very rough - they don't know how strenuous an effort that pace was for you, even though they know your weight, maybe gender too.

    OMG! I'm sorry but if you don't want to be helpful then perhaps you should just "shut up!" It is a perfectly acceptable question and ye it won't be accurate but it gives someone a guide. some people are just so darn rude!

    Wow, you don't think it's helpful to be educated!?
    Or rather, to have an educated estimate?

    I wasn't rude, I didn't say stupid question because it's not, just uninformed. One gal hardly gets her HR on Zumba over 105 HR, her calorie burn appears terrible because she is light already.

    Without throwing in that extra info, some folks could be led to think they aren't burning much.
    So good to see many of the posts included useful details to give an educated estimate to others wondering, hopefully because of my post stating just such a fact.

    Get over yourself thinking you know what is helpful or not to everyone else.
  • Denise_Valentine
    Denise_Valentine Posts: 93 Member
    I did some research online and the average person burns roughly 450 cals for the full hour. i just started this workout today and it is intense!!! I added this to the database. now this is just a guide and you could really be burning more or less depending on many factors such as height and weight. I always underestimate my cals burned and overestimate my cals consumed. good luck and keep up the good work!!
  • mickeyullrich
    mickeyullrich Posts: 156 Member
    I just did it yesterday with my heart rate monitor for the first time (a polar ft7) and mine read 516 calories. I am 5' 3" and weigh heart rate was at 100% a lot of the time...I have been doing a lot of strength but clearly need to work on my cardio :smile: !