I must be doing something wrong

Please help. I've been doing MFP for almost 2 weeks and did weight watchers for 6 weeks before and not only have I not lost any weight in that time, I actually gained a pound. I'm eating better than I ever have and am staying real close, usually just a little under my points/calories. I'm still short on my water, daily average is only about 4 glasses but since I really don't like water I'm drinking as much as I can each day and trying to increase the number. On most days I have a cup of cereal, 5 fruits/veggies, fiber bar, milk product, and something around 500 calories for dinner. If you read my intro you'll see my health problems and why I can't workout. I've cut out daily junk, candy, and sugar sodas, and limit the diet to less than 1 a day. So what can I improve on. My family has to mostly prepare any foods I eat, so as simple as possible. Thanks in advance for your help.


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Based on your intro, the safest explanation would be a consult with your doctor and/or a nutritionist. Sorry to hear about all your troubles!
  • jude7701
    jude7701 Posts: 23
    I agree with the other post. Your best bet is to see your doctor...and keep your head up! Sometimes it just takes a while for your body to adjust- I have learned that patience is key. If you allow yourself to get stressed about it, it will actually be harder to lose weight! See your doctor, they may have some suggestions that will help!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Arey oue ating enough and do you exercise?
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    Because of your special health problems I think you should consult a nutritionist. Show them this program you will probably find it useful and they can probably set you up on a good diet.
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    I agree that you may need a doctor/nutritionist evaluation to determine the best way for you to lose weight. When you change your eating habits, your body has to adjust to less food :smile: so for a short period it may go into starvation mode before realizing that it has to make do with less food. I haven't read your profile but if you cannot exercise, you have got to burn the calories you eat even if you don't eat much.
    Good luck to you.
  • nshutske
    nshutske Posts: 1
    I use to have this same problem. Until I started drinking Visalus shakes twice a day. I guess its the ingredients like the fiber and protein combination that helps your body loose weight. I have been drinking it for 6 months and have loss 45 lbs. I am not just trying to advertise, it really is a great product that has finally helped me loose weight. And even now sometime I will stop drinking the shake for a week just to take a break and wont loose a lb and within 2 or 3 days of started to drink again I loose a lb or two. I have many friends that drink the shake and have had so many great results. If you want to read more about it go to my website. www.getvi.net or if you want to talk to me personally you can call me. 219-290-9429 I really and so happy now that I have loss so much weight and I want to share that with everyone.
  • espyrale
    espyrale Posts: 11 Member
    consulting with a nutritionist would probably be the way to go, but i would say right off the bat that drinking plenty of water is really really truly essential for health all around and weight loss...not only does it regulate our bodies and flush out toxins but it helps tremendously with our metabolism. Also most people mistake dehydration and the need for water as a sign of hunger, making them eat more than their body really needs. Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Dehydration adds to fatigue, migraines, muscle cramps, irregular blood pressure and a ton of other stuff.
    If you don't like drinking water try adding some lemon or putting in a green tea bag...or any decaffeinated tea for that matter. hydrate yourself if you can! :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I can't see anything on your profile (no health problems or anything) - and your diary is private so there's no way for us to really tell you what you may be doing wrong.

    up your water. it's simple, and you can do that - it's really easy. aim for at least 8-10 cups a day. I typically have betwen 15-20 cups a day. starting with a cup right when I first wake up!

    cut/limit starchy carbs -- I don't eat bread, pasta, rice, potatoes on a normal basis, I only eat these things on my once per day cheat day.

    limit fruit -- very high in sugar, and if you're not working out, you don't need those extra carbs. eat more veggies, add beans to your diet (black beans, canellini beans, etc) - i only eat fruit on my once per week cheat day.

    eat high fiber/high protein. cut packaged stuff. watch your sodium.
  • FlyingNunley
    FlyingNunley Posts: 18 Member
    There are zero calorie flavors you can add to your water if it's the flavor that bothers you. I also got a food scale, measuring cups and measuring spoons. My ball park estimates of food portions were waaaaaaaaaaaaay off. When I started to measure servings and weigh veggies and meats I had accurate calorie counts and the weight started to come off if I kept to my calorie goal for the week.

    Keep in mind 3.5 oz of meat raw cooks to 3 oz.

  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    The site says I'm allowed 1200 calories and I try to stay real close to that. Most of the time I fall a few calories short but if I ate most of my food choices I would be over too much. I can't really exercise, I'm in bed mostly, so I know this is a big problem. I do want to try adding some light arm exercises.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    without looking at your diary it's tough to give an opinion. You may be eating too few calories....
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Your best bet if you can't exercise is to focus on diet. Up your plant intake and remove red meats as much as possible. Check out the following documentaries on Netflix: Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead and Forks Over Knives.