Just started today

Working on loosing a few pounds before my sisters wedding in a year. My biggest problem is eating too much food. Any suggestions on good foods to eat that fill you up let me know.


  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    That's my biggest problem! I think it tastes good, I want to eat it all until it's GONE! I cut out the things I would do that with for a couple of weeks, and now, my all time favoritest food in the world, my beloved macaroni and cheese... is absolutely nasty to me, now. But it could be a mental thing as well, knowing it's all processed. If you're cooking, don't cook as much! Order a SMALL anything. Just so that you have the taste of what you love, but don't get too overboard with the calories. Allow yourself at least half an hour, that's about the time it takes for your body to decide it's full. And if you still feel hungry. HUNGRY, not CRAVING, then have a fruit or vegetable, or a yogurt, string cheese or baby bell, or heck, even a skinny cow ice cream sandwich if you're feeling willy nilly. Hahaha. I added you, as well. I hope these things help for you. It sure worked for me, and now all of my used to be favorite foods, aren't so favorite, anymore. Good luck to you!
  • mhyatt3
    mhyatt3 Posts: 1
    Im an emotional eater and with a baby I always grab the "wrong foods" to go, so I feel your pain. Eating makes me feel food so I eat a lot. My trainer suggested to record when I eat, what I'm eating and how I feel when I eat, from that point you can try to change your mood or realize it before you grab something to eat. She also suggested stretching before I "snack" and the stretching helps calm your body, putting you in a more relaxed mood so you may not want to eat at that moment. Basically, try to figure out why your eating so much at one time, when your eating it (don't eat when you watch tv or on occupied with something else) and when you figure it out try to change your direction to doing something else rather than eating... Easier said than done but you can do it : )

    I'm new here too so anyone, feel free to add me! :)
  • I find foods such as soup, rice and porridge to be very filling (there's scientific reasons for this, which are better explained if you google it). Also, from experience of energy drinks vs. healthy food ~ I've found both banana's and a boiled/poached egg to be good as they slowly release the energy (I found I got too jittery from the former).
    I also googled slow-release foods, which may or may not work for you: http://runbritain.com/articles/top-10-runner-s-foods/
    Hope that helps :)
  • kavdeb
    kavdeb Posts: 1
    Hi, I am new to this, but realise I need help, my problem is the same portion sizes and also knowing when I am hungry and just eating cause I am bored, so hopefully this site will motivate me to lose weight and more importantly get healthy. Debs x:happy:

    Sorry do not know how to add people, but feel free to add me, thanks